HotBrick VPN Client User Manual

HotBrick VPN Client
User Manual
Table of Content
2.1 Software installation 3
2.2 Evaluation Period 4
3.1 System Tray 4
3.2 Hidden User interface 5
3.3 Main window 5
4.1 USB Mode 7
4.2 Configuration Wizard 9
4.3 Tunnel configuration (main window) 11
4.4 Authentication or Phase 1 12
4.5 IPSec Configuration or Phase 2 14
4.6 Certificate management 15
4.7 Global Parameters 16
4.8 Configuration management 17
4.9 Tunnel management (Connections) 17
4.10 Configuration tools 18
4.11 Console 19
5.1 Software uninstall 20
HotBrick VPN Client User Manual Property of HotBrick — 2005
1 Introduction
HotBrick VPN client is a complete IPSec VPN s olution for all Windows versions. It provides full IKE support (preshared keying and X509 certificates) and Nat Traversal. It is compatible with most of the currently available IPSec gateways and also operates as a peer-to-peer VPN in a “point – to – multiple" mode, wit hout a gateway or server.
HotBrick VPN Client provides 3DES, DES and AES encryption and MD5 and SHA authentication.
Our IPSec client is the result of many years of experience in network security and Windows network driver development, as well as extensive research in related areas.
Our IKE implementation is based on the OpenBSD 3.1 implementation (ISAKMPD), thus providing best com­patibility with existing IPSec routers and gateways.
Our offer is specially designed to target OEM clients and System Integrators. We prov ide a fully functional VP N Client solution to complete existing offers . Our IPSec VPN Client ca n be re-branded and source code license is available on demand.
The VPN IPSec Client completes our range of netw ork security pro ducts and lik e all our pro ducts is ea sy to use and to install.
HotBrick VPN IPSec Client is compatible with all curre nt Wi ndows versions: 9x, ME, NT4, 2000, XP.
2 Install
2.1 Software installation
HotBrick VPN client installation is a classical Windows installation that does not require specific information. After completing the installation, you will be aske d to reboot your computer.
stops after the language choice with an error message. After reboot and session login, a window appears for a license number request.
: On Windows NT, 2000 and XP, you must have administrator rights. If it is not the case, the installation
HotBrick VPN Client User Manual Property of HotBrick — 2005
The license number is a string with hexadecimal characters as "0123456789ABCDEF0123". An error message warns user if this value is false.
If the License number is correct, HotBrick VPN Cli ent is activated. You can then find a green/red icon in the taskbar. Right and left click give access to the configuration user interface and “Quit” command.
: After software installation, HotBrick VPN window can be launched:
from user desktop, by double-clicking on HotBrick VPN shortcut
from VPN Client icon available in the taskbar
from menu Start > Programs > HotBrick > VPN > HotBrick VPN
2.2 Evaluation Period
It is possible to use HotBrick IPSec VPN Client during the evaluation period (i.e. limite d to 30 days) by clicking on "Trial" button. When the IPSec VPN Client is on "Evaluatio n" mode, the register window appears at each boot of the client.
3 Software manipulation
HotBrick VPN Client is fully autonomous and can start and stop tunn els without user i ntervention, depe nding on traffic to certain destinations. However it requires configuration.
The VPN Client configuration is defined i n a c onfig urati on file . The software user i nterfac e all ows cre ating , modi­fying, saving, exporting or importing the configurations.
HotBrick VPN Client User Manual Property of HotBrick — 2005
3.1 System Tray
The configuration user interface can be launch via a double click on applicatio n icon (Desktop or Wi ndows Start menu) or by single click on application icon in system tray. Once launched, the VPN Client software shows an icon in the system tray that indicates whether a tunnel is opened or not, using color code.
3.1.1 Color code is the following
Red icon: no VPN tunnel is established Green icon: at least one VPN tunnel is established
Tool tips over VPN Client icon shows the connection status of the VPN tunnel:
"Tunnel tunnelname" when one or more tunnels are established
"Wait VPN ready..." when the IKE service is reinitializing
"HotBrick VPN Client" when the client is up but with no established tunnel.
A left-button click on VPN icon opens configuration us er interface. A right-button click shows the following menu:
"Quit" will close established VPN tunnels, stops the configuration user interface.
"Save & Apply" will close established VPN tunnels and reopen all the VPN tunnels.
"Console" shows log window.
"Connections" opens the list of already established VPN tunnels. Yo u can configure t unnels to open up aut o-
matically when the software starts.
3.2 Hidden User interface
The configuration user interfa ce can be hidden t o the end user. W e provide configur ation tools for IT managers that prevent the end user from changing their configurati on. Access to the configuration user interface can be restricted with configuration tool VPNHIDE. See section 4.10.3 page 18.
In that case, the Main window can not be opened and showed by double-clicking on desktop ic on, by selecting Start menu. Right-click over the icon in taskbar is limited to "Console" access:
HotBrick VPN Client User Manual Property of HotBrick — 2005
3.3 Main window
The main window is made of several elements:
A tree list window (left column) that contains all the IKE and IPSec configuration
Three buttons '”Console”, “Parameters” et “Connections” (left column)
A configuration win dow (right column) that shows the associated tree level.
3.3.1 Main menus
“File” menu is use d for saving and loading a configuration. With this menu, y ou can import or export
VPN configuration.
'Configuration' menu cont ains all actions from tree control right-click menu
'Configuration' menu gives also access to the configuration wizard.
'Tools' menu contains 'Console' and 'Connections' choice.
HotBrick VPN Client User Manual Property of HotBrick — 2005
'?' menu gives access to online help and window 'About'.
3.3.2 Status bar
The status bar displays several information:
The “USB Token box ” (left side) indicates whether the “US B mode” is set “On” or “Off” (see also sec-
tion 4.1 page 7). In case it is set “On”, “USB” will appear.
The “central box ” gives some information about VPN Client Software status (e.g. “opening tunnel in
progress”, “saving configuration rules in progress”, “VPN client start up in progress”, …)
The “light box” (right sid e) gives some informati on about tunnels (e.g. red li ght means at least one tun-
nels is open, green light means no tunnel open, gray light means VPN Client restart pending)
3.3.3 Window 'About'
The 'About' window provides the VPN Client software version. There is also an URL to our web site.
4 Configuration
You’ll find a set of useful VPN Client configuration docume nts available for each of the V PN Client gateway we support. Please go to our knowledge base on our website:
4.1 USB Mode
The VPN Client 2.5 brings the capability to secure tunnel security elements by the use of a USB Stick. Once the "USB mode" is set “On”, you just need to insert the USB stick to autom atically open tunnels. And you
just need to unplug the USB stick to automatically close al l established tunnels. In that mode, no tun nel can be opened.
When you select “USB mode”, the tunnel security elements contained into the configuration are stored onto the USB stick the first time you plug it in.
HotBrick VPN Client User Manual Property of HotBrick — 2005
4.1.1 How to set “USB mode" on?
Select menu File > Configuration M od e
Select USB Stick
Optional: indicates the drive of the USB stick if you’ve plugged it in
Note: At this stage, if an USB stick containing a VPN configuration with tunnel security elements is already plugged in, the associated drive will be auto matically recognized. Please not e also that this is not necessary to insert a USB Stick during this step. In case no USB Stick is pl ugged in, the foll owing pop window will i nform the user:
Once USB mode is set on, the “USB token box ” (status bar) sh ows “USB”. The te xt is gray (i. e. see bel ow) if no USB stick is plugged in. The text is plain when a USB St ick is plugged in.
4.1.2 How to enable the USB Stick?
When you insert a new USB stick, the IPSec VPN Client automatically pr opose to enabl e the USB stick through the following options:
HotBrick VPN Client User Manual Property of HotBrick — 2005
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