HoRNet SRL TOTAL EQ User Manual

HoRNet TOTAL EQ is a precise and versatile equalizer with a handy spectrum
analyzer. The peculiar feature of TOTAL EQ is that every parameter of each
equalizer band can be controlled from the control point on the frequency chart,
this simply means that you will never have to look around to find the controls for
the band you are editing, but everything will be there right at your mouse pointer
them can behave like digital precise EQs or can have analog character. The analog
emulation in this plugin is the most advanced we have ever made, of course it
emulates the saturation of analog gear but also the component tolerance so that
no band behaves like another. In a few words it means a slight level of
unpredictability that make things more interesting and “alive”.
Each band can work like any of the 17 different available filter type, including low
pass, high pass, band pass, high shelf, low shelf and the classic fully parametric
peak equalizer.
In addition to the standard eq controls specific to the filter type, every band can
work as a dynamic filter borrowing the automatic attack and release and the
automatic threshold from our HoRNet DynEQ, this approach gives you easy
control on the dynamic behaviour of the each band without needing many
controls and making dynamic EQ as easy as dragging a dot on the screen.
The plugin also provide global controls that allow you to enable or disable analog
emulation and saturation globally, and the ability to link input and output so that
when you change one the other gets updated accordingly and you can easily drive
the analog engine of the plugin without changing its output level.
To take EQ decision more easily we also added the “EQ LOUD” button that stands
for “equal loudness”, borrowing the code from our CLMS plugin we are able to
keep the loudness level constant no matter what you do to your eq bands, this in
turns gives you the ability to judge your EQ decisions removing the infamous
“loudness bias”
Copyright © 2020 HoRNet SRL - www.hornetplugins.com
The GUI of the plugin revolves around the spectrum analyzer that occupies the
largest part of it. Overlaid on the analyzer we can found the EQ curve that also
acts as control for each of the bands. Double click on any point of the yellow curve
creates a band and brings on the band’s control. To remove an EQ control point
simply double click it again.
On The bottom of the GUI you can easily find the global controls and also a handy
“help” button that when enabled display a quick explanation of every control when
your mouse is over it.
Copyright © 2020 HoRNet SRL - www.hornetplugins.com
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