© 2005 Directed Electronics, all rights reserved G736T 11-05
1. When disarmed and with the ignition On, press the for three
2. The LED will be On continuously even with the ignition Off (this
indicates that system entered VALET mode).
3. In VALET mode, the siren will chirp twice and the parking lights will
flash twice when the door is locked.
4. Exit VALET mode: With the ignition On, press the for three
seconds The LED will extinguish to indicate exit from VALET mode.
IIggnniittiioonn DDoooorr LLoocckk//UUnnlloocckk
1. Turn ignition On, the doors lock after 5-seconds (if programmed on).
Note: the doors will not lock after 5-seconds if a door is left open.
2. Turn ignition Off, the doors unlock immediately.
MMeemmoorryy FFuunnccttiioonn
If the battery is disconnected, the system will remember the condition
prior to the removal of the 12V power.
LLEEDD CCoonnddiittiioonnss
1. Armed: The LED will flash slowly (once per second).
2. Passive arming mode: The LED will flash rapidly.
3. Valet Mode: LED continuously On.
4. Pin Code Entry Blocked: LED will flash at double rate.
DDiissaarrmm AAllaarrmm DDiiaaggn
When the ignition is first turned on, any alarm trigger will be indicated
by the number of LED flashes.
TTrraannssmmiitttteerr LLeeaarrnniinngg
The alarm system is supplied with 2 Code Hopping transmitters. The
system has the ability to recognize up to 4 transmitters at the same
time. New or replacement transmitters can be taught to the system
using the following procedure:
1. Turn the ignition ON and OFF twice and then turn the ignition back
ON within a 7-second period.
2. The LED will flash quickly for 3-seconds.
3. After the 3-second flashing, there is a 1 second break and then the
LED flashes at a 1-second rate.
4. Count the flashes and turn the ignition OFF after the number of
flashes equal to the PIN code.
5. Turn the ignition back ON and press the button on a new
transmitter to teach it to the system.
6. Turn the ignition OFF. Leave the ignition OFF for 10-seconds to exit
the learn routine.
Anti-carjacking feature will stop a car thief from driving far from where
a theft attempt occurred, and to protect you whether the theft was
while you are driving your car or it is parked. The anti-carjacking triggering sequence begins after the thief is a safe distance away from you
and your passengers and allows time for you to notify the authorities of
the theft. Anti-carjacking can be programmed ON or OFF (default is OFF).
It is important to familiarize yourself with anti-carjacking operation.
Carefully read the following instruction so the anti-carjacking feature
can fully protect you and your car.
LED Flashes Trigger Input
2 Shock Sensor
3 Doors
4 Hood/Trunk
5 Ignition
1. Door is opened and closed with the ignition switched ON (Only the
driver’s door, if the driver’s door option is selected), there is a 30
second grace period to allow the driver to exit anti-carjacking.
During this period, the LED will slowly flash.
2. After the grace period, the 30 second warning period will start and
the siren will beep once every 5-seconds as a warning.
3. If the anti-carjacking mode is not exited during the grace period or
the warning period, the system will move to alarming stage where
the siren will sound (constant), the parking lights will flash. The
immobiliser remains disengaged.
4. As soon as the ignition is turned OFF, the immobiliser will engage,
the siren will stop sounding, but the parking lights will continue to
Two methods exist for exiting Anti-carjacking mode depending on the
current stage in the procedure.
1. During grace or warning periods pressing and holding the
button for 2-seconds can be used to exit the anti-carjack mode. If
the incorrect button is pressed the system will immediately move
to the alarming stage.
2. Once the system has entered the alarming period, the button
can not be used to exit the mode, all transmitter operations will be
ignored and the driver must turn off the ignition and enter the PIN
code to exit anti-carjack mode.
Full trigger mode is entered when the siren begins chirping. Only this
procedure will exit Anti-carjacking at this time.
Note: If you are driving the car at this time, pull to a safe
location away from traffic to perform this procedure.
1. Turn the ignition OFF.
2. Turn the ignition to the ON position or start the engine. (The
engine will not start if starter kill is connected.)
3. Within 15 seconds of turning the ignition on press the Valet®
switch and hold it for 1 second.
4. The siren will chirp twice and the lights will flash twice to indicate
Anti-carjacking mode has been exited.
When the ignition is first turned on, the zone (sensor) that has triggered the alarm system will be indicated by the number of flashes from
the LED.
ZZoonnee TTrriiggggeerr IInnppuutt
2 Shock Sensor
3 Doors
4 Hood/Trunk
5 Ignition