Garmin GPS to XLe Application Note
The HE200GPS183 GPS Receiver (GPS183) is an OCS accessory that provides a variety of GPS data to the control
system with a high degree of accuracy. GPS stands for “Global Positioning System” – which consists of a set of earthorbiting satellites and ground stations. GPS allows a portable receiver to calculate with a high degree of accuracy its
current position, time, velocity, etc.
The GPS183 uses NMEA0183 protocol – which is a standard established by the National Marine Educators
Association. The GPS183 utilizes RS-232 for data communications, and is powered by 5Vdc. Most OCS models (NX,
LX, QX) provide an appropriate 5V output on their serial ports. The XLe does not feature a 5V output – it requires an
external 5V, 60mA power supply to power the GPS183.
Products used:
HE200GPS183 Horner GPS
HE-XE105 Horner XLe
Horner GPS Manual MAN0857-01
XLE Hardware Manual MAN0808-01, 0809-01 and 0810-01
GPS Cable Pin out XLe Port Pin out
1. The Yellow wire from the GPS is NOT used
2. The Thicker Black wire is for the supply voltage
3. The XLe pin out is for the port, NOT the cable connector
Wiring Diagram
1 Yellow (Not Used)
2 Red ---------------------------------------------- Supply Voltage 5 VDC
3 Black (small) ---------------------------------- 6 Ground
4 White ------------------------------------------- 7 RXD
5 Black (Thick) ---------------------------------- Supply Voltage Common (0V)
6 Green -------------------------------------------- 8 TXD
Configuration inside of CsCAPE (v8.10 or higher)
Use comm. Port 2 (MJ2) on the XLe. This will keep you programming port (MJ1) available for CsCAPE programming,
diagnostics, and troubleshooting.
Use CsCAPE to set MJ2 protocol to the GPS protocol
1. Open CsCAPE
2. Set the hardware configuration to your
model of XLe
3. Select Program then Protocol Config…
4. From the drop down list on MJ2 select
GPS Protocol v1.03
This will add the GPS Protocol to the MJ2
field. You are now ready to start the three
steps required for any protocol