Horizon Dehumidifier VERT Installation And Operation Manual

VVEERRTT IInnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd OOppeerraattiioonnss MMaannuuaal
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Distributed Exclusively By:
Air Cleaning Equipment, Inc.
Broadway, NC 27332 www.horizondehumidifiers.com
VERT Series Owner’s Manual 1
dd SSaavvee TThheessee IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
Horizon VERT
Fan Switch “
O” = Auto
“I” = Constant
Drain Line Connection
-Push line into to secure
-Release by pushing in blue ring surrounding tube and pull tube out.
VERT Series Owner’s Manual 2
Safety Notes:
The VERT Series Dehumidifier must always be connected using the grounded electrical connection as required from a l l electrical appliances. The warranty is void ed and all responsibility for the operation is born by the owner if non-grounded wiring is utilized.
The VERT Dehumidifiers must only be maintained and serviced by a qualified technician.
The VERT Dehumidifiers are intended only for o peration when oriented with the unit sitting on its casters and level. Any ot her orientation could cause water to come in contact with the electrical co m ponents. Remove plug before moving dehumidifier. If any water may have spread throughout unit, the unit should be opened and allowed to dry thoroughly before reconnected to electric and restarting.
For proper operation, neither the inlet no r discharge should be positioned against a wall. The inlet requires a minimum of 12” clearance and the discha rge n eeds a minimum of 24” clearance.
For proper diffusion of air throughout the room, the dehumidifier should be positioned so that the discharge is flowing in the direction of the greatest free space.
Do not insert any objects into the inlet or discharge. If service is required, ca l l a qualified technician. All work on unit should be done with the unit “off” and unplugged.
Do not use water to clean unit exterior. Only use a damp cloth with unit unplugged.
Do not use unit as shelf or device to hang c l othes. This c ould cause damage to unit.
The inlet filter generally needs cleaned /or replaced no more than once per month.
Check unit on a weekly basis to insure t hat more frequent cleaning is not required.
VERT Series Owner’s Manual 3
+ 5 hidden pages