The area to be controlled should be sealed w ith a vapor barrier. If unit is installed in a
crawlspace, all vents shoul d be sealed.
WARNING: It is recommended to remove dehumidifier from area if applying a liquid
vapor barrier. Some coatings dry via “solvent evaporation,” which can be harmful to
certai n components in yo ur dehumidifier. Allow coating to comple t ely dry and exhaust
vapors pr ior to positioni ng d ehumidifier. Read and follow coating manufacturer’s
instructions completely.
1) Place dehumidifier on level surface
WARNING – If after unit is positioned,
the unit is moved in such a manner that the compressor didn’t remain in a vertical
orientation, wait a minimum o f 2 hours before turning the unit “on.”
NOTE: Dehumidifier can’t sit directly on floor unless the unit is feeding directly into a
sump next t o it. Elevation i s required to allow g ravity flow of condens at e water to drain.
2) Drain Line
o Included drain line attaches to the unit via a compression type fitting on the
discharg e end of the unit. Remo ve the compression nut and slide it over t he
end of the h ose to b e atta ched to the un it. S lide tha t end of the tu be over t he
insert on the compression fitting completely. Tighten compression nut.
o Drain line should be routed to a suitable drain or outside. Drain line must
flow down to drain without any loops, dips or valleys.
o Recomme nded Drain Option – Transit i o n t o PVC Pi p e
Cut a piec e of ¾” ID PVC approxi m at ely 6” long and insert into a ¾”
elbow then attach to a ¾” ID length of PVC to drain. (Note: Keep
the lengt h of PVC drain pipe to a minimum).
Cut a length ( should be les s than 12”) of the supplied flexible tubing
and attach to the compression fi t ti ng on the dehumidifier.
Insert the open end of the tubing into the ¾” pipe so th at it does not
extend into the elbow fitting. For proper flow, a minimum downward
slope of 1” per 10’ run is required. (N ote: If a proper downward
angle is not possible then it is recommended to use a Horizon Eclipse
with the integrated condensate pump or uti lize an external
condensate pump provided by others.)