Hoover HOS456 User Manual

HOOVER - Via Privata Eden Fumagalli - 20047 Brugherio (Milano) - Italy
Estrarre i bracci telescopici e posizionare la griglia porta leccarda C dietro al fermo griglia nella parte frontale. Completare con l’inserimento della leccarda
Questo elettrodomestico è marcato confor­memente alla Direttiva Europea 2002/96/CE sui rifiuti da apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (WEEE). Assicurandovi che questo prodotto sia smaltito correttamente, aiuterete ad evitare possibili conse­guenze negative all’ambiente e alla salute delle persone, che potrebbero verificarsi a causa d’un errato
Il simbolo sul prodotto indica che questo apparecchio non può essere trattato come un normale rifiuto domestico; dovrà invece essere consegnato al punto più vicino di raccolta per il riciclo delle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche. Lo smaltimento deve essere effettuato in accordo con le regole ambientali vigenti per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti. Per informazioni più dettagliate sul trattamento, recupero e riciclo di questo prodotto, per favore contattare l’ufficio pubblico di competenza (del dipartimento ecologia e ambiente), o il vostro servizio di raccolta rifiuti a domicilio, o il negozio dove avete acquistato il prodotto.
trattamento di questo prodotto giunto a fine vita.
• Spostando la manopola (1) sul simbolo viene accesa la lampada
• Posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo
• Regolare l’ora con i tasti e (durante la regola­zione i numeri sul display lampeggiano)
• Posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo
• Regolare la durata con i tasti e (durante la regolazione i numeri sul display lampeggiano)
• Posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo la spia lampeggia
• Premere insieme i tasti
e per 3 secondi
• Confermato smette di lam­peggiare
Selezionare una funzione
di cottura (selettore 2)
• Posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo
• Regolare la durata con i tasti e (durante la re­golazione i numeri sul display lampeggiano)
Selezionare una funzione
di cottura (selettore 2)
• Posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo
• Regolare l’ora di fine cottura con i tasti e (durante la regolazione i numeri sul display lampeggiano)
Display orologio Visualizzazione sicurezza
• Posizionare il selettore sul simbolo
• Dopo il tempo impostato la funzione si spegne da sola; se deve essere fermata prima è necessario portare il tempo impostato a 0 (selettore 1 su e utilizzati i tasti e )
• Premere insieme i tasti e per 3 secondi
• La spia lampeggia
• Al termine della durata impostata la funzione si spegne da sola; se deve essere fermata prima è necessario fermare il forno oppure portare a 00:00 la durata cottura (selettore 1 su simbolo ed utilizzare i tasti e )
• All’ora impostata la funzione si spegne da sola; se deve essere fermata prima è necessario fermare il forno posizionando il selettore 2 sul simbolo
• Permettedi regolare l’ora indicata dall’orologio del forno
• Permette di avere un segnale sonoro (per alcuni secondi) al termine del tempo impostato
• Non permette di cambiare le impostazioni del forno (neanche girando acciden­talmente i selettori)
• Permette di memorizzare
l’ora di fine cottura
• Al termine dell’imposta-
zione posizionare il selet­tore 1 sul simbolo per visualizzare l’ora corrente
• Per visualizzare il tempo
programmato posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo
• Permette di memorizzare l’ora di fine cottura
• Al termine dell’impostazione posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo per visua­lizzare l’ora corrente
• Per visualizzare il tempo programmato posizionare il selettore 1 sul simbolo
• Questa funzione è utile per ispezionare il forno quando spento
• Regolare l’ora utilizzando i tasti e durante la re­golazione i numeri sul display lampeggiano
• Viene utilizzato come promemoria
Il funzionamento della
funzione è indipendente dal forno (può essere utilizzato anche a forno spento)
• Attivata a forno spento non permette l’accensione del forno stesso
• Attivata a forno funzionante non permette di cambiare le impostazioni del forno (spostamento accidentale dei selettori)
Attenzione: il forno può essere ancora spento girando il selettore 2 sulla posizione 0
• Al termine della durata di cottura impostata ferma automaticamente il forno ed avvisa, per alcuni secondi, con segnale sonoro
• Tipicamente si utilizza que­sta funzione con la funzio­ne ‘durata cottura’ - ad esempio il cibo desidrato deve cuocere per 45 minuti e desidero sia pronto per le ore 12:30; in tal caso selezionare la funzione di cottura desiderata
impostare la durata cottura a 45 minuti impostare la fine cottura alle 12:30
la cottura avrà automa­ticamente inizio alle ore 11:45 (12:30 meno 45 mi­nuti), all’ora impostata come fine cottura il forno si spegne automatica­mente
Attenzione: impostando solo la fine cottura e non la durata della cottura la cottura inizierà subito e terminerà all’ora di fine cottura impostata
Visualizzazione funzioni
Il programma esegue alcuni controlli ad ogni impostazione e in conseguenza può essere percepito un piccolo ritardo sulla partenza
Tasti regolazione
la prima operazione da eseguire dopo instal­lazione o interruzione di corrente (tali situazioni si riconoscono perché sul display lampeggia l’ora 12:00) é la regolazione dell’orologio, altrimenti il forno non funziona.
3 IT
Visualizzazione sicurezza Display temperatureDisplay orologio
Impostazioni funzioni
Visualizzazione funzioni
Tasti regolazione
• Se l’orologio non viene impostato il forno non funziona e sul display lampeggia l’ora 12:00.
Per avviare la cottura è necessario selezionare una funzione con la manopola (2), sul display si illuminerà il simbolo corrispondente e la temperatura automaticamente pre-definita lampeggerà, se si desidera modificare tale temperatura, agire sui tasti o . Dopo qualche secondo il forno entrerà in funzione, ma è possibile regolare il programmatore per l’avvio differito all’ora desiderata (si veda il capitolo “Il programmatore”). Il simbolo della funzione cottura lampeggerà fino a che il forno non avrà raggiunto la temperatura indicata sul display, raggiunta smetterà di lampeggiare e un suono avviserà l’utente.
Nota bene: È possibile interrompere il funzionamento del forno in qualsiasi momento riportando la manopola (2) sullo “ ”.
220° C
Programma di prova secondo CENELEC EN 50304 utilizzato per la definizione della classe energetica.
180° C
50°-240° C
50°-230° C
Convezione naturale
Sono in funzione la resistenza suola e la resistenza cielo forno. È la cottura tradizionale, ottima per arrostire cosciotti, selvaggina, ideale per biscotti, mele al forno e per rendere i cibi molto croccanti. Si ottengono buoni risultati per cotture su un ripiano con regolazione della temperatura da 50 a 240°C.
Forno ventilato
È in funzione la resistenza circolare posteriore con l’ausilio della ventola interna al forno. L’aria calda viene ripartita sui diversi ripiani; è l’ideale per cuocere contemporaneamente diversi tipi di cibo (carne, pesce, senza mescolare sapori e odori). Cottura delicata - indicata per pan di Spagna, torte margherita, pasta sfoglia, ecc.).
Impostazioni funzioni
forno (cottura)
Visualizzazione modi
160° C
60° C
20° C
40° C
200° C
210° C
190° C
50°-220° C
180°-240° C
50°-200° C
Suola ventilata
Adatta per cotture delicate (torte-soufflè).
Mantenimento in caldo
Utilizzo intermittente della resistenza di suola e di cielo con l’ausilio della ventola. La temperatura è pre-regolata a 60°C costanti (per questa funzione non è possibile modificare la temperatura di funzionamento). Ideale per tenere in caldo i cibi appena cotti senza rischio di sovracottura, è molto pratico anche per riscaldare le stoviglie che devono essere servite calde.
Scongelamento a temperatura ambiente
Questa posizione permette di far circolare l’aria a temperatura ambiente intorno al cibo surgelato facendolo così scongelare in pochi minuti senza modificare od alterare il contenuto proteico.
Utilizzo intermittente della resistenza di suola e di cielo con l’ausilio della ventola. La temperatura è pre-regolata a 40°C costanti (per questa funzione non è possibile modificare la temperatura di funzionamento). Questa funzione permette di scongelare rapidamente prima della cottura.
Funzione pastry
Il calore avvolgente in questa funzione ricrea un ambiente simile a quello dei forni a legna.
Grigliatura tradizionale a porta chiusa
In questa posizione viene inserita la resistenza del grill a raggi infrarossi. Ottima nella cottura di carni di medie e piccolo spessore (salsicce, costine, bacon).
Grill ventilato a porta chiusa
L’aria, riscaldata dalla resistenza grill, viene aspirata dal ventilatore che la riversa sulle vivande alla temperatura desiderata tra 50 e 200°C. Il grill ventilato sostituisce egregiamente il girarrosto e garantisce ottimi risultati con pollame, salsicce e carni rosse, anche in quantità rilevante.
200° C
Programma di prova secondo CENELEC EN 50304.
50°-230° C
Forno ventilato
Sono in funzione la resistenza di suola e di cielo con l’ausilio della ventola interna al forno. Questa funzione è indicata per la cottura di pollame, pesce, pane, ecc. Questo sistema di cottura assicura anche una buona distribuzione del calore e quindi è possibile cuocere su ampia superficie qualsiasi pietanza.
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Thank you for choosing one of our products. To get the most out of your oven we recommend that you:
• Read the notes in this manual carefully: they contain important instructions on how to install, use and service this oven safely.
• Keep this booklet in a safe place for easy, future reference.
When the oven is first switched on it may give out acrid smelling fumes. This is because the bonding agent for insulating panels around the oven has been heated up for the first time. This is a completely normal, if it does occur you merely have to wait for the fumes to clear before putting the food into the oven. An oven by its very nature becomes very hot. Especially the glass of the oven door. Do not allow children to go near the oven when it is hot, especially when the grill is on. A specially designed protector shield (some models only) which reduces considerably the surface temperature of the oven door can be obtained through our service organization. This shield is recommended for households with young children.
The parts of this appliance that may come into contact with foodstuffs comply with the provisions of EEC Directive 89/109.
This appliances complies with Directives 89/336/EEC,
73/23/EEC and following changes. When you have unpacked the oven, make sure that it has not
been damaged in any way. If you have any doubts at all, do not use it: contact a professionally qualified person. Keep packing materials such as plastic bags, polystyrene, or nails out of the reach of children because they are dangerous for children.
The oven must be used only for the purpose for which it was designed: it must only be used for cooking food.
Any other use, e.g. as a form of heating, is an improper use of the oven and is therefore dangerous. The manufacturers cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by improper, incorrect or unreasonable use.
When using any electrical appliance you must follow a few basic rules.
– Do not pull on the power cable to remove the plug from the
socket. – Do not touch the oven with wet or damp hands or feet. – Do not use the oven unless you are wearing something on
your feet. – Do not allow children or irresponsible people to use the oven
unless they are carefully supervised. – It is not generally a good idea to use adapters, multiple sockets
for several plugs and cable extensions. – If the oven breaks down or develops a fault switch it off at the
mains and do not touch it.
If the cable is at all damaged it must be replaced promptly.
When replacing the cable, follow these instructions.
Remove the power cable and replace it with one of the HO5RR-
F, H05VV-F, H05V2V2-F type. The cable must be able to bear
the electrical current required by the oven. Cable replacement
must be carried out by properly qualified technicians.
The earthing cable (yellow-green) must be 10 mm longer than
the power cable.
Use only an approved service centre for repairs and ensure
that only original parts are used. If the above instructions are
not adhered to the manufacturers cannot guarantee the safety
of the oven.
Installation is the customer’s responsibility. The manufacturers have no obligation to carry this out. If the assistance of the manufacturer is required to rectify faults arising from incorrect installation, this assistance is not covered by the guarantee. The installation instructions for professionally qualified personnel must be followed. Incorrect installation may cause harm or injury to people, animals or belongings. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for such harm or injury.
Fit the oven into the space provided in the kitchen unit; it may be fitted underneath a work top or into an upright cupboard. Fix the oven in position by screwing into place, using the four fixing holes in the frame.
To locate the fixing holes, open the oven door and look inside. To allow adequate ventilation, the measurements and distances indicated in the diagram on last page must be adhered to when fixing the oven. Note: For ovens that are combined with a hob unit the instructions contained in the manual for the hob unit must be followed.
If the oven is to work properly, the kitchen housing must be suitable. The panels of the kitchen unit that are next to the oven must be made of a heat resistant material. Ensure that the glues of units made of veneered wood can withstand temperatures of at least 120 °C. Plastics or glues that cannot withstand such temperatures will melt and deform the unit. Once the oven has been lodged inside the unit, the electrical parts must be completely insulated. This is a legal safety requirement. All guards must be firmly fixed into place so that it is impossible to remove them without using special tools.
Remove the back of the kitchen unit to ensure an adequate current of air circulates around the oven. The hob must have a rear gap of at least 45 mm.
Plug into the power supply. Ensure first that there is a third contact that acts as earthing for the oven. The oven must be properly
If the model of oven is not fitted with a plug, fit a standard plug to the power cable. It must be able to bear the power supply indicated on the specifications plate. The earthing cable is yellow­green. The plug must be fitted by a properly qualified person. If the socket and the plug are incompatible the socket must be changed by a properly qualified person. A properly qualified person must also ensure that the power cables can carry the current required to operate the oven. An ON/OFF switch with a minimum distance of 3 mm between contacts may also be connected to the power supply. The connections must take account of the current supplied and must comply with current legal requirements. The yellow-green earthing cable must not be governed by the ON/OFF switch. The socket or the ON/OFF switch used for connecting to the power supply must be easily accessible when the oven has been installed. Important: During installation, position the power cable in such a way that it will not be subjected to temperatures of above 50°C at any point. The oven complies with safety standards set by the regulatory bodies. The oven is safe to use only if it has been adequately earthed in compliance with current legal requirements on wiring safety. You must ensure that the oven has been adequately earthed.
The manufacturers cannot be held responsible for any harm or injury to persons, animals or belongings caused by failure to properly earth the oven.
WARNING: the voltage and the supply frequency are showed on the rating plate (fig. on last page).
The cabling and wiring system must be able to bear the maximum electric power required by the oven. This is indicated on the specifications plate. If you are in any doubt at all, use the services of a professionally qualified person.
7 GB
The oven features a new shelf safety system. This allows you to pull out the oven shelves when inspecting the food without danger of food spillages or shelves falling accidentally out of the oven. To remove the shelves pull out and lift.
Slide out the runners and position the shelf support C behind the shelf stop located at the front side of the kit. Complete assembly by inserting drip tray D
Grilling makes it possible to give food a rich brown colour quickly. For browning we recommend that you insert the grill onto the fourth level, depending on the proportions of the food (see fig. page 11). Almost all food can be cooked under the grill except for very lean game and meat rolls. Meat and fish that are going to be grilled should first be lightly doused with oil.
For recommended cooking times and temperatures the first time you use the oven, refer to the tables on pages 11, 12. You may then wish to vary these times and settings in the light of your own experience.
Special self-cleaning panels covered in a micro-porous coating are available as optional extras for all models. If they are fitted, the oven no longer needs to be cleaned by hand. The fat that is splattered onto the sides of the oven during roasting is eliminated by the microporous coating which breaks the fat down by catalysis and transforms it into gas. Excessive splattering may nevertheless block the pores and therefore hinder self-cleaning. The self-cleaning capacity may be restored by switching on the empty oven to maximum for about 10-20 minutes. Do not use abrasive products, metal cleaning wads, sharp objects, rough cloths, or chemical products and detergents that may permanently damage the catalytic lining. It is a good idea to use deep roasting trays to roast fatty foods such as joints of meat etc. and to put a tray underneath the grill to catch surplus fat.
If the walls of the oven are so thickly coated in grease that the catalytic lining is no longer effective remove surplus grease with a soft cloth or sponge soaked in hot water. The lining must be porous for self-cleaning to be effective.
N.B.: All catalytic linings currently on the market have a working life of about 300 hours. They should therefore be replaced after about 300 hours.
Before calling the Service Centre If the oven is not working, we recommend that: you check that the oven is properly plugged into the power supply.
If the cause of the fault cannot be detected: disconnect the oven from the mains, do not touch the oven and call the after sales service.
Before calling the Service Centre remember to make a note of the serial number on the serial number specifications plate (see fig. on last page).
The oven is supplied with a guarantee certificate that ensures that it will be repaired free of charge by the Service Centre.
Clean the stainless steel and enamelled surfaces with warm, soapy water or with suitable brand products. On no account use abrasive powders that may damage surfaces and ruin the oven’s appearance. It is very important to clean the oven each time that it is used. Melted fat is deposited on the sides of the oven during cooking. The next time the oven is used this fat could cause unpleasant odours and might even jeopardise the success of the cooking. Use hot water and detergent to clean; rinse out thoroughly. To make this chore unnecessary all models can be lined with catalytic self-cleaning panels: these are supplied as an optional extra (see the section SELF-CLEANING OVEN WITH CATALYTIC LINING). Use detergents and abrasive metal pads like «brillo pads» for the stainless steel grills. The glass surfaces as the top, oven door and warming compartment door must be cleaned when they are cold. Damage that occurs to them because this rule was not adhered to are not covered by the guarantee. To replace the interior light: switch off the mains power supply and unscrew bulb. Replace with an identical bulb that can withstand very high temperatures.
This appliance is marked according to the European directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. The symbol on the product indicates that this
product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment Disposal must be carried out in accordance with local environmental regulations for waste disposal. For more detailed information about treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
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• When knob (1) is turned to the symbol, the light comes on
• Turn the selector knob (1) to the symbol.
• Using the and buttons, set the time of day (while setting, the numbers on the display will flash)
• Turn selector knob 1 to the symbol.
• Set the cooking time using the and buttons (while setting, the numbers on the display will flash)
• Turn the selector knob 1 to the symbol. The indicator light will flash.
• Press the and buttons at the same time, for three seconds.
• The setting is confirmed when the light stops flashing.
• To select a cooking fun-
ction use (selector knob 2)
• Turn selector knob 1 to the symbol
• Set the cooking time using the and buttons (while setting, the numbers on the display will flash)
• Select a cooking func­tion (selector knob 2)
• Turn the selector knob to the symbol.
• Set the end of cooking time using the and buttons (while setting, the numbers on the display will flash)
• Turn the selector knob to the position
• When the set cooking time is up, the oven will auto­matically switch itself off. If you need to stop it before then, you must turn the set time to 0 (selector knob 1 on and then use the and buttons)
• Press buttons and together for three seconds. The light flashes.
• When the cooking time is up, the oven will switch it self off. If you need to stop it before then, the oven must be switched off, or the cooking time must be turned to 00:00. (selector 1 to symbol , and use the and buttons)
• At the pre-set time the oven automatically switches itself off. If you need to stop it before then, switch the oven off by turning the selector knob 2 to the
• Allows you to regulate the time shown on the oven clock
• Provides an audible alarm signal (for a few seconds) at the end of cooking time.
• The oven settings cannot be altered (even when the knobs are accidentally adjusted)
• Allows the end of cooking
time to be stored in the memory.
• When the cooking time
has been set, turn selector knob 1 to the symbol to display the time of day.
• To display the programmed
time turn selector knob 1 to the symbol.
• Allows the end of cooking time to be stored in the memory.
• When the cooking time has been set, turn selector knob 1 to the symbol to display the time of day.
• To display the programmed time turn selector knob 1 to the symbol.
• This function is useful for checking that the oven is fully operational.
• Using the and buttons, set the time of day (while setting, the numbers on the display will flash)
NB: Set the clock imme­diately after installing the appliance or after an inter­ruption to the power sup­ply (this is shown by 12:00 flashing on the display).
• Useful as a reminder
This function works
independently of the oven (it can be used even when the oven is not working)
• Operates even when the oven is not on preventing it from being inadvertently switched on.
• Is operational when the oven is on and prevents any alterations to the settings (through acciden­tal turning of the knobs)
NB: the oven can still be switched off by turning se­lector knob 2 to position 0.
• When the set cooking time is up the oven switches itself off automatically and for a few seconds an alarm sounds.
• This function is used typi­cally used with ‘cooking time’ function. For example if the dish has to be cooked for 45 minutes and needs to be ready by 12:30, simply select the required function, set the cooking time to 45 minutes and the end of cooking time to 12:30. Cooking will start automa­tically at 11:45 (12:30 minus 45 mins) and will continue until the pre­set end-of-cooking-time, when the oven will switch itself off automatically.
Clock display Safety display
Programmer function
Control buttons
The first operation to carry out after the oven has been installed or following the interruption of power supply (this is recognizable the display pulsating and showing 12:00) is setting the correct time.
A slight delay will occour when setting a programme, while the oven carries out internal diagnostics.
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Safety display Temperature displayClock display
Programme function
selector knob
Programmer function
Regulator buttons
• If the clock is not set the oven will not work and 12:00 will flash on the display.
To start cooking a function must be selected using knob (2). The corresponding symbol will appear on the display and the automatically pre-set temperature will flash. If you wish to alter that temperature, press the or buttons. After a few seconds the oven will start working, but the programme selector can be regulated so that the start is delayed until the required time (see chapter “The Programmer”). The cooking function symbol will flash until the oven reaches the temperature shown on the display. When that temperature is reached it will stop flashing and an audible signal sounds. The oven can be switched off at any stage by simply turning the selector knob (2) to “ ”.
220° C
Tested in accordance with the CENELEC EN 50304 used for definition of energy class.
180° C
range setting
50°-240° C
50°-230° C
Natural convection
Both upper and lower elements are working. Traditional cooking, best for roasting a leg of lamb or game. Ideal for biscuits and baked apples, and for crisping foods. Best results are obtained by placing on a shelf and regulating the temperature between 50 and 240°C.
Fan oven
An internal fan ensures that the hot air is evenly distributed to all levels in the oven. Ideal for cooking different types of food at the same time (fish, meat, without mixing flavours or aromas). Delicate cooking - recommended for sponge cakes, puff pastry, etc.
Oven function selector
knob (cooking)
Cooking function
160° C
60° C
20° C
40° C
200° C
210° C
190° C
50°-220° C
180°-240° C
50°-200° C
Lower element & fan
Recommended for delicate cooking (soufflés)
Keeping food warm
The upper and lower elements work intermittently with fan assistance. The temperature is pre-set at a constant 60°C (this function does not allow the working temperature to be regulated). Ideal for keeping food hot that has just been cooked, without overcooking it. It is also useful for warming dishes.
Defrosting at room temperature
This function allows air at room temperature to be circulated round the item. In this way the food defrosts in just a few minutes without affecting the content.
The upper and lower elements work intermittently with fan assistance. The temperature is pre-set at a constant 40°C (this function does not allow the operating temperature to be regulated). This function allows rapid defrosting prior to cooking.
Pastry function
The intense heat generated when using this function is similar to that produced in traditional wood-fired pizza ovens.
Traditional grilling with closed door
In this position, the infrared grill element comes on. Excellent for cooking thin or medium slices of meat (sausages, chops, bacon)
Fan grilling with closed door
Hot air from the grill element is circulated around the food by the fan at the required temperature, between 50 and 200°C. The fan is an excellent substitute for the rotisserie and ensures excellent results with poultry, sausages and red meats, also in large quantities.
200° C
Tested in accordance with the CENELEC EN 50304.
50°-230° C
Fan oven
Both the upper and lower elements are working, assisted by the internal oven fan. This function is recommended for cooking poultry, fish, bread etc. This system ensures an even distribution of heat, making it possible to cook any dish on a large tray.
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The overall suggested cooking times set out below are intended as a rough guide only. They may in fact vary according to the quality, the freshness, the size and the thickness of the food cooked and of course cooking time is also partly a matter of taste. Let the food stand for a few minutes before serving because the ingredients continue cooking after they have been removed from the oven.
HANDY TIP: Lower the temperature so as to avoid the surface of the food becoming hard and dry.
Static electric oven Electric fan oven
Food Quantity Shelf Oven
Time of cooking in minutes
Shelf Time
of cooking in minutes
• Pasta
Lasagne Kg 3,5 2 70 ÷ 75 220 2 60 ÷ 65 200
Cannelloni Kg 1,8 2 50 ÷ 60 220 2 40 ÷ 50 200
Oven baked pasta Kg 2,5 2 55 ÷ 60 220 2 45 ÷ 50 200
• Baking (not cakes)
Kg 1
di pasta
10 (pre-heating)
200 2
30 ÷ 35
Shelf position
Put the lasagne into an unheated oven
Put the cannelloni into an unheated oven Put the oven baked pasta into an unhea-
ted oven
Form the dough into a loaf and make a cross with a knife on top of the dough leave the dought to rise for at least 2 hours. Grease the baking tin and put the dough in the middle of it.
Pizza Kg 1 1 190 1 19025 ÷ 35 20 ÷ 25
Pastry (frozen) vol au vents
Focaccia (n° 4)
n° 24 1 220 2 20030 ÷ 35 25 ÷ 30
gr. 200
of dough each
2 200 2 18025 ÷ 30 20 ÷ 25
• Meat
All meats can be roasted in shallow or deep roasting trays. It is advisable to cover the shallow trays to avoid splattering the sides of the oven with grease. The roasting times are the same whether the meat has been covered up or not.
Whole joint of beef
Joint of deboned
Joint of deboned veal
Joint of fillet of beef
Kg 1 3 220 3 20070 ÷ 80 50 ÷ 60
Kg 1 2 220 2 200100 ÷ 110 80 ÷ 90
Kg 1,3 1 220 2 20090 ÷ 110 90 ÷ 100
Kg 1 2 220 2 20080 ÷ 90 80 ÷ 90
Warm the oven for 15 minutes and place the pizzas on the greased baking tray. Garnish them with tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, oil, salt and origano.
Place 24 vol au vents in the oven and bake.
Warm the oven for 15 minutes, grease the baking tray, season the 4 focaccia with oil and salt and leave them to rise at room temperature for at least 2 hours before putting them in the oven.
Put the meat into a deep Pyrex dish and season with salt and pepper; turn the meat half way through cooking.
Cook the meat in a covered Pyrex dish with herbs, spice, oil and butter.
Cook as indicated above.
Cook as indicated above.
• Fish
3 whole trout
or / Kg 1
700 g
2,5 cm slice
2 220 2 20040 ÷ 45 35 ÷ 40
2 220 2 20030 ÷ 35 30 ÷ 25
Sole Kg 1 2 220 2 20040 ÷ 45 35 ÷ 40
Bream 2 whole ones 2 220 2 20040 ÷ 45 35 ÷ 40
11 GB
Cover the trout with salt, oil and onions and cook in a Pyrex dish.
Cook the salmon in an open Pyrex dish with salt, pepper and oil.
Cook the sole with salt and a spoonful of oil.
Cook the bream in oil and salt in a covered dish.
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