(for connecting the wire of the light on this cabinet)
Item# 5750-75906-LTWD Display Cabinet
*** Caution: Please read all instructions carefully before starting the assembly process.
Please note this cabinet can be used alone with can light on by a touch dimmer. Also, when
two or more are bunched together, you can control all can lights by touching one dimmer.
Assembly Steps:
1. When each piece of cabinet is used alone, attach male connector of the power switch (A) to a
wall plug. (See Diagram 1)
2. Touch dimmer is at the inside of right post.

3. If you want to bunch two or more cabinets together, place them all side by side in a desired
4. Leave male connect or o f the c an l ight (C) and female con nector of power sw i tc h (B ) for t he firs t
cabinet (#1) as it is. Keep male connector of the can light (C) and female connector of power
switch (B) off for the rest cabinets (#2, #3, and so on). (See Diagram 2)
5. Connect female connector of the can light (D) (#1 cabinet) with male connector of power wire
(E), then have female conn ec tor o f pow er w i re (F) co nnected to male connector o f the can l i g ht
(C) (the #2 cabinet). (See Diagram 3)
6. Repeat step 5 for the 3rd cabinet and the rest of ones when more than two are bunched
together till each one is connected.
7. Plug in male connector of power switch (A) (#1 cabinet).
8. Touch the dimmer of the #1 cabinet, all can lights connecting together will be on at the same
Cleaning instruction: Clean finished parts with a mild dishwashing liquid and water solution on a damp
cloth. Polish the finish with soft cloth and an industry recognized furniture polish.