Hook Cerliani - Common Sewing Problems User Manual

Common sewing problems, their
- incorrect balance between upper and lower tension - uneven pu ll­off of the upper thread - worn upper tension unit - broken or weakened check spring - bobbin unevenly wound - worn
Uneven stitches
Upper thread
Lower thread
bobbincase tension spring - too coarse or unvene thread - incorrect needle for the thread
- incorrect timing of hook and needle - too little clearance between base and retaining finger - incorrect timing of base and looper ­base does not move freely in hook - poor hook lubrication
- incorrect threading of upper thread - upper thread tension too tight - damaged thread guide - bent or blunt needle - incorrect needle for the thread - needle hole of needleplate too small - poor quality thread, too dry or badly stored - needle overheating ­defective bobbincase latch
- incorrect timing of hook and needle - too little clearance between base and retaining finger - incorrect timing of base and looper ­damaged hook point - scratched needle guard on the hook - sharp edges on feed dog or needle hole
- lower thread tension too tight - bobbincase threaded incorrectly ­bobbin unevenly wound - damaged or poor quality bobbin ­damaged bobbincase
- sharp edges or needleplate needle hole - feed dog too sharp behind the needle
causes and repairs
Skipped stitches
Needle unthreading
at start
Looping underneath
Needle breaking
- needle not inserted correctly - damaged or blunt needle - needle too thin compared to fabric - incorrect needle point for fabric - t oo elastic or badly wound thread - upper thread incorrectly threaded
- needle bar height wrong - incorrect clearance between needle and hook point - needle and hook not correctly timed - damaged hook point - needle hole in needleplate too large - needle hole in feed dog too large
- too little upper thread coming through the needle - too little bobbin thread coming out of the bobbincase
- thread trimmer leaving bobbin thread to short - tension tightening during trimming operation
- lower thread tension too tight - upper thread tension too lose ­bobbin not running smoothly - upper thread too stiff or too variable
- needle eye too small for thread - pressure or presser foot too heavy
- hook is not passing the thread easily - incorrect timing of needle and hook - incorrect timing of base and looper - feed dog timing too advanced - needleplate or presser foot do not have the correct thread groove
- incorrect needle for the material - material too thick for the sewing machine - sewing over buttons, pins, zips etc. - bobbincase incorrectly inserted - using up the lower thread on machin es with roller presser foot - needle stop not correctly timed
- feed dog timing retarded - needle striking hook point - needle guard fitted too far back - needle and hook not correctly timed
- starting sewing with too long or uncontrolled upper thread ­upper thread tension too loose - sewing at the start or end without
Hook jams
material too little clearance between base and retaining finger - base not
running smoothly in hook - insufficient lubrication