BCM94318SDIO driver install on Windows XP
How to Install BCM94318 SDIO Driver
with Arasan Adapter Card on Windows
Revision 1.0
Date: December 9, 2005
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BCM94318SDIO driver install on Windows XP
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BCM94318SDIO driver install on Windows XP
1. INSTALL ARASAN STARDARD SD HOST PCI BOARD ...........................................................4
2. INSTALL WIRELESS DEVICE DRIVER ........................................................................................5
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Broadcom Confidential and Proprietary
BCM94318SDIO driver install on Windows XP
1. Install Arasan Standard SD Host PCI Board
1.1 Shutdown the computer and plug in the Arasan Standard SD Host PCI card on PCI
slot and reboot the PC.
1.2 Uninstall Microsoft SDIO drivers. We will be using our own instead of Microsoft’s
o Device Manager -> Find entry for Secure Digital IO Bus (or winPCI)-
>Right click-> Uninstall
1.3 Uninstall BRCM wl driver. Get rid of any previous BRCM wireless driver.
o Device manager - >Networks -> Broadcom driver->Right click/uninstall
1.4 Edit c:\windows\inf\sdbus.inf:
o Search for the section '[Generic]'. Comment out these lines by inserting a
semicolon ';' in the first column, like so:
Also comment out these lines:
;PCI\CC_080500.DeviceDesc="SDA Standard Compliant SD Host
;PCI\CC_080501.DeviceDesc="SDA Standard Compliant SD Host
1.5 Rename sdbus.PNF to sdbus_old.PNF
1.6 Edit c:\windows\inf\usb.inf.
o Search for any line containing '1095' (which is the Arasan/CMD Vendor
ID). Comment out these lines by inserting a ';' in the first column.
1.7 Rename usb.PNF to usb_old.PNF
1.8 Reboot the PC
1.9 Note: The system must have a Windows XP and SP2 pre-installed.
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