Dear user:
Thank you for purchasing our Bl uetooth audio products, in order to make it easy for you to use the product, here
provide the detailed instructions, you can find the product from the introduction, usage and knowledge. Please read
the manual carefull y before using this machine, so t hat you can use the machine properly, we apologize i f there is
any printing error or translation mistake, there ma y without notice whe n it comes to the content change.
First, The Functional Characteristics
●Latest wi reless Bluetooth t echnolo gy, eas y ac cess to iPhone , iPad, s mart phones and other Bluet ooth desi gn, at an y time to
enjoy high-quality music.
●Thi s mac hine adopts low power consum ption, hi gh power D class digital power amplifier
●Support TF card to play MP3, lossless music
●Breakpoi nt memor y playbac k p recis ion to sec onds
●Intelli gent voice operation tips

●Buil t in hig h performance rechar geable li thium ion batte ry
●Buil t in mi crophone, inc oming call key to answe r
●Built-in bass system, using neodymium pot magnetic speakers, dual channel stereo.
●Standard 3.5 MM audio in put jack, eas y acces s to mobil e phones, com puters and other li stening to m usic
●Fashion po rtable, sui table for home, of fice, ou tdoo r tra vel, sports, l eisure, entertainmen t, learning, etc ..
Second, Ke y Functions And Function Definition (Please Refer To The Type Of Model)

1、Power switch: ON/OFF
2、Charging indicator: red light in the process of charging, full of light.
3、Charging port: the use of the machine can be used for the distribution of the USB power cord, the USB interface to
connect the computer to charge, o r use a phone with a USB interface charger for cha rging.
4、AUX: Standard 3.5MM audio input interface
5、TF card slot (up to 64 GB)
6、 : Short press on a song
7、"M" key: mode conversion; Short press pause / play ;Long p ress music /AUX (audio input) / Bluetooth mode; Phone
connected to the Bluetooth state①the phone calls short press the answer, and then short press the end of the call to hang up.
② Call when the long press directly hung up the phone③ Quick short press two times to call the nearest telephone number.
8、 :Short press one song