Honeywell North® Full Facepieces
Complete full facepiece offering
to suit your needs

Honeywell North Full Facepiece Family
Honeywell Industrial Safety offers a range of full facepieces that can be configured
to Air Purifying Respirators (APR), Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR), and
Continuous Flow Supplied Air Respirators (CF-SAR). The complete facepiece offering
includes the Honey well North® 7600, Honeywell North RU6500, and Honeywell North
5400. To choose the that best suits your needs, use the comparison chart below.
Face Seal Material
Speech diaphragm
Head Strap
Available with Welding Attachment
Compatible with CA200 Series
BeltMounted Powered Air Purifying Respirator
Compatible with PR500 Series MaskMounted
Powered Air Purifying Respirator
Compatible with CF2000 Series Continuous Flow
Supplied Air Respirator
Compatible with CF4000 Series MaskMounted
Continuous Flow Supplied Air Respirator
NIOSH approved cartridges and filters
Sizes Available
NIOSH Approved
7600 RU6500 5400
Silicone Silicone Thermoplastic Elastomer
Yes No No
5-Point 5-Point or Mesh 4-Point
Yes No Yes
Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No
Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No
N-Series N-Series N-Series
S, M/L S, M, L S, M/L
Yes Yes Yes