Honeywell Safety 32-000400-0000 User Manual

1. Identification
Eyesaline® SolutionProduct identifier
Other means of identification
Product code Recommended use Recommended restrictions Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Company name: Address:
Telephone: Contact Person E-mail: Emergency telephone
2. Hazard(s) identification
Physical hazards
32-000400, 32-000401, 32-000502, 32-001050 Emergency eyewash. None known.
Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc 825 East Highway 151 Platteville, WI 53818 USA 1-800-873-5242 +1-703-741-5500 for USA/Canada
Not classified.
Health hazards OSHA defined hazards Label elements
Hazard symbol
Signal word
Hazard statement
Precautionary statement
Prevention Response Storage Disposal
Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC)
Supplemental information
Not classified. Not classified.
None. None.
The mixture does not meet the criteria for classification.
Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Wash hands after handling. Store away from incompatible materials. Dispose of waste and residues in accordance with local authority requirements. None known.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
The manufacturer lists no ingredients as hazardous according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200.
4. First-aid measures
Inhalation Skin contact Eye contact Ingestion Most important
symptoms/effects, acute and delayed
If symptomatic, move to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Wash skin with soap and water. Get medical attention promptly if symptoms occur after washing. Remove contact lenses. Get medical attention promptly if symptoms occur after flushing. Seek medical advice. No specific symptoms noted.
Eyesaline® Solution SDS US 916577 Version #: 01 Revision date: - Issue date: 09-J ul y-2015
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Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
General information
Treat symptomatically.
In the case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).
5. Fire-fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media Unsuitable extinguishing
media Specific hazards arising from
the chemical Special protective equipment
and precautions for firefighters Fire fighting
equipment/instructions General fire hazards
Water. Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2). No restrictions known.
Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.
No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted.
6. Accidental release measures
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up
For industrial use, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (See Section 8).
Stop leak if you can do so safely. Absorb spill with appropriate sand, clay or other inert sorbent material, then place in appropriate waste container.
Large Spills: Flush area with water. Treat runoff per applicable environmental regulations pertaining to drains, water courses and ground water, diking if required.
Environmental precautions
Treat discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground according to applicable regulations.
7. Handling and storage
Precautions for safe handling
Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Avoid inhalation of vapors and contact with skin and eyes.
Keep container closed. Store away from incompatible materials. Do not allow material to freeze. Keep at temperature not exceeding 43°C / 110°F.
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
Occupational exposure limits Biological limit values Exposure guidelines Appropriate engineering
controls Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment
Eye/face protection
Skin protection
Hand protection
Other Respiratory protection Thermal hazards
General hygiene considerations
No exposure limits noted for ingredient(s). No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s). No exposure standards allocated. Not required.
None under normal conditions.
Chemical resistant gloves are recommended. None under normal working conditions. Not normally needed. Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material
and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking.
9. Physical and chemical properties
Physical state Form Color
Odor Odor threshold
Eyesaline® Solution SDS US 916577 Version #: 01 Revision date: - Issue date: 09-J ul y-2015
Colorless liquid. Liquid. Liquid. Colorless. No discernable odor.
Not available.
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