6-Gallon (23 liters) Model #32-000100/32-000130 Installation and Operation Manual
Unpack and Inspect
Fendall Potra Stream I
The Fendall Porta Stream I is delivered in one (1) box. Upon receipt,
check the shipping box for any damage. The following items
are contained in the box (please check the last page for other
items that may be included for your specific model):
1. Fendall Porta Stream I Station
2. Pull Strap
3. Metal Hanging Bracket
Installation and
Operation Manual
4. Installation and Operation Manual
Pull Strap
• The unit must be level for proper operation. (See “Choose a Location,” page 1).
• The Fendall Porta Stream I may weigh over 65 lbs. (29.5 kg) when filled with solution. Assistance
may be required when installing the unit on the hanging bracket. (See “Choose A Location,” page 1).
• Do not add any product or material to the solution of Sperian
Fendall Porta Stream I,” page 2).
• Employees must be instructed in the use of emergency eyewash stations. (See “Operation,” page 3).
• This emergency eyewash unit is intended for the emergency use of victims of eye contamination until
medical treatment is obtained. In all cases, the victim should seek medical attention immediately after
flushing. (See “Operation,” page 3).
• An individual or department must be assigned the task of checking all self-contained eyewash units
on a weekly basis. (See “Inspection and Maintenance,” page 3).
• All eyewash devices containing Sperian Saline or Sperian
solution manufacturer’s recommendations. Units containing just water need to be cleaned and refilled at
least once a week. (See “Inspection and Maintenance,” page 3).
• Use of a fluid beyond the expiration date may result in serious personal injury. (See “Inspection and
Maintenance,” page 3).
Saline Concentrate and water. (See “Fill the
Water Additive should be cleaned and refilled per
Failure to follow and comply with all instructions and cautions stated in this manual may result in serious personal
injury, serious illness, blindness or death.
Choose a Location
The ANSI Standard Z358.1-2004 requires that:
1. The unit shall be positioned with the nozzle(s) not less than 83.8 cm (33 in). and no greater than 114.3 cm (45 in). from the
floor and 15.3 cm (6 in). minimum from the wall or nearest obstruction.
2. Eyewash units shall be in accessible locations that require no more than 10 seconds to reach. The eyewash shall be located
on the same level as the hazard and the path of travel shall be free of obstructions that may inhibit the immediate use of the
equipment. For a strong acid or a strong caustic, the eye wash should be immediately adjacent to the hazard.
3. Each eyewash location shall be identified with a highly visible sign positioned so the sign shall be visible within the area
served by the eyewash. The area around the eyewash shall be well lighted.
The Fendall Porta Stream I emergency eyewash station must be installed in an easily accessible location in the
immediate area of hazard to the employee, according to ANSI Standard Z358.1-2004 requirements. The Fendall Porta
Stream I may be placed on any level surface of required height, such as a table or bench (allow for proper drainage and
disposal of the flushing solution). The Fendall Porta Stream I may also be mounted on a wall or post using the metal
hanging bracket. The unit must be level for proper operation. (See “Warning” on page 1).
Sperian Eye & Face Protection, Inc • 825 E. Highway 151 • Platteville, WI 53818 • 1-800-336-3255 • www.sperianprotection.com
Part No. 32-003803 Rev E
At least two fasteners are required for the Fendall Porta Stream I hanging bracket and are
Self-contained units provide options for the type of flushing fluids used in the unit. A buffered isotonic solution may be
irritating to the eye when used for a 15-minute flush. Tap water may contain other irritating contaminants,
Saline Concentrate, Sperian
Saline Solution or Sperian
Water Additive because extensive lab
At least two fasteners are required for the Fendall Porta Stream I hanging bracket and are
support at that site. (See “Warning” on page 1).
When installing the Fendall Porta Stream I hanging bracket, the horizontal holes in the
cm) from the floor.
After installing the hanging bracket, hang the Fendall Porta Stream I unit by placing the
What is Sperian Saline Solution?
Sperian Saline Solution is buffered isotonic solution carefully formulated to the following criteria:
where the eyes’ pH level has been disrupted.
2. Compounded to maintain its pH of 7.4 during all stages of use, including storage.
3. Purified to eliminate contaminants and chlorine.
Sperian Saline Concentrate Use
Sperian Saline Concentrate is recommended for use with the Fendall Porta Stream I unit for convenient, on-site
Concentrate may be included or may be purchased through your safety supply distributor.
Sperian Saline Concentrate (#32-000509) is formulated to be mixed with potable drinking water, in a ratio of
water to one part Sperian Saline Concentrate.
To prepare the 6 gallons (23 liters) of solution required to
fill the
Saline Concentrate. For best results, use filtered water. If filtered water is not available, use potable water. The
solution may be mixed directly in the Fendall Porta Stream I unit. For best results, mix in an area which is clean and
free of airborne particles.
water. (See “Warning,” page 1).
Premixed Sperian Saline Solution is available in one gallon (3.8 liters) containers
for filling the Fendall Porta Stream I, product 32-000502.
2. Use a clean container of sufficient capacity, to mix 6 gallons (23 liters).
3. Add approximately 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of tap water to the container.
4. Add 1/3 of the Sperian Saline Concentrate to the container and agitate or
mix thoroughly.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 adding sufficient water and Sperian Saline
Concentrate to make a total of 6 gallons (23 liters) of solution.
6. Ensure that the nozzles and pull strap are clean and dry and that the
strap is fully seated on the nozzles.
7. Pour the mixed solution into the unit.
8. If your eyewash station is equipped with a separate vent cap, replace the
vent cap. Close the fill cap and attach a security device or inspection tag
if desired.
not included. The installer must select fasteners that provide support for the filled unit (approximately 65 lbs. or 29.5 kg), plus the force of an individual leaning on the unit when inuse. The fastener selection should also be determined by the type of mounting surface support at that site. (See “Warning” on page 1).
When installing the Fendall Porta Stream I hanging bracket, the horizontal holes in the bracket must be 52-1/2” - 64-1/2” (133 cm -164 cm) from the floor in order to have the nozzles positioned as required byANSI Z358.1-2004. If using the Fendall Porta Stream Fluid Disposal Cart (model #32-000511-0000), the required bracket hole height is 58” (147 cm) from the floor.
After installing the hanging bracket, hang the Fendall Porta Stream I unit by placing the handle onto the bracket. Check the nozzle height. Place the emergency eyewash sign (if included with your model) in a visible area to mark the location of the unit.
Fill the Fendall Porta Stream I
Self-contained units provide options for the type of flushing fluids used in the unit. A buffered isotonic solution may be less irritating to the eye when used for a 15-minute flush. Tap water may contain other irritating contaminants, including rust and chlorine, that can further aggravate already injured or compromised eyes. Sperian recommends the use of Sperian® Saline Concentrate, Sperian® Saline Solution or Sperian® Water Additive because extensive lab research provides solid documentation that flushing with ordinary tap water for extended periods of time, such as the 15 minutes recommended by the ANSI Standard, may damage corneal cells.
What is Sperian Saline Solution?
Sperian Saline Solution is buffered isotonic solution carefully formulated to the following criteria:
1. Buffered to the same pH balance of the human eye (7.4) which is especially important in chemical splashes where the eyes’ pH level has been disrupted.
2. Compounded to maintain its pH of 7.4 during all stages of use, including storage.
3. Purified to eliminate contaminants and chlorine.
Sperian Saline Concentrate Use
Sperian Saline Concentrate is recommended for use with the Fendall Porta Stream I unit for convenient, on-site preparation of a buffered, preserved, Sperian Saline solution. Depending on model purchased, the Sperian Saline Concentrate may be included or may be purchased through your safety supply distributor.
Mixing Instructions:
Sperian Saline Concentrate (#32-000509) is formulated to be mixed with potable drinking water, in a ratio of 10 parts water to one part Sperian Saline Concentrate.To prepare the 6 gallons (23 liters) of solution required to fill the
Fendall Porta Stream I, you will need 5.5 gallons (21 liters) of water to mix with the 70 ounces (2 liters) of Sperian Saline Concentrate. For best results, use filtered water. If filtered water is not available, use potable water. The solution may be mixed directly in the Fendall Porta Stream I unit. For best results, mix in an area which is clean and free of airborne particles. Do not add any product or material to the solution of Sperian Saline Concentrate and water. (See “Warning,” page 1). Premixed Sperian Saline Solution is available in one gallon (3.8 liters) containers for filling the Fendall Porta Stream I, product 32-000502.
Note: If using the wall bracket mount, remove the unit from the wall bracket before filling.
1. Wear protective eyewear and gloves and follow sanitary practices during mixing.
2. Use a clean container of sufficient capacity, to mix 6 gallons (23 liters).
3. Add approximately 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of tap water to the container.
4. Add 1/3 of the Sperian Saline Concentrate to the container and agitate or mix thoroughly.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 adding sufficient water and Sperian Saline Concentrate to make a total of 6 gallons (23 liters) of solution.
6. Ensure that the nozzles and pull strap are clean and dry and that the strap is fully seated on the nozzles.
7. Pour the mixed solution into the unit.
8. If your eyewash station is equipped with a separate vent cap, replace the vent cap. Close the fill cap and attach a security device or inspection tag if desired.
Nozzle Assembly
9. Properly dispose of the Sperian Saline Concentrate bottle. Do not reuse.
10. Solution must be replaced 6 months after mixing.
Sperian Water Additive Use
When used as directed, one 8 oz bottle will treat 5-20 gallons of potable water;
1. Wear protective eyewear and gloves and follow sanitary practices during mixing.
2. Use a clean container of sufficient capacity to mix enough solution to fill the eyewash unit. Solution may also be
mixed directly into the eyewash unit.
3. Add half of the required amount of water to the container.
4. Add the appropriate amount of Sperian Water Additive based on station capacity. Mix or agitate thoroughly.
5. Fill the station to the manufacturer’s required level.
Any remaining Sperian Water Additive can be stored with the cap on for 120 days after opening. Station should be
cleaned and refilled every 120 days while using this product.
Employees must be instructed in the use of emergency eyewash stations. (See “Warning,” page 1). Studies have
shown that obtaining emergency flushing within the first 10 seconds in eye emergencies is critical. It is required that
training be provided to employees in each department where eye hazards exist. This training should be scheduled on a
regular basis to keep both current and new employees aware of the location of all eyewash devices, as well as to
reinforce the importance of obtaining immediate eye washing in emergencies.
1. The sooner the injured person can flush his eyes, the less likelihood there will be of eye damage. Seconds can make
the difference in preventing serious eye injury or blindness.
2. All employees must be reminded this unit is for emergency use only; tampering with this unit or using it for
non-emegency purposes may cause the unit to fail to operate properly in an emergency situation.
In an emergency, the eyes may involuntarily clamp shut and the individual may be experiencing
pain, anxiety and disorientation. They may need assistance from other workers in getting to and
using the eyewash station.
1. Start the fluid flow by grasping the pull strap and pulling the strap upward.
2. When the fluid is flowing, place the injured person’s left hand around the left nozzle
and the right hand around the right nozzle.
3. The injured person should then lower his head into the unit toward his hands.
4. When the eyes are in the streams of fluid, use the thumb and forefinger of each hand
to open the eyelids. Hold eyelids open until thoroughly flushed. 15 minutes is recommended.
5. After flushing, seek medical attention immediately. (See “Warning,” page 1).
6. Safety and supervision personnel must be notified that the unit has been used and must
be refilled.
Inspection and Maintenance
Safety Precautions:
1. When filled with flushing fluid, the Fendall Porta Stream I weighs approximately 65 lbs. (29.5 kg). Provide the
necessary equipment or personnel to install or remove the filled Fendall Porta Stream I from the mounting bracket.
2. Install the mounting bracket so the Fendall Porta Stream I is level.
3. Read all warning notices on the Sperian Saline Concentrate bottle before mixing.
4. Wear suitable eye protection and gloves when mixing the concentrate.
5. Do not add any product or material to the solution of Sperian Saline Concentrate and water.
An individual or department must be assigned the task of checking all self-contained eyewash units on a weekly
schedule to ensure the unit is in proper operating condition with adequate levels of flushing fluid. Records of these
weekly inspections should be kept with the unit. Eyewash units containing Sperian Saline Solution or Sperian Water
Additive should be cleaned and refilled per the solution manufacturer’s recommendations. Units containing just water
need to be cleaned and refilled once a week. Use of a fluid beyond the expiration date may result in serious personal
injury. (See “Warning,” page 1).
NOTE:The Sperian Saline Solution contains a specially formulated salt compound. There may be a white residue if solution
has dried on the Fendall Porta Stream I surfaces. The white residue can be removed by wiping with a damp cloth.
To replace the flushing fluid in the Fendall Porta StreamI:
1. Drain the Fendall Porta Stream I of any remaining flushing fluid by pulling the rubber strap from the nozzles and
allowing the unit to empty until there is no flow from the nozzles. Remove the Fendall Porta Stream I from the wall
bracket (or level surface), open the fill cap and empty any remaining solution. (Use of the Fendall Porta Stream
Fluid Disposal Cart is recommended for easy collection and disposal).
2. Rinse the unit with clean tap water, agitate thoroughly, then invert the station until the water is drained.
3. Partially fill the unit with clean tap water and allow to drain though the eyewash nozzles. If nozzle holes are
blocked, they may be opened by gently inserting a small wire or pin to remove obstructions. If obstructions cannot
be removed, contact Sperian, Inc., for replacement nozzles. Invert the unit to drain any remaining water.
4. Reassemble the unit and fill per the instructions under the heading “Fill the Fendall Porta Stream I” in this
Note: Although a thorough flushing with clean tap water may be sufficient to clean the Fendall Porta Stream I unit, for best
results disinfect the unit each time the fluid is changed.
1 gallon (3.8 Liters) premixed Sperian Saline Solution
Sperian Saline Concentrate for Fendall Porta Stream I, 70 oz. (2 Liters), to mix 6 gallons (22.8 Liters) of solution
Sperian Water Additive, 8 oz. (237 mL)
Sperian dust cover for Fendall Porta Stream I, protects basin from dust and debris
Sperian Universal Cleaning Kit, to assist in the maintenance of the unit
Pull Strap
Wall Bracket
Emergency Eyewash Sign
Fill Cap
Nozzle Assembly
Maintenance and Inspection
Sperian Fluid Disposal Cart
Sperian Universal Eyewash Cart
Sperian Universal Eyewash Stand
Sperian Eye & Face Protection, Inc
825 E. Highway 151 • Platteville, WI 53818 USA• 1-800-336-3255 • www.sperianprotection.com
23 litros (6 galones), No. de Modelo 32-000100/32-000130, Manual de instalación y funcionamiento
dañada. Los siguientes artículos se encontrarán en la caja
artículos incluidos en su modelo específico):
1. Estación Fendall Porta Stream I
2. Tira de tracción
3. Soporte de montaje de metal
4. Manual de instalación y funcionamiento
Fendall Porta Stream
Estación lavaojos de emergencia de 6 minutos
23 litros (6 galones), No. de Modelo 32-000100/32-000130, Manual de instalación y funcionamiento
Desempaque e inspección
Estación Fendall
Porta Stream I
El Fendall Porta Stream I se entrega en una (1) caja. Cuando lareciba, inspeccione la caja para asegurarse que no estádañada. Los siguientes artículos se encontrarán en la caja(por favor revise la última página ya que quizás hay otrasartículos incluidos en su modelo específico):
1. Estación Fendall Porta Stream I
2. Tira de tracción
Manual de
instalación y
3. Soporte de montaje de metal
4. Manual de instalación y funcionamiento
• Esta unidad debe estar nivelada para que funcione adecuadamente. (Vea “Selección de ubicación,
Si no se siguen y cumplen con todas las instrucciones y precauciones indicadas en este manual, se podrían ocasionar
enfermedades y lesiones personales graves, incluidas la ceguera y la muerte.
página 1).
• La unidad Fendall Porta Stream I pesa más de 29.5 kg (65 libras) cuando está llena con la solución. Es
posible que se necesite ayuda al instalar la unidad en el soporte de montaje. (Vea “Selección de
ubicación,” página 1).
• No añada ningún producto o material a la solución del concentrado salino y agua de Sperian®. (Vea
“Cómo llenar el Fendall Porta Stream I,” página 2).
• Se debe mostrar a los empleados cómo usar de las estaciones lavaojos de emergencia. (Vea
“Funcionamiento,” página 3).
• Esta estación lavaojos de emergencia sirve para ayudar en casos de emergencia para personas
expuestas a contaminación de los ojos hasta que se obtenga tratamiento médico. En cada instancia,
se debe obtener un examen médico inmediatamente. (Vea “Funcionamiento,” página 3).
• Un empleado o departamento debe tener asignada la tarea de revisar todas las estaciones lavaojos
autónomas cada semana. (Vea “Inspección y mantenimiento,” página 3).
• Todos las unidades lavaojos que contienen la solución salino de Sperian o agua mezclada aditivo de
la solución. Las unidades que contienen sólo agua se deben limpiar y volver a llenar por lo menos una
vez por semana. (Vea “Inspección y mantenimiento,” página 3).
• El uso de una solución caducada podría ocasionar lesiones personales graves. (Vea “Inspección y
mantenimiento,” página 3).
un se deberán limpiar y volver a llenar de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del fabricante de
Tira de tracción
Montaje de
la boquilla
Soporte de
montaje de metal
Selección de ubicación
La norma ANSI Z358.1-2004 requiere que:
1. La unidad deberá colocarse en forma que la(s) boquilla(s) estén no menos que 83,8 cm (33 ") y no más que 114,3 cm (45")
del piso y 15,3 cm (6") mínimo de la pared o cualquier obstaculo cercano.
2. Las unidades lavaojos deberán instalarse en áreas accesibles y que no requieran más de 10 segundos para poderse
alcanzar. La unidad lavaojos deberá estar ubicada al mismo nivel de la zona de peligro y la distancia a recorrer deberá
estar sin obstrucciones que pudieran impedir el uso inmediato del aparato. Cuando exista peligro de ácido fuerte o una
substancia caústica, la unidad lavaojos debe estar contigua al peligro.
3. La localidad de la unidad lavaojos deberá estar identificada con un letrero muy visible situado de forma que se pueda ver
en el área del lavaojos. El área alrededor de la unidad deberá estar bien iluminada.
La estación lavaojos de emergencia Fendall Porta Stream I debe instalarse en un lugar accesible en el área inmediata de peligro para el empleado, de acuerdo con los requisitos de norma ANSI Z358.1-2004. El Fendall Porta
Stream I puede ser instalado en cualquier lugar nivelado de la altura requerida, por ejemplo una mesa o un banco
(debe tener suficiente capacidad de desagüe y eliminación de la solución). El Fendall Porta Stream I puede también
montarse en la pared o en un poste usando el soporte de metal. Esta unidad debe estar nivelada para que funcione
adecuadamente. (Vea “Advertencia,” página 1).
Sperian Eye & Face Protection, Inc •825 E. Highway 151 • Platteville, WI 53818 USA• 1-800-336-3255 • www.sperianprotection.com
Numero de parte 32-003803 Rev. E
Por lo menos dos tornillos se requieren para el soporte de montaje del Fendall Porta Stream I
y no están incluidos. El instalador debe escojer sujetadores que puedan soportar el peso de la
unidad llena (aproximadamente 29.5 kg o 65 libras), además del peso de la persona apoyada
sobre la unidad cuando se está usando. La selección del sujedador también será determinada
por el tipo de superficie en la localidad. (Vea “Advertencia,” página 1).
Cuando se instale el soporte de montaje del Fendall Porta Stream I, los orificios horizontales
del estante deben ser 133 cm a 164 cm (52,5" a 64,5") del piso, para poder tener las boquillas
en la posición requerida por ANSI Z358.1-2004. Si se usa Fendall el carrito líquido de la
disposición (Número de modelo 32-000511-0000), la altura requerida del soporte de montaje es
de 147 cm (58" del piso).
Después de instalar el soporte, cuelgue la unidad Fendall Porta Stream I colocando la manivela
en el soporte. Revise la altura de la boquilla. Coloque el letrero de Lavaojos de Emergencia (si
está incluido con el modelo) en un área visible para indicar la ubicación de la unidad.
Cómo llenar el Fendall Porta Stream I
Las unidades independientes proporcionan alternativas para el tipo de flujo del lavado usado en la unidad. Una
solución isotónica, estabilizadora, puede ser menos irritante a los ojos cuando se usa por un lavado de 15 minutos. El
agua potable puede contener productos químicos y otras substancias irritantes incluyendo cloro y materias oxidantes
que pueden agravar más a los ojos que ya están lesionados. Sperian recomienda el uso del concentrado salino de
Sperian, la solución salino de Sperian o el aditivo de agua Sperian ya que extensas investigaciones en el laboratorio
han demostrado que el enjuague con agua de la llave durante períodos prolongados, como los 15 minutos recomendados por la norma ANSI, pueden dañar las células de la córnea.
¿Qué es Solución Salina de Sperian?
Una solución salina de Sperian, conservadora y estabilizadora que está formulada cuidadosamente siguiendo el
siguiente criterio:
1. Se establece al mismo balance pH del ojo humano (7,4), lo que es especialmente importante en salpicaduras
químicas en que el nivel pH de los ojos ha sido alterado.
2. Se prepara para mantener el pH de 7,4 durante todas las etapas de su uso, incluso durante su almacenamiento.
3. Está purificado para eliminar contaminantes y cloro.
Uso salino del concentrado de Sperian
El concentrado salino de Sperian se recomienda para el uso con la unidad Fendall Porta Stream I para obtener una
preparación conveniente de una solución salina de Sperian, conservadora y estabilizadora. Dependiendo del modelo
que se ha comprado, el concentrado salino de Sperian puede ser incluido o comprado a través de su distribuidor de
suministros de seguridad.
Instrucciones de mezclado:
El concentrado salino de Sperian (#32-000509) está formulado para ser mezclado con agua potable en una proporción de
10 partes de agua por una parte de concentrado salino de Sperian. Para preparar los 23 litros (6 galones) de solución
necesarios para llenar el Fendall Porta Stream I, se necesitarán 21 litros (5,5 galones) de agua para mezclar con 2 litros (70
onzas) del concentrado. Para mejores resultados, use agua filtrada. Si no hay agua filtrada, use agua potable. La solución
puede mezclarse directamente en la unidad Fendall Porta Stream I. Para mejores resultados, mezcle la solución en un área
limpia y libre de partículas en el aire. No añada ningún producto o materiales a la solución del concentrado salino de Sperian y agua. (Vea “Advertencias,” página 1). La solución salino de Sperian para llenar el Fendall Porta Stream I se
puede obtener ya mezclada en un recipiente de 3,8 litros (1 galón), no. de producto 32-000502.
Nota: Si se utiliza el soporte de montaje en la pared, retire la unidad del soporte de pared antes de llenarla.
1. Use lentes y guantes de seguridad y siga prácticas de higiene durante el mezclado.
2. Use un recipiente limpio con capacidad suficiente para mezclar 23 litros (6 galones).
3. Agregue aproximadamente 7,5 litros (2 galones) de agua de la llave al recipiente.
4. Agregue 1/3 del concentrado salino de Sperian al recipiente y agite o mezcle totalmente.
5. Repita los pasos 3 y 4 agregando suficiente agua y concentrado salino de Sperian
para preparar un total de 23 litros (6 galones) de solución.
6. Asegúrese que las boquillas y la tira de tracción estén limpias y secas y que la correa
esté colocada firmemente sobre las boquillas.
7. Vierta la solución mezclada en la unidad.
8. Cierre la tapa para llenado y coloque una ficha de inspección, si lo desea.
Montaje de la boquilla
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