Honeywell ENTIS R121.1 User Manual

User’s Manual
ENTIS R121.1


This manual describes how to operate the ENTIS system. It has been written for operators, as well as system supervisors, to provide them with all the information required to operate the system.
For installation details refer also to the ENTIS Installation Guide. Safety and prevention of damage ‘Cautions’, and ‘Notes’ have been used throughout this manual to bring special
matters to the immediate attention of the reader. A Caution draws attention to an action which may damage the
A Note points out a statement deserving more emphasis than the general text, but does not deserve a “Warning” or a “Cauti on”.
Additional information
Contact Honeywell, or its representative, if you require additional information. Also, refer to the list of related documents in Appendix for more information.
Legal aspects
The information in this manual is copyright property of Honeywell, Netherlands. Honeywell disclaims any responsibility for personal injury or damage to
equipment caused by:
Deviation from any of the prescribed procedures  Execution of activities that are not clearly documented
Copyright 2020 Honeywell. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form without the prior consent of Honeywell is not allowed. This manual is for information only. The contents, descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Honeywell accepts no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.
The warranty terms and conditions applicable in the country of purchase in respect to Honeywell products are available from your supplier. Please retain them with your proof of purchase.
ii ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1
September 2019 (1st Release)
December 2019 (R110.1)
June 2020 (R120.1)
September 2020 (R121.1)
ENTIS Quick Start Guide
ENTIS Installation and C on f iguratio n Guide
Experion HS Software Installation Users Guide
Network and Security Guide
For support, contact your local Honeywell Process Solutions Customer Contact Centre (CCC). To find your local CCC visit the website,
Revision History
ENTIS Installation and Configuration Guide (This document)
Documentation References
The following list identifies publications that may contain information relevant to the information in this document.
ENTIS Hub page for documentation and videos:
Experion HS Network and Security Guide:
ENTIS documentation on HPS web:
See back page for details
ETDOC-X615– R121.1 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual iii
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................ ii
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
Real Time Inventory ............................................................................................................... 1
Numerical & Graphical Displa y ............................................................................................... 1
Networking ............................................................................................................................. 1
Alarm System ......................................................................................................................... 1
Hot Standby & CIU Redundancy Support ............................................................................... 1
ENTIS Redundancy Support .................................................................................................. 2
Dual Gauges Support ............................................................................................................. 2
954 Servo Test Alarm Support ............................................................................................... 2
50 Point Density Profile Support ............................................................................................. 2
Reporting Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 2
ENTIS Language Support ...................................................................................................... 2
Experion Alarms & Events Screen Language Support ............................................................ 2
INTERFACE GUIDELINES .............................................................................................................. 4
Help ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Data Status ............................................................................................................................ 4
SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 5
General Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 5
Signed Assemblies ................................................................................................................. 5
Network Shares ...................................................................................................................... 6
Access Control List ................................................................................................................. 6
Backup & Restore .................................................................................................................. 6
User Accounts and Roles ................................................................................................
Physical and Environmental Considerations ........................................................................... 7
System Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 7
Vulnerability Reporting ........................................................................................................... 7
TOOLBAR ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Toolbar ................................................................................................................................... 8
Status bar ............................................................................................................................... 8
MANAGE DISPLAYS .................................................................................................................... 10
Manage Group ..................................................................................................................... 10
Manage Views ...................................................................................................................... 12
Manage Filters ...................................................................................................................... 15
GROUP VIEW .............................................................................................................................. 17
GROUP DETAIL ............................................................................................................................ 18
Delta column ........................................................................................................................ 20
Critical / Operation PAL Column ........................................................................................... 23
Remark Column ................................................................................................................... 28
TANK DETAIL ............................................................................................................................... 31
GAUGE COMMANDS ................................................................................................................... 36
Running Dipping Commands ................................................................................................ 40
Running Displacer Commands ............................................................................................. 41
Scheduling Gauge Command ............................................................................................... 42
MANUAL OVERWRITE ................................................................................................................. 44
Performing a Manual Overwrite ............................................................................................ 45
PROFILES..................................................................................................................................... 48
Profile screen examples ....................................................................................................... 51
....... 7
iv ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1
MOVEMENT .................................................................................................................................. 54
TOTALIZER ................................................................................................................................... 60
WHAT IF ........................................................................................................................................ 62
REPORTS ..................................................................................................................................... 66
Report Printing ..................................................................................................................... 66
Report Scheduling ............................................................................................................... 70
Templates ............................................................................................................................ 72
MANAGE TASKS ........................................................................................................................... 77
HELP ............................................................................................................................................. 79
SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 80
ALARMS .............................................................................................................................. 80
Product Color Code ............................................................................................................. 82
Clock Sync ........................................................................................................................... 83
Manage Files ....................................................................................................................... 83
Reporting ............................................................................................................................. 84
HOT STANDBY & REDUNDANCY SUPPORT ENT IS ................................................................... 85
Hot Standby & Redundancy Support (CIU 888) ................................................................... 87
How to Perform Manual Switch Over ................................................................................... 88
ALARMS ........................................................................................................................................ 89
CONFIGURE ALARMS ........................................................................................................ 89
VIEW ALARMS .................................................................................................................... 92
EVENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 96
Viewing Events .................................................................................................................... 96
HISTORICAL AND REALTIME TRENDING ................................................................................. 100
INDEX .......................................................................................................................................... 109
ETDOC-X615– R121.1 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual v
Table of Tables
Table 1: Data Status ........................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2: Displacer Commands....................................................................................................... 38
Table 3: Entity Fields ..................................................................................................................... 45
Table 4: Configuration Alarms ....................................................................................................... 89
vi ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Tool bar ............................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2: Status bar ......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3: Manage Groups ............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 4: Reset Views ................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5: Manage Views ............................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: Manage Filters ............................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: Group View .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 8: Group Detail ................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 9: Delta Column ................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 10: Delta Column Group..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 11: Delta Column Report .................................................................................................... 22
Figure 12: Alarm Column .............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 13: Alarm Column Views .................................................................................................... 24
Figure 14: Group Detail Alarm Column .......................................................................................... 25
Figure 15: Alarm Column HA ........................................................................................................ 26
Figure 16: Alarm Column HA Ack .................................................................................................. 26
Figure 17: Alarm Column LA ......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 18: Remarks Column ......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 19: Remarks Views ............................................................................................................ 29
Figure 20: Remarks Views edit...................................................................................................... 30
Figure 21: Remarks Views with history .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 22: Tank Detail ................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 23: Tank Detail Floating ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 24: Tank Detail Sphere....................................................................................................... 34
Figure 25: Tank Detail Icon ........................................................................................................... 35
Figure 26: Gauge Commands ....................................................................................................... 36
Figure 27: Dipping Command ....................................................................................................... 37
Figure 28: Displacer command...................................................................................................... 38
Figure 29: Tank Gauge Alarm ....................................................................................................... 39
Figure 30: Displacer ...................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 31: Displacer ...................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 32: Schedule Command Screen ......................................................................................... 42
Figure 33: Scheduling screens ...................................................................................................... 43
Figure 34: Manual Overwrite ......................................................................................................... 44
Figure 35: Manual Overwrite Parameter ........................................................................................ 46
Figure 36: Create Profile ............................................................................................................... 49
Figure 37: Profile ready ................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 38: Temperature profile ...................................................................................................... 51
Figure 39: Density Profile .............................................................................................................. 52
Figure 40: Interface Profile ............................................................................................................ 53
Figure 41: Density and Temperature profile .................................................................................. 53
Figure 42: Density profile .............................................................................................................. 53
Figure 43: Totalizer ....................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 44:Totalizer_All .................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 45: Totalizer Icon................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 46: What If ......................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 47: What – If layout ............................................................................................................ 63
Figure 48: What – If Start .............................................................................................................. 64
Figure 49: What – If Reload .......................................................................................................... 65
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Figure 50: Reports ......................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 51: Reporting icon .............................................................................................................. 67
Figure 52: Tank detail report .......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 53: Browse Reports ............................................................................................................ 69
Figure 54: Schedule report ............................................................................................................ 70
Figure 55: Schedule report screens ............................................................................................... 71
Figure 56: Group detail report ........................................................................................................ 72
Figure 57: Tank detail .................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 58: Delta column report ...................................................................................................... 74
Figure 59 - What if .. report ............................................................................................................ 75
Figure 60: Manage Tasks .............................................................................................................. 77
Figure 61: Scheduling screen ........................................................................................................ 78
Figure 62: Confirmation Dialog ...................................................................................................... 78
Figure 63: Help .............................................................................................................................. 79
Figure 64: Help icon ...................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 65: Alarm Settings .............................................................................................................. 81
Figure 66: Product Color Code ...................................................................................................... 82
Figure 67: Clock Sync ................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 68: File Cleanup ................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 69: Reporting Settings ........................................................................................................ 84
Figure 70: Configuration screen ..................................................................................................... 90
Figure 71: Alarm Configuration screen .......................................................................................... 91
Figure 72: View Alarms ................................................................................................................. 92
Figure 73: View Events .................................................................................................................. 97
Figure 74: Trends ........................................................................................................................ 105
Figure 75: Configure Trends ........................................................................................................ 106
Figure 76: Select the point ........................................................................................................... 106
Figure 77: Select the parameter .................................................................................................. 107
Figure 78: View Trend ................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 79: Historical Trend .......................................................................................................... 108
viii ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1


ENTIS is a unique Tank Inventory Management System developed for Windows 10 Enterprise, and powered by the Experion platform, to display Tank inventory data.

Real Time Inventory

ENTIS is a Windows 10 Enterprise application. Data is retrieved via dedicated Communication Interface Units (CIU’s) and processed through to the open ENTIS database. Various displays are available for inventory management. These displays include bar graphs, tabular data, iconized tanks, and a whole range of modules such as trending, report printing, and a “what if” tank calculator.

Numerical & Graphical Display

The graphical displays provide a quick overview of tank data. The numerical displays can be customized to suit your own particular needs. These displays can be either tank or group related. Several graphical displays are also available, and tank images can be customized per tank if required.


The network facilities of the Experion system allow you to integrate ENTIS into your plant’s networks.

Alarm System

ENTIS provides you with an array of programmable alarm set points. Privileged users can create their own alarms for all measured and calculated data. During inactive periods, tanks can be put into a leak detection mode. Alarms and acknowledgements, together with all tank information, are stored and recorded for future review and traceability.

Hot Standby & CIU Redundancy Support

The ENTIS system can be enhanced for use in critical applications with hot standby and CIU redundancy support. CIU redundancy support can cover the unlikely event of a network failure, providing sustained and reliable data to your management system. After the occurrence of an error, the second CIU will automatically start and take over the lost functionality. Following the switch over, all gauge data will be rescanned and recalculated to ensure data reliability.
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ENTIS Redundancy Support

The ENTIS system can now be used in a redundant server mode, with automatic failover capabilities.

Dual Gauges Support

ENTIS can now work with the CIU to support dual gauge systems, allowing for two product levels to be used to generate a difference alarm.

954 Servo Test Alarm Support

ENTIS can be used to generate test alarms for the 954 servo.

50 Point Density Profile Support

ENTIS can now work with the 954 servo to support 50 point density profiles.

Reporting Enhancements

ENTIS reporitng now allows for the use of customized customer name, sites and logos, on the standard and Legal Metrology-approved report set.
ENTIS license now gives you the option to start with 5, 10, 15, 20, …310, 315,
320...400 tanks.

ENTIS Language Support

ENTIS now supports either of English, French, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Spanish or Russian language. ENTIS will appear in the language as being set at commissioning. User with Admin rights can change the language of ENTIS when required. Experion menu items are available in English, French, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Spanish or Russian language.
Refer the instructions provided in section 6.1 of
Guide for changing the languag e.

Experion Alarms & Events Screen Language Support

ENTIS now allows user to view the alarm and event description in either of English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish language.
ENTIS Installation and Configuration
2 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1

Tank hooks to address a specific tank from Experion

From ENTIS it is possible to see the tank details of a specific tank by selecting the “Tank Detail” screen and by selecting the required tank.In some cases it is very useful to have a direct link to the tank “Tank Detail” screen and the selected tank.For example when you have a HMIWeb page in Experion and you want to link the tank details from this page.
%HwProgramData%\Experion PKS\Client\MenusAndToolbars\EntisHTML\Entis.HTML?tab=tank-details\T111
In case of linking anther tank instead of T111 you need to replace the tank name at the end of the link.
The part between the brackets below needs to be replaced with the tan k name: %HwProgramData%\Experion
To test the link in Experion Station you can execute the link in the Experion “Command” bar.
ETDOC-X615– R121.1 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual 3
Data is manually overwritten
Data is stored and not approved
Data is not approved f or Legal Metro lo g y use
Data has reduced accuracy and is not approved
Data is in fail
Data is not being scanned (formerly called ‘killed’)
Data is over range
Data is under range
Data is uninitialized
S&W, Liq/Vol Ratio and Molar Weight are always manually entered


The ENTIS user interface consists of a set of inter-related graphical objects together with a set of rules governing their deployment, such as windows, dialog boxes, task icons, colours and others.
Although ENTIS is a Windows application, there are certain additional conventions used in ENTIS that will be described in this chapter. This chapter also describes a basic set of rules to help the user learn how to use ENTIS


ENTIS supports the displaying of the PDF of the User’s Manual. Navigating to the Help menu item will open the pdf version of the ENTIS User’s Manual.

Data Status

Measured and calculated data is indicated by a status sign. The statuses are shown in the following table:
Table 1: Data Status
Data is actual and approved
4 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1


General Guidelines

ENTIS runs on the Experion HS platform; therefore, Experion’s security guidelines / recommendations should be followed in any ENTIS deployment.
Experion HS provides a comprehensive Network and Security Guide (ID: EHDOC-XX75-en-510A) that should be reviewed prior to an ENTIS deployment. It contains numerous guidelines to help ensure a secure deployment.
In addition to the information provided in that manual, this section provides some additional security-related details.
This information is ENTIS-specific and is meant only to augment the Experion documentation.

Signed Assemblies

Digitally signing files allows users to confirm that those files were provided by Honeywell.
Honeywell has digitally signed the assemblies that it provides with ENTIS. Note that this does not include third-party assemblies that are not maintained as a part of the ENTIS product line.
Users can confirm that their ENTIS assemblies are signed by bringing up the assembly properties via Windows Explorer.
Users can check for signing by right-clicking on the dll/exe, and selecting Properties from the context menu.
If the ensuing dialog has a Digital Signatures tab, and there is a “Honeywell Limited” signer listed, then your assembly has been properly signed by Honeywell.
ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1 5
Security Considerations
Used by File Replication
C:\Program Files
Used to exchange the

Network Shares

ENTIS creates the following network shares beyond what Experion configures, and documents, in their Network and Security Guide.
Shares created by Server-Client install are as follows:
Name Location Nodes Usage
to replicate contents to a redundant server
certificate and configuration file with a redundant server.
Access to the shares is limited to users of the groups Administrators, Product Administrators and Local servers.

Access Control List

ENTIS will set up the appropriate access controls on its files for the application to run securely.
This ACL configuration step is run automatically as a part of the installation process.
In addition to the ENTIS-specific ACL settings, ENTIS also relies on the standard Experion ACL implementation, as is described in the Experion Network and Security Guide.
6 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1

Backup & Restore

For the backup and restoration process for the node, please refer to the following sections of the Experion PKS Backup and Restore User's Guide, EPDOC-X111-en-431K on Backups on a physical node.
1. Backups on a virtual node.
2. Restoring Physical Nodes.
3. Restoring Virtual Nodes.

User Accounts and Roles

User roles define the set of operations that a user is allowed to perform. ENTIS leverages the Experion platform and its user roles. For information on the roles, please refer to the “User accounts and Experion user roles” section in the Network and Security Guide (ID: EHDOC-XX75-en-510A). Note that the Legal Metrology user roles are ENTIS specific and explained in more detail in the ENTIS Sealing guide.

Physical and Environmental Considerations

While the security issues for ENTIS on Experion are largely the same as for any IT server, the physical access of a tank information system can be particularly important. For physical and environmental considerations, please see the Physical and Environmental Considerations section in the Network and Security Guide (ID: EHDOC-XX75-en-510A).

System Monitoring

ENTIS and Experion provide a number of ways to detect potential evidence of intrusion. The System Monitoring section of the Network and Security Guide (ID: EHDOC-XX75-en-510A) provides details on this subject. In addition to the information in that guide, it should be added that ENTIS wll write events into the ENTIS event log, which is available through the Windows event viewer.

Vulnerability Reporting

In the previously mentioned Network and Security Guide (ID: EHDOC-XX75-en­510A), please refer to the section titled “How to report a security vulnerability” for information pertaining to reporting potential security vulnerabilities against Honeywell products.
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The toolbar is present in Experion Station. It offers a fast navigation tool for ENTIS displays. Based on their access level, users can navigate to ENTIS screens by clicking on the associated menu icons.
Figure 1: Tool bar

Status bar

The status bar includes the following display areas:
Displays the current system date and time.
Whenever an alarm is raised, the alarm icon will start blinking in red. Clicking on the icon will open the Alarm display.
If it is blinking in blue, the system status is ok. If any system related issues come up, it will start blinking in red. Click on it to open the system status vie w.
Message, Alert
Any message or alert logged by Experion will be available here.
Figure 2: Status bar
8 ENTIS R121.1 User’s manual ETDOC-X615– R121.1
Server Name
Server to which Experion Station is connected. Click on the icon to view details.
Station Name
The connected Station name will be displayed here.
Displays the logged-in user role. Click on it to enter the credentials and change the role.
ETDOC-X615– R121.1 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual 9


Manage Group

Tank groups can be defined to allow for easier navigation between subsets of tanks.
The Manage Groups dialog can be opened from the Group View, Group Detail, or Totalizers screen.
Figure 3: Manage Groups
This dialog displays the following main sections:
On the left side, all created tank groups are displayed.
In the middle part, the available tanks to be added to the tank group are
At the right side, the tanks which are a member of the selected tank group are displayed.
10 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1
Manage Displays
Creating a Group
1. Log on as a user with SUPV permissions (or higher).
2. Click the Manage Groups icon from either the Group View or the Group Detail display. The Manage Groups dialog opens.
3. Click on Create: An edit field opens where you can enter the tank group name.
4. Enter the tank group name and click Create. The tank group is added to the list of created Tank Groups.
5. In the middle part of the screen, select the tanks that you want to add to the group.
6. Click on The selected tanks are moved from the middle panel to the right part of the dialog.
7. Click OK The dialog closes. The newly created group can be selected in the Group selector dropdown box on the various UI screens.
8. Similarly, to remove tanks from a group, select the tanks in the right part of the screen and click on
Note that the “All” group is available by default and cannot be removed or altered.
ETDOC-X615– R121.1 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual 11
Manage Displays

Manage Views

The Group Detail task displays tank inventory data for multiple tanks in a tabular format. Tanks are organized in rows, while the entities are displayed in columns.
This dialog enables the user to customize the view that defines the columns to be displayed in Group Detail. The first column (Tank name) is fixed.
A number of predefined views are available; it is also possible to create new views.
The predefined views can be altered, but not deleted. However, they can be reset as shown below:
Figure 4: Reset Views
Newly created views can be altered and deleted. The Manage Views dialog can be launched from the Group Detail screen.
12 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1
Manage Displays
Figure 5: Manage Views
This dialog displays the following main sections:
At the left side, all available views are shown.
In the middle part, the available entities to be added to the view are
At the right side, the entities which are available in the selected view are shown.
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Manage Displays
Creating a view
1. Log on as a user with SUPV level permissions (or higher).
2. Click the Manage Views icon from the Group Detail display. The Manage Views dialog opens.
3. Click on Create An edit field opens where you can enter the view name.
4. Enter the view name and click Create The view is added to the list of available views.
5. In the middle pane of the dialog, select the entities that you want to add to the view.
6. Click on > The selected entities are moved from the middle pane to the righ t side of the dialog.
7. Click OK The window closes. The newly created view can be selected in the View selector dropdown box on Group detail.
8. Similarly, to remove entities from a view, select the entities in the right part of the screen and click on <
Note: the order of the entities can be changed by dragging and dropping them on the right part of the Manage Views dialog.
14 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1
Manage Displays

Manage Filters

This dialog offers th e possibility to define filters on tanks to be displayed in a Tank Group.
A few examples of filters:
Show tanks with a certain Product name.
Show tanks with a Product temperature above a certain value.
Show tanks with a Product level between 2 values.
The Manage Filter dialog can be launched from the Group Detail display.
Window layout
This window displays the following main sections:
At the left side, all created filters are shown.
In the middle part, the entities that can be used in a filter are displayed.
At the right side, the configured parameters (Operation, Value) for the
selected filter are shown.
Figure 6: Manage Filters
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Manage Displays
Creating a filter:
1. Log on as a user with SUPV level permissions (or higher - see note below)
2. Click the Filter icon from the Group Detail display. Then click Manage Filters.
3. Click on Create An edit field opens where you can enter the filter name.
4. Enter the filter name and click Create The filter is added to the list of created filters.
5. In the middle part of the dialog, select the entity that you want to be used in the filter.
6. In the right part of the dialog, select the Operation and the Value.
7. Click OK The window closes. The newly created filter can be selected in Group detail by clicking on Filter, then selecting the required filter.
When logged on as Operator, a filter can be selected to be viewed, but not created or changed.
16 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1


The Group View display shows a group of Tanks with smaller images. All of the images include a bar graph in which the height is an indication of the amount of product in the tank, and the % level beside the tank is the product level available in the tank. The color of the bar graph is per the product’s configured color.
The Tank icons are configurable by Tank. ( that configuration is done in the CIU888 Service tool)
The TOV value is displayed by default, with other entity selections available from the second selector from the left (above the tank panels).
Figure 7: Group View
How to select the Group View display
1. Group View is the default display when ENTIS is started. You can also access the Group view display from the menu, or from the icon in the toolbar.
2. Select the desired group from the Group selection dropdown box.
3. Select the desired entity. The default entities are: TOV, Product Level, Product Temperature and Water Volume.
ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1 17


The Group Detail display show tank inventory data for multiple Tanks in a tabular format. Tanks are organized in rows, while the entities are displayed in columns.
In addition, this display enables the user to make use of additional functionality such as the Delta column (licensed option). Dimensions are user-definable and displayed in the column header.
The user can create their preferred views via the Manage Views dialog.

Display layout

The display presents Tank data in a tabular format. The data displayed on the grid depends on the selected view. Both values and ­if applicable - statuses, are displayed. Clicking the mouse on the column header will sort the selected column. Multi column sorting is available by holding the Shift button and selecting multiple column headers. A blue line on the column header will indicate that it is sorted, with the blue line position indicating if the sort is ascending (top) or descending (bottom).
A user definable number of columns, measured from the first column, can be identified as fixed columns. Fixed columns do not scroll horizontally. The user can select the number of rows they want to view on a page and toggle between them via ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons.
The user can also filter the rows by using ‘Filter’ button where they can select the column where filter should be applied and set the parameteres of filtering accordingly.
18 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615– R121.1
Group Detail
Figure 8: Group Detail
Opening the Group Detail Display
1. Click on the ‘Group Detail’ menu item, or the ‘Group Detail’ ic o n in the tool bar
2. The ‘Group/Tank’ display will appear
3. Select a Group from the dropdown combobox
4. Tank data will appear in the table
5. ‘All’ indicates that all the tanks will be shown
6. Change the View from the the view dropdown
Column width: The current size is stored whenever the user selects another view, or the window is closed.
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Group Detail

Delta column

The Delta column displays the difference between the actual value and the start value. This feature enables an operator to verify tank operations with real-time data. Delta values are available for GOV, TGSV, Total Mass, NSV, Level, GSV and TOV.
The Delta column is only available in the Group Detail display. The column can be enabled via the Define View dialog.
When the Delta column is available in Group Detail, a click on the Delta column header (the horizontal ellipses) gives the following context menu:
Figure 9: Delta Column
20 ENTIS R121.1 User’s Manual ETDOC-X615–R121.1
Group Detail
Selecting a Delta C olumn
Clicking on the horizontal ellipses on the delta tank entity gives the following menu:
Start Tank When c l icked, t he delta calculation for the selected tank (row) will be started or restarted
Stop Tank When clicked, the delta calculation for the selected tank (row) will be stopped and cleared
Start Group When clicked, the calculation for a group of tanks is started Stop Group When clicked, the calculation for a group of tanks is stopped
and blanked
Delta Report The delta values will be printed in form of report
Figure 10: Delta Column Group
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Group Detail
Figure 11: Delta Column Report
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+ 88 hidden pages