The information contained in this document isthe propertyof Honeywell.The following informationis to be used exclusively for the intended purpose.This document or itscontentsmaynot be reproduced,published ormade available to a third party in whole or in part without the express permission ofElsterGmbH.
All information and descriptions inthisOperating Instructionshave been compiled after carefulexamination. Nevertheless,errors cannot be completely excluded.Honeywell therefore does not guarantee the completeness or correctness of the content.The manual cannotbe understood as a guarantee of product properties.Italso describes propertiesthatare only available as an option.
Honeywellisinno caseliable to third parties for direct,special orconsequentialdamages. The information in this document issubjectto change without notice.
With regard to extended product liability,the data and materialproperties listed mayonly be regarded as guidelines and mustalways be checked and,ifnecessary,corrected on a case-by-case basis. Thisisparticularly truewhere safety aspects are concerned.
Further support isavailable from your local office orrepresentative.The addresscan be found on the Internetor at Honeywell.
The passing onand reproductionof thismanual orparts thereof is only permittedwith the written permission of Honeywell.
Ifthe product described herein is improperly handled, repaired ormodified byunauthorized personsorif Honeywell spare parts otherthan originalspare parts areused,the warranty will be void.
This productmaycontainor be derived fromthird partymaterial, including software.Third party material maybe subjecttolicense terms, notices, restrictions and obligationsof the Licensor. The licenses, notices,restrictions and obligations, if any,may be found in the materialsaccompanying the Product, in the documents orfilescontaining the material ofthird parties, in a file called third_party_licenses on themedia containing the Product,
(Multi-Master, barrierin source mode)–Multidrop Mode (fromBasic System 03-25)79
6.4.17Gas Meter (Turbine): EncoderIndex, 2 LF/HF Sensors (EExi)
via ExMFE5 Boards81
6.4.18Gas Meter (Turbine): EncoderIndex, 2 LF/HF Sensors (EExi)
via MFE7 Board82
6.4.19Gas Meter (Turbine) SMRI Bi-directional:2 HF Sensors, Flow
Direction Detection (EExi) via MFE7 Board84
6.4.20Gas Meter (Turbine) SMRI Bi-directional:
FlowDirectionDetection Internal (EExi) via MFE7 Board85
6.4.21Q.Sonic Ultrasound Gas Meter: Serial RS485 (EEx d) via
MFE7 Board87
6.4.22Q.Sonic6 Ultrasound Gas Meter: Serial RS485 (EEx d) via
MFE7 Board88
6.4.23FLOWSIC600 Ultrasound Gas Meter: Serial RS485 (EExd)
via MFE7 Board89
6.4.24SerialInterface through COM Port (CPU or MSER4-Board)90
6.4.25Analog Output over MFA8 Board (0/4...20mA)92
6.4.26Message Output over MFA8 Board93
6.4.27Pulse Output over MFA8 Board95
7Device Configuration and Commissioning96
7.1Device Configuration97
7.2Commissioning the Measurement System98
7.2.1Checking Device Settings99
7.2.2Checking Measurement InputValues99
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7.2.3Checking Output Signals99
7.2.4Checking Digital Communication (Modbus,etc.)99
7.2.5Checking Measurements andCalculations99
7.2.6End of Commissioning (from Basic System 03-24)99
7.2.7Sealing (if necessary)100
8.1Battery Replacement101
8.1.1Changing Batteries102
8.3Technical Assistance Center (TAC)105
8.4Replacement Partsand Accessories105
8.5Warranty Conditions106
10Technical Data109
10.1General Information109
10.2Input channels110
10.4Interfaces for Digital Communication112
10.5Data Protocols112
10.5.1Data protocols and its TCP defaultport (Ethernet)113
10.6Housing dimensions114
10.6.11/3 housing width114
10.6.21/2 housing width115
11.1How to report a security vulnerability to Honeywell?116
11.2Limitationsfor multidrop and burst mode up to basic system version ≤ 03-24116
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Operating Instructions
1 GeneralInformation
1.1The enCore/enSuite Concept
enCoreis the name of an Elster productplatform foradvanced measure-
ment devices. AllenCore devicesare based on the same hardware components and software concepts. Both the hardware and software ofenCore devices have a modular design; the configuration of the processboard equipment and the arrangementof software components are variable.On one hand, the software components consistof basic functionalities,which are provided by the BasicSystem with its System Function Blocks
(abbreviated as: SFBs),and on the other hand consist of application-relatedfunctionalities, which come with differentApplication FunctionBlocks
(abbreviated as: AFB). Owing to thismodulardesign principle, each device can be optimally adapted to individual requirements.
enSuiteisthe name of the PC software supporting all enCore devicesalong
with a number of other Elsterdevices. The enSuite software provides toolsfor configuration,parameterization,diagnosis, software downloads and otherservices.
Parameterizationin enSuite
Please note that the changes that you make in parameterization of enSuite become active in the device only when you activate the action Transfer parameterization to deviceand after the enCore
device restarts (automatically).
volume “Configuration fo Device Software”of enCore FC manual
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enCore FC
1General Information
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Operating Instructions
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1.2Scope of Delivery
The enCore FC'sscope of delivery includes:
ElectronicFlow ComputerenCore FC1
Electronic FlowComputerenCore MC1
confirmation of conformity
factory test protocol
dispatch list/delivery note
„Instructionsfor Use in Legal Metrology” (FC1only)
„Operating Instructions”
enSuite installationCD
USB cable Type A/B
accessories (plugsincl. housing)
1.2.1Honeywell(Elster GmbH) ContactInformation
You can contactoursales and service departmentat:
Elster GmbH (manufacturer) Steinern Straße 19-2155252 Mainz-Kastel/Germany
Only for devices used in legalmetrology.
Only for devices that are not used in legalmetrology.
The present documentation are the Operating Instructionsof the overalldocumentation, and describe the assembly, installation, commissioning andmaintenance of the flow computerenCore FCseries(calledenCore FC below).
These instructions make it possible to work with the enCore FCin a safe and efficient manner.
Compliance with all the safetyand handling instructionsspecified in these Operating Instructions is aprerequisite to working with the enCore FCin a safe mannerand using it properly, and for obtaining accurate measurementand calculation results.
In addition,compliance is alsonecessary with the guidelines,standards,local accident prevention regulations andgeneral safety regulationsthatapplyfor the enCore FC's area of application.
The illustrations in thismanual serve to depict the facts thatare being explained,and therefore may differ fromthe actual designofthe enCore FCdepending on the configuration ofthe deviceand enSuite.
The data and material properties that are presented below are guidelines. They must be reviewed for each individualcase and corrected if required.
2.1Target Group Definition
The present documentation isdirected to qualified electricians in the fieldsofswitch cabinetconstruction and maintenance,as well as qualified personnelwith specialized knowledge in device assembly and commissioning.
The qualificationsfor differentareas of activity are listed below:
•trained individualA person, who has been instructed by the plant operator in an
About these Instructions2
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enCore FC
informational session on the tasks assigned to himor her, and on possible hazards in case of improper behavior.
•specialist personnelA person who has the ability, because of his or hertechnicaltraining,knowledge and experience, as well as his orherknowledge of the relevant regulations, to carry out the workassigned to him orher at the enCore FC, and to recognize and avoid possible hazards independently.
•gas specialistA person who has the ability, because of his or hertechnicaltraining,knowledge and experience, as well as his orherknow-ledge of the relevantstandards and regulations, to carry outwork in gassystems, and to recognize possible hazardsindependently. Agasspecialist receives training for the specific location in which he or she works, and is acquainted with the relevantstandards and regulations.
•authorized metrology expertA person who has the ability and is authorized, because of his orher technical training,knowledge and experience, to carry outlegally relevanttasks in gas systems within the scope of legalmetrology. An authorized metrology expert is acquainted with the relevant standardsand legalregulations thatapply in specificcountries.In the European Unionthe legally relevanttasks are executed by designated notified bodies.
•qualified electrician A person who has the ability, because of his or hertechnicaltraining,knowledge and experience, as well as his orherknow-ledge of the relevantstandards and regulations, to carry outwork in electrical systems, and to recognize and avoid possible hazardsindependently. Aqualified electrician receives training for thespecific location in which heor she works, and is acquainted with the relevantstandards and regulations.
2About these Instructions
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2.2The enCore FC Manual at a Glance
The manual for the enCore FCdevice series is modular:
For alldevice types thatcan be used in legalmetrology, there isa volumethatspecifically describes the legally relevant functionsand characteristics.All other volumes ofthe manual apply to alldevices of the enCore FCseries,i.e.they are independentof the device type.
The manualconsistsof the following volumes:
•“Instructions forUse in LegalMetrology”, enCore FC1 onlyThisvolume focuseson the legally relevantpropertiesandfunctionsof the FC1 flow computer.
•“Operating Instructions”Thisvolumedescribesthe assembly, installation, commissioningand maintenance of all enCoreFCdevices.
•“Configuration ofDevice Software”This volumedescribes parameterizing devices of the enCore serieswith the software systemenSuite,thesoftwaredownloadandfurtherservices.
•“Basic SystemwithSFBs”This volumedescribesthe basic system, which providesallbasicfunctionsof the device software.Thebasic system e.g. managesthesystem resources, theI/O boardsorthe connectiontootherdevices viadigital protocols.
Each volumedescribes theparameterization, function andoperation ofeachAFB. These volumesalwaysdescribe thefullrange offunctionsof therespectiveAFBs.
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enCore FC
Delivery form of the individual volumes
Die Anleitung zur „Verwendung imgesetzlichen Messwesen“ und die „Betriebsanleitung“ sind Produktbestandteile und werden in gedruckter Form mit dem Gerät ausgeliefert.
Bewahren Sie diese Dokumente in unmittelbarer Nähe desenCore FC zur Verwendung für dasFachpersonal der benannten Stellen sowie für das Installations-, Bedienungs-, Wartungs- und Reinigungspersonal jederzeitzugänglich auf.
Alle weiteren Bände desenCore FC-Handbuchs können Sie imPDF-Format aus unserer Docuthek (
herunterladen.Zusätzlich stehen hier die Anleitung zur „OperatingInstructions“ sowie die „Betriebsanleitung“in digitalerForm zurVerfügung.
Die Dokumente in der Docuthek werden regelmäßig aktualisiert.
Manuals as product components
The volume “Use in Legal Metrology” and this “Operating Instructions”are product componentsand delivered in printedform with the device. Therefore, these must always be kept in the immediate vicinity of the enCore FCand easily accessible tothe installation, operational,maintenance and cleaning personnel.
All other volumes ofthe enCore FC manual can be downloaded from our Docuthek ( in PDF format. In
addition, the instructions for "Use in Legal Metrology" as well asthe "Operating instructions"are available in digital form.
The documentsin the Docuthek are regularly updated.
2About these Instructions
enCore FC
Operating Instructions
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2.3Text Labelling
Texts containing differentcontentsare labelled differently.With the help offollowing characteristics, you can identify which content ofthe text is pro-vided to you:
2.3.1Presentation of Safetyand Risk Instructions
Hazard Warnings
Hazard warningsindicate hazardous situations which may result in materialdamage and bodily harm or even death if disregarded.
Hazard warningsare described below:
Type of danger
Consequences in caseof non-compliance
Avoiding danger
The danger wordsignals the hazard level:
•DANGER!…indicatesan imminently hazardous situation that leads to deathor severe injuries.
•WARNING!…indicatesa possibly hazardoussituation thatmay lead to deathor severe injury.
•CAUTION!…indicatesa possibly hazardoussituation thatmay lead to slightor minor injuries.
•ATTENTION!…indicatesa possibly hazardoussituation thatmay lead tomaterial damage.
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Operating Instructions
enCore FC
Safety Instructions
Safety instructionsinclude notes and information which if disregarded maylead to functions not working correctly or not working at all.
Safety instructionsare described below:
Safety instruction (optional)
Safety instruction text
Tips andrecommendations
Tips include notes and information thatmake it easier for the user to operatethe enCore FC.
Tips are described below:
Heading (optional)
Hint text
2.3.2Paragraph Formats
►This triangle prompts you for an action.
This character will show you the immediate resultof youraction.
For the enCore FCsymbol, the result of your operation isshown in
Multi-row examples are marked by two continuous blue linesand the keyword “Example”.
running operation of the device after you have transferred an enSuite parameterization to the device and the deviceis restarted with thispara-meterization.
2About these Instructions
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2.3.3Character Formats
Time Service
Tab Parameters
[Group 1.]Modbus
Names of the individual SFB andAFB soft-ware elementsof the enCore FC.
References to additionalinformation are marked with an arrow. If the arrow refers to information within document,these referen-cesare formated ashyperlinks in blue font.You directly go to corresponding text pas-sage by clicking the blue text.
Marking of graphicscreen elements ormessages which you find again on the screen. These include, for example, menu items,marking of tabs and parameters.
Marking of buttons and keys are additionallyframed with square brackets.
Place holders are specified in angle-bracketsand represent the corresponding,current value of yoursystem–as in the ex-ample the name of the ModbusAFB.
Optional information is specified in square brackets.In the example,Group 1is shown
only when a group hasbeen created in yourdevice.
Texts which you enter in enSuite in the corresponding field.
links (Hyperlink)
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Operating Instructions
enCore FC
generated counters
Date & time
You can navigate through different displaysof enCore FC via hyperlinks. In the example,you change to the Date & timedisplay.
Update date and time
Actions are also marked inthe enCore FCdisplay as hyperlinks. You carry out a specific functionality when you activate anaction. In the example,the system time ofthe device is updated.
All the alphabetical strings which depictsheer ASCII characterstringssuch asidentifier forphysicalquantities, directory orfile names.
Table2-1: Characterformats
2.3.4Character Formats in FlowCharts
The individualelements are highlighted in the flow charts asshown in the following. That way, they can be distinguished properly even on a black-and-white printout:
[V Input]
“Event messages”
enSuite parameters are presented with square brackets and font color [green].
Export values, e.g. generated Flow
counters, have a
proportional font and blue fontcolor.
Event-messages which are activated orreset byan AFB are marked inquotation marks and orange font.
Table2-2: Characterformatsinflow charts
2About these Instructions
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2.4Limitation ofLiability
All specifications and instructions in theseOperating Instructions were compiled after taking into consideration the applicable standards and regulations,the current state of the art andthe knowledge and experience we gained overthe years.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for loss due to:
•non-compliance with these Operating Instructions
•unintended use
•use of the device by non-instructed personnel
•unauthorized device modifications
•technical changes
•use ofnon-authorizedreplacement parts
The actual scope of delivery may differfrom the explanations and de-scriptionsincluded here in case ofspecial device designs, the use ofadditional order optionsor because of the latest technicalchanges.
The obligationsarranged in the delivery contract apply, asdo the GeneralTerms and Conditions, manufacturer delivery conditions and current legalregulations thatapply at the time the contract was concluded.
Read through these Operating Instructions carefully before beginning any work to and with theenCoreFC, especially beforecommissioning the device!
The manufacturer assumes no liability for loss and malfunctionsthat result from non-compliance with these instructions.
We reserve theright to make technical changes within the scope of im-proving performance characteristicsand continuous developmentof the device.
About these Instructions2
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enCore FC
2.5Applicable Standards and Guidelines
The construction, production and operation of the enCore FCis based onthe following standards and guidelines:
•EN 12405-1
Gas meter–Conversion devices–Part 1: Volume conversion
•EN 60079-17Explosive atmospheres–Electrical installations inspection and maintenance
•EN 60079-25 Explosive atmospheres–Intrinsically safe systems
Further applicable standards and guidelines result from thespecific fields of
application of the individual device.
Onlyapplies to convertersof the enCore FCseries.
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3 Security considerationsfor your network
enCore FCdevices are used in modern accounting infrastructures and network control technology withthe task of transmitting processinformationsuch as counters,measurements and messagesto anaccounting center orcontrol station.Sucha connection representsa significant securityrisk and therefore careful consideration must be given to the design.
Reporting asecurity issue to Honeywell
As soon as you encounter a possible security gap of a Honeywellproduct, please report it directly to Honeywell.
FAQs11.1How to report a security vulnerability to Honeywell?(p.116)
Enforcea strongpassword policy
here are different attacks on passwords today, so you should follow the
Tbest practicesformanaging your passwords. Here are some ofthe bestpractices:
•Always change default passwords.
•Choose strong passwords.
Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers,and special characters when assigning a password.
In addition, protection increases with the password length.A strongpassword consistsof at least8 characters.
Documentdeviations of the best practices
If the system does notallow one of the best practices to be followed this shouldbe documented.For example:maybe you do not allow the special character "="in the password.
Security considerations for your network3
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Preventing unauthorized external access using a firewall
To reduce the risk to your network,we highly recommend to include a firewall orsome othermechanism to limit the network trafficbetween the (external) centralaccounting center resp. control station and the (internal)network of the gasmeasuring plant.
Furthermore, we recommend to allow protocolsand ports only that are actually used for data exchange with the externalnetwork, adding these to the white list of the firewall(10.5.1Data protocols and its TCP
default port (Ethernet), p.113).
For example:
Fig.3-1: Routerand firewallbetween measurement plant and control station
plus dataexchange via Modbus TCPin a trusted network–example
Operating Instructions
4 Safety
4.1General SafetyInstructions
Risk of explosion
A risk of explosion exists if theenCoreFCdevice (FC1 orMC1)is improperlyassembledand connected!
•The enCore FC devicemust be installed outside ofExzones0, 1 and 2.
•Assemblies which are authorized as associated category ibelectrical equipment with intrinsically safe electricalcircuits inaccordance with EN 60079-11 can be installed in the enCoreFC device, e.g. inputboards with the label ExMFE5.TheenCore FC deviceis therefore suitablefor connectingtotransmitters,pulse and signal sensorsthatare locatedin thepotentially explosive area zone 1. Amixed connectionofintrinsicallysafe and non-intrinsically safe circuits is notpermitted for these assemblies.
•Only measurementtransmittersand pulse sensors that followat least the requirementsof the intrinsically safe protectionclass [ExibGb]IIC may be connected to the ExMFE5assembly terminalsprovided for that purpose.
•When using input boardsof ExMFE5 type, it isnotpermitted(according to the ECtype examination certificate ATEX) toinclude more than one ExMFE5 board (i.e. more than oneassociated apparatus) into the same intrinsically safe circuit.
•All signalsfrom the potentiallyexplosive area (zone 0,zone1, zone 2)must be regulated using suitableExisolatorsif they are connected to some other assembly group that isnot the inputboard ExMFE5.
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Operating Instructions
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•The regulations in the relevant standards, especiallyEN60079-0, EN60079-11, EN60079-17 and EN60079-25,mustbe obeyed unconditionally.
Safetyandwarning instructions
The following safety and warning instructions must be observed unconditionally:
•Any individualappointed to perform work on or with theenCore FC device must read and understand theseOperating Instructions before beginning work.This alsoapplies ifthe individual concerned has already worked withsuch a device or a similar one, or was instructed by themanufacturer.
•In order to avoid risks and to ensure that the enCore FCdeviceperforms in an optimalmanner, no changesormodificationsthat were not expressly authorized by themanufacturer maybe performed on the device.
•TheenCore FC devicemustnot be exposed to temperaturesbelow−25°C orabove +60°Cduring storage.
•A temperature that is between −10°C and +55°C must be en-sured while the enCore FC deviceisbeing operated.
•The power supply in enCore FC deviceisover a 24V DC,and thissupply mustbe protected externally using a 1A time-delay fuse.
•The grounding system isconnected to the power supplysocket PEfor potential equalization.
•The threshold values listed in the certificatesofconformity(e.g. EC type examination certificate ATEX) for the boards tobe connected to the device must be observed.
The threshold values that are listed in the certificate ofconformityfor the applicable authorization must be observed while using the device within the scope oflegal metrology e.g.ofEUtype examination certificate (MID).
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For a description of the process boardsrefertochapter5.5
Available Process Boards(p.40).
4.2Intended Use
The enCore FC deviceis designed and constructed exclusively for itsintended useasdescribed here.
All enCore FC devicesareprocess computer which processinformation onthe externally connected measurementdevicesand signal sensors.
The specificintended use varies according to device type:
•enCore FC1
The FC1 ismainly used for(fiscal) gas measurement. In thiscase,the main task of the device is to convert the gas volume measuredatthe measurement conditions to base conditions(volumeconversion). Moreover, the corresponding thermal energy andmass can be calculated. The measured and/or calculated data canbe recorded and monitored.
The FC1 can also carry out other functions and calculationsdepending on the scope of application (e.g. volume or massflowconversion forliquids).
Moreover, the FC1 can also be used to measure, record andmonitor otherprocess signals.
•enCore MC1
The MC1 is a process computer,which processes the informationfrom the connected externalmeasurement devices and signalsensors.This device typeismainlyused in industrialgas measure-ment. The main tasks of the device are monitoring and controllingprocesses.The measured and/or calculated data can be recordedand archived.
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Operating Instructions
enCore FC
Compliance with all the specifications in these “Operating Instructions” also falls under the device's intended use.
Any use of the enCore FCthat goes beyond ordeviates from itsintended use is considered a misuse of the device, and maylead to hazardoussituations.
Claims of any kind due to lossresulting from non-intended use of the device are excluded.
Adhering to ageand profession-specific regulations
When selecting a personnel,make sure to comply with the specific regulationsof the overall gassystem thatconcern age and occupation.
4.3Unacceptable use while Impaired
Individuals whose ability to react is impaired,e.g. because ofdrugs, alcoholor medication, are not permitted to operate, assemble and configure the device.The operatoris responsible for the carefulselection of the personnel.
4.4Operator Liability
The enCore FCisused in industrial applications. The operator of the device is therefore subjectto legal obligations ofoccupationalhealth and safety.
In addition to the safety instructions in these Operating Instructions, currentregulationsof safety, accidentprevention and environmentalprotection mustbe observed for the enCore FCarea of application.
The following itemsespecially apply:
•The operator mustensure compliance with the current regulationsofsafety, accident prevention and environmental protection thatapplyfor the overallsystem in which theenCore FCis integrated.
•The operator mustkeep himselfor herself informed of theapplicable occupational healthand safetyregulations,anddetermine, over the course ofa risk assessment, the additional
enCore FC
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risks that arise from the specific working conditions when theenCore FCisbeing used. The operator mustinclude these itemsin the form ofOperating Instructions for the enCore FC.
•The operator must review, over the entire operational life of theenCore FC, whether the OperatingInstructionsprepared by him orher correspond to the currentstatus of the bodies of regulations,and adapt the instructions ifnecessary.
•The operator mustdefinitively regulate and establish the respon-sibilities forenCore FCassembly, connection, commissioning,operation and maintenance.
•The operator mustensure that allemployees who work with theenCore FChave read and understood theseOperating Instructions.In addition, the operator musttrain these personnelat regularintervals and inform them of the risksinvolved with the device.
•The operator of the overallsystem in which the enCore FCisintegrated must provide the personnel with the required protectiveequipment.
In addition, the operator is responsible forensuring the enCore FCis alwaysin a technically perfectstate. The following therefore apply:
•The operator mustensure that the installation and maintenancework described in these Operating Instructionsare performedproperly.
•The operator musthave all safety installationschecked regularly toensure they function correctly and are complete.
Operating Instructions
5 Designand Function
5.1Functional Descriptionof enCore FCdevices
The specific function of an enCore device dependson its device type(chapter4.2Intended Use, p.25):
•enCore FC1
The FC1is a process computer, which is mainly used as a flowcomputer for natural gas,thusto measure and calculate the gasflow.
•enCore MC1
The MC1 isa monitoring and controlling unit, mainlyfor use inindustrialgas measurement.
For these special tasks, various measuring devicesare connected to the device (depending on the application, e.g.gasmeter, pressure transmitter,temperature transmitterandgasquality measurementdevice).
The enCore FCprovides variousinterfaceoptions for the varioustypes ofmeasurementdevice types:
Device TypeConnection Option
gas meter•pulse interface for turbine, rotary piston or
other pulse-generating gas meters
•serial interface for ultrasonic gas meters viaa manufacturer-specificdigital protocol
•interface forgasmeters with anencoderindex
pressure transmitter•4 … 20mA analog input
•HARTprotocol interface
temperature transmitter•resistance input for Pt100 with 4-wire
•HARTprotocol interface
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enCore FC
5Design and Function
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Device TypeConnection Option
gasqualitymeasurement devices
•serial interface
•LAN interface
Table 1: Interfaceoptions
5.1.1Number of Streams and theirFlow Directions
The number ofstreams and theirflow directions are variable since device hardware and software can be extended. Thisnumber depends upon the number ofboard slots available, individual hardware settings and the soft-ware configuration.
5.1.2International Standards
Flow Computers of the enCore FC device series support the following international standards for the calculation ofthe gascharacteristicswhich are used for flowconversion.Which standards are supported in detail variesaccording to device type:
ValueSelectable Calculation Standard
compressibility•AGA8-92 DC (ISO 12213-2)
•SGERG-88 (ISO 12213-3)
•AGA-NX19 mod
•AGA-NX19 mod BR.KOR.3H
•GOST 30319.2-2015
•GOST 30319.3-2015
gas density,relative density•AGA8-92 DC(ISO 12213-2)
•ISO 6976
•GOST 30319.3-2015
heating value,Wobbeindex•ISO 6976
Design and Function5
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enCore FC
Table 2:Internationalstandards
Depending on the field of application, the enCore FC supports otherEuropean orinternational standards as well.
5.2Device Description
The enCore FCishoused in a19“ housing with 1/3 overall width (max. 4 process boards)or 1/2 overallwidth (max. 7 process boards).screen as well as the 2 function keysand 5 navigation keys for operation arelocated on the front panel. In addition, the USBconnection, security switch and 2status LEDsare located on the front panel.
At the rear side of the device, the CPU board providesa LAN interface andtwo RS232/RS422/RS485 serial interfaces. Devices with protocol interfacescan be connected to theseinterfaces, e.g. gasquality measuring devices.
Various other I/O boardscan be mounted from the rear side of the device.The maximum number ofboards dependsupon the housing design. Amaximum of four process boards can be installed in a device with 1/3 overallwidth, while a maximum of seven can be installed in a device with 1/2 overallwidth.
6The touch
The configuration of the I/Oboard equipment is variable. In principle, any I/Oboard can be inserted into any slot. There might be individual limitations de-pending on the type of the board.
The following boardtypes are currentlyavailable:
chapter9.6Housing dimensions(p.93)
•ExMFE5Exinput board
•MFE7 input board
•MFA8 output board
•digital communication boards MSER4
•digital communication boards ESER4
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