Base LED Sequences and Meaning
Reading Techniques
The view finder projects an aiming
beam that should be centered over
the bar code, but it can be positioned in any direction for a good
Hold the scanner over the bar code,
pull the trigger, and center the aiming beam on the bar code.
The aiming beam is smaller when
the scanner is closer to the code and larger when it is farther from
the code. Hold the scanner close to smaller bar codes, and farther
away from large bar codes to get a proper read.
If the bar code is highly reflective (e.g., laminated), you may need to
tilt the scanner at an angle so the bar code can be scanned.
Note: If the scanner beeps 3 times when scanning a bar code, the
link has not been established. If the scanner beeps once, the
link has been established.
Red LED - Host Communication
Short blinks. Occurs while
transferring data to the host
LED Indicators - Scanner Instant Charge Pack
Battery less than 100%
Battery less than 50%
Note: Refer to your user’s guide for information about cleaning your
Getting Started
Turn off the computer’s power before connecting the base, then
power up the computer once the base is fully connected. When the
base is connected and powered up, put the scanner in the base to
establish a link. The green LED on the base flashes to indicate the
scanner’s instant charge pack is charging. The scanner must be
returned to the base when not in use. A scanner charged on the
base with the power supply for 35 seconds will result in 100 scans,
with one scan every second.
Power Supply Assembly (if included)
Note: The power supply must be ordered separately, if needed.
Connecting the Scanner
Note: If you are charging the scanner using the USB cable, the
current available for charging is reduced and charge times are
increased. Charging via the power supply is faster.
Keyboard Wedge:
RS232 Serial Port:
Xenon™ 1902G-BF
Battery-Free Wireless Area-Imaging Scanner and
Charge Base
Quick Start Guide
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Rev (a)

COM Port number. Apple® Macintosh computers recognize the
scanner as a USB CDC class device and automatically use a class
USB Serial
Note: No extra configuration (e.g., baud rate) is necessary.
USB PC Keyboard
Scan the following code to program the scanner for a USB PC Keyboard.
USB PC Keyboard
Keyboard Country
Scan the Program Keyboard Country bar code below, then scan
the numeric bar code(s) from page 2, then the Save bar code to
program the keyboard for your country. As a general rule, the
following characters are not supported by the scanner for countries
other than the United States:
@ | $ # { } [ ] = / ‘ \ < > ~
Program Keyboard Country
Standard Product Defaults
The following bar code resets all standard product default settings.
Standard Product Defaults
RS485 Interface
The RS485 interface defaults to port 5B. If you have an IBM POS
terminal using port 9B, scan the appropriate code below to program
the terminal, then power cycle the cash register.
Note: For additional RS485 interface selections, see the User’s
Guide for your product at our website,
USB Serial
Scan the following code to program the scanner to emulate a regular
RS232-based COM Port. If you are using a Microsoft® Windows®
PC, you will need to download a driver from the Honeywell website
(www.honeywellaidc.com). The driver will use the next available