Honeywell CBU144-50A-085, CBU144-50A-074, CBU144-50A-095, CBU144-50A-063, CBU144-50A-105 Instructions Manual

Compact Booster Unit - single pump
To ensure the quality of potable water according to EN1717
1.1 Safety instructions in this manual .........................................................3
1.2 Safety instructions in the system ..........................................................3
1.3 General safety instructions ...................................................................3
1.4 Further safety regulations .....................................................................3
1.5 Unauthorised operation types ...............................................................3
1.6 Residual dangers in handling the compact booster unit .......................4
1.6.1 Mechanical residual dangers ......................................................4
1.6.2 Residual dangers pertaining to fluids ..........................................4
1.6.3 Residual electrical hazards .........................................................4
1.6.4 Thermal hazards .........................................................................4
1.6.5 Residual biological hazards ........................................................4
1.6.6 Residual chemical hazards .........................................................4
1.6.7 Consequences and dangers that result from not observing the
manual ........................................................................................4
1.7 Basic Safety Measures .........................................................................5
1.7.1 Keep information available ..........................................................5
1.7.2 For environmental protection ......................................................5
1.7.3 Modifications to the compact booster unit ...................................5
1.8 Duty of due care of the operator ...........................................................5
1.9 Safety instructions for the operator/operating personnel ......................5
1.10Safety instructions for maintenance, inspections and assembly work ..5
1.11Requirements for operating personnel .................................................5
1.11.1Operating personnel ...................................................................5
1.12Personal safety equipment ...................................................................5
2. General information ............................................................................6
2.1 Conformity with the following norms .....................................................6
2.1.1 Warranty and liability ...................................................................6
2.1.2 Storage and perfect condition .....................................................6
2.1.3 Illustrations ..................................................................................6
2.1.4 Symbols ......................................................................................6
2.2 Other applicable documents .................................................................6
2.3 Glossary ...............................................................................................6
3. Description ..........................................................................................7
3.1 Intended use .........................................................................................7
3.2 Non-intended use .................................................................................7
3.3 Version .................................................................................................7
3.3.1 Structure .....................................................................................7
3.4 Function ................................................................................................8
3.4.1 Installation type ...........................................................................8
3.4.2 Inlet side ......................................................................................8
3.4.3 Outlet side ...................................................................................8
3.4.4 Switch cabinet .............................................................................8
3.5 Mode of operation .................................................................................9
3.5.1 Mode of automatic operation .....................................................9
3.5.2 Mode of manual operation .........................................................9
3.5.3 Mode of operation for testing .....................................................9
3.5.4 Mode of operation for protection against dry running ................9
3.5.5 Mode of operation for temperature monitoring ............................9
3.5.6 Mode of operation for refilling ....................................................9
3.5.7 Mode of operation for flushing ...................................................9
3.5.8 Mode of operation for separation of potable water ....................9
3.5.9 Mode of operation in the event of power loss ............................9
3.6 Options .................................................................................................9
4. Technical data ................................................................................... 10
4.1 Construction dimensions ....................................................................11
4.2 Noise expectancy values ....................................................................11
4.3 Authorised environmental conditions ..................................................11
5. Shipping ............................................................................................12
5.1 Check condition upon delivery ............................................................12
5.2 Transportation ....................................................................................12
6. Assembly ...........................................................................................12
6.1 General safety instructions .................................................................12
6.2 Installation according to DIN 14462 ....................................................12
6.3 Installation according to DIN 1988 ......................................................12
6.4 Inspection before assembly ................................................................13
6.4.1 Installation site .........................................................................13
6.5 Installing the compact booster unit .....................................................13
6.6 Installing the pipelines ........................................................................13
6.6.1 Connecting the overflow ..........................................................13
6.6.2 Installing the compensator (optional) .......................................13
6.7 Buffer tank ..........................................................................................13
6.8 Protection against dry running ............................................................13
6.9 Installing valves ..................................................................................13
6.10Electrical connection ...........................................................................13
6.10.1Safety instructions ....................................................................14
6.10.2Connection specifications .........................................................14
6.10.3Connecting electrical accessories ...........................................14
6.10.4Connecting the limit switch .......................................................14
6.10.5Potential-free contacts ..............................................................14
6.11Standby indicator ................................................................................15
7. Start-up ..............................................................................................15
7.1 Safety instructions for start-up ............................................................15
7.2 Start-up requirements .........................................................................15
7.3 Initial operation ...................................................................................15
7.3.1 Settings .....................................................................................16
7.4 Switching the system on .....................................................................16
7.5 Start-up checklist ................................................................................16
8. Maintenance ......................................................................................17
8.1 Safety instructions for maintenance ....................................................17
8.2 Inspection ...........................................................................................17
8.2.1 Buffer tank ................................................................................17
8.2.2 Monitoring Operation ...............................................................18
8.2.3 Mode of operation in the event of power loss ..........................18
8.2.4 Checklist for Inspection ............................................................18
8.3 Maintenance .......................................................................................19
8.3.1 Setting the precharge pressure for the membrane pressure
vessel .......................................................................................19
8.3.2 Cleaning the dirt trap .................................................................19
8.3.3 Checklist for maintenance work ...............................................19
9. Troubleshooting ...............................................................................19
9.1 Possible malfunctions / Errors ............................................................19
9.2 Possible causes / Elimination .............................................................20
10. Shut-down, restart ............................................................................21
10.1Shutting down the compact booster unit ............................................21
10.2Restarting the compact booster unit ...................................................21
11. Storage ..............................................................................................21
11.1Short-term storage ..............................................................................21
11.2Storage/Preservation ..........................................................................21
11.3Storage conditions ..............................................................................21
12. Disassembly, disposal .....................................................................21
12.1Safety instructions for disassembly ....................................................21
13. Spare parts ........................................................................................22
13.1Parts index CBU144 ...........................................................................22
14. Start-up protocol ...............................................................................23
15. Declaration of no objection .............................................................24
16. Proof of Maintenance ....................................................................... 25
Honeywell GmbH 2 Translation of original - EN1H-1374GE23 R1014
1. Safety Guidelines
1.1 Safety instructions in this manual
Places with this sign signify that death, severe bodily injury or significant property damage will occur if the appropriate precautionary measures are not followed!
Places with this sign signify that death, severe bodily injury or significant property damage may occur if the appropriate precautionary measures are not followed!
Places with this sign signify that small bodily injury or slight property da­mage may occur if the appropriate precautionary measures are not fol­lowed!
Places with this sign provide technical information and tips on usage that damage to the machine must be avoided.This symbol is not a safe­ty indication. Places with this sign provide information about possible hazards to the environment
Please notice that a safety symbol never can replace the text of the safety instruction itself - the text of the safety instruction must be read entirely!
1.2 Safety instructions in the system
Danger of burning on hot surfaces of pump housing
1.3 General safety instructions
This manual contains basic instructions which are to be observed in trans­port, assembly, start-up, operation, maintenance, shut-down, storage and waste disposal.
The following safety instructions have to be observed while operating the compact booster unit:
• When using the compact booster unit, the data, operation and usage conditions specifically authorised in the technical data sheet and the operating manual have to be observed.
• Never exceed the permissible limits pertaining to pressure, temperature, etc. as stated in the documentation.
• Observe all safety instructions as well as the operating instructions of the manual.
• Instructions that are directly attached to the system have to be observed and must be kept completely legible. This applies for example to:
- Safety instructions
- Arrow for rotation direction
- Connection labels
- Type label
• Before assembly and start-up, the manual has to be read by the operator as well as by the responsible technical/operating personnel and has to be stored at the site of the compact booster unit at all times.
• Installation and maintenance work may only be performed by authorised specialist personnel with the appropriate tools.
• The technical condition of the compact booster unit has to be checked regularly (at least once a year) by the operating company.
• The local safety and accident regulations have to be observed when operating the compact booster unit.
• The general technical rules must be observed when planning the usage and operating the device.
• Modification of the compact booster unit is not permitted and leads to the loss of warranty.
• After an interruption of the electrical or fluid supply, a defined or controlled re-run of the process must be ensured.
• The operator is responsible for complying with local regulations that are not covered by the manual.
1.4 Further safety regulations
Besides the safety instructions presented in this manual and its intended use, the following safety regulations are valid:
• Accident prevention regulations, safety and operating regulations
• Safety regulations for handling hazardous substances
• Applicable standards and laws
1.5 Unauthorised operation types
The limits that are stated in the documentation have to always be complied with. The delivered system is only guaranteed to operate reliably when it is used as intended.
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1.6 Residual dangers in handling the compact booster unit
Danger and adverse effects may result from use of the compact booster unit
• for the body and life of the operator or third person
• for the compact booster unit itself
• to other property. The basis for safe and error-free operation of the compact booster unit is knowledge of the instructions for safety and operation in this manual.
1.6.1 Mechanical residual dangers
During normal operation, no danger is threatened from mechanical components.
1.6.2 Residual dangers pertaining to fluids
During normal operation, no danger is threatened by hydraulic components. Hazards might result solely under the following conditions.
Danger area Type of hazard Reduction of hazard
Pipelines Injury through high pressure Clear pipelines of pressure and medium prior to assem-
bly, maintenance, shut-down!
1.6.3 Residual electrical hazards
During normal operation, no danger results from the electrical equipment of the compact booster unit. Hazards might result solely under the following conditions.
Danger area Type of hazard Reduction of hazard
Injury from cables Danger to life !
Electric shock of 230/400V from electric voltage
Electrostatically endangered components / subassemblies
The device contains electronic componental elements that react sensitively to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Contact with electro­statically charged persons or objects endangers these compo­nental elements. Worst case scenario: they will be immediately destroyed or fail after start-up.
Connect up protective earth system! Always switch off power supply and secure against swit-
ching on again during maintenance and servicing work! Comply with the valid accident prevention and safety re-
gulations for electrical devices! Comply with requirements according to EN 100 015 - 1,
in order to minimise or avoid damage through shock-type electrostatic discharge!
Do not touch electronic componental elements when the power supply is on!
1.6.4 Thermal hazards
Danger area Type of hazard Reduction of hazard
Hot surfaces of the pump housing Contact can cause burning Wear personal safety equipment!
1.6.5 Residual biological hazards
During normal operation, no biological danger results from the compact booster unit. Hazards might result solely under the following conditions.
Danger area Type of hazard Reduction of hazard
Buffer tank Danger of microbial contamination Set the automatic rinsing device according to local condi-
tions! Clean the buffer tank regularly!
Inlet lines from the potable water network
Danger of contamination caused by stagnant water Make sure the inlet lines from the potable water network
are equipped with a rinsing device!
1.6.6 Residual chemical hazards
During normal operation, no chemical danger results from the compact booster unit. Hazards might result solely under the following conditions.
Danger area Type of hazard Reduction of hazard
Use of detergents Danger through contact with or breathing in dangerous fluids, ga-
ses, fumes, vapours or dust
Wear personal safety equipment! Pay attention to the safety specifications sheet of deter-
gent manufacturers!
1.6.7 Consequences and dangers that result from not observing the manual
• Not observing this manual will lead to loss of the warranty and make damage claims invalid.
• Failure to observe the manual can lead, for example, to the following dangers:
- Hazard to persons caused by electrical, thermal, mechanical, and chemical influences
- Loss of important product functions
- Failure to perform required maintenance and service measures
- Environmental hazard caused by leakage of hazardous substances
Honeywell GmbH 4 Translation of original - EN1H-1374GE23 R1014
1.7 Basic Safety Measures
1.7.1 Keep information available
This manual has to be stored. It has to be ensured that all persons who operate the compact booster unit have access to the manual at all times.
1.7.2 For environmental protection
When operating or servicing the compact booster unit, the regulations concerning waste avoidance and the proper recycling or disposal of wa­ste must be observed. Particular attention must be paid that materials and agents dangerous to the groundwater such as fats, oils, coolants, solvent-based liquid de­tergents, etc. do not pollute the ground or access the sewage system. These materials must be caught in suitable tanks, stored, transported and properly disposed of.
1.7.3 Modifications to the compact booster unit
When using externally procured parts, there is no guarantee that these are designed and constructed to tolerate demands made upon them or whether they comply with safety regulations.
For safety reasons, no unauthorised modifications may be made to the compact booster unit. Parts and special equipment not delivered by Honeywell are also not autho­rised by Honeywell for use.
1.8 Duty of due care of the operator
This compact booster unit was designed and constructed according to a risk assessment and after careful selection of the harmonised standards that apply, as well as according to further technical specifications. It thus complies with best practice and guarantees the highest safety standard.
This level of safety can only be attained during operational practice if all required safety measures have been taken. It is the duty of care of the operator of the compact booster unit to plan these measures and enforce their implementation.
In particular, the operator must ensure that
• the compact booster unit is only operated as intended
• the compact booster unit is only operated in perfect working condition.
• the required personal safety gear for operating, maintenance and repair personnel is available and is used
• the manual has to be kept legible at all times and stored on-site with the compact booster unit.
• the compact booster unit is assembled, commissioned, operated, main­tained, and shut down solely by sufficiently qualified and authorised personnel.
• this personnel is regularly instructed on all relevant questions of work safety and environmental protection, and has also read and understood the manual and particularly the safety instructions it contains.
• none of the safety and warning signs attached to the compact booster unit are removed and all remain legible.
• a hazard assessment (according to the Safety at Work Act § 5) is conducted to detect further hazards that may arise from the particular working conditions on-site where the compact booster unit is operated.
• all further information and safety instructions which arise from the hazard assessment process shall be summarised in operating instructions (according to the work equipment regulation § 6).
• measures for the decontamination of systems that pump hazardous medium are stated in the operating manual
• the drain output lines are sufficiently dimensioned
1.9 Safety instructions for the operator/operating personnel
• Provide on-site protection against contact for hot,cold, and moving parts and check if they function properly.
• Do not remove the protection against contact during operation of the pump.
• Eliminate hazards caused by electrical energy (for details refer to the country specific regulations and/or local power supply companies).
1.10 Safety instructions for maintenance, inspections and assembly work
• Alterations or modifications of the system are only permitted with the
consent of the manufacturer.
• Use only original parts or parts authorised by the manufacturer.
• Use of parts other than those authorised may lead to loss of liability for
any damage they may cause.
• Perform service on the system only when the machine is off.
• The pump housing has to be at ambient temperature.
• The pump housing has to be depressurised and empty.
• The procedures described in the manual for shutting down the system
have to be observed under all circumstances.
• Decontaminate systems that pump hazardous medium.
• Reinstall safety equipment and protective devices and activate them
again immediately after work on the system has been completed. Before starting up again, observe the start-up checklist.
• Keep unauthorised persons (e.g. children) away from the system.
1.11 Requirements for operating personnel
1.11.1 Operating personnel
This compact booster system may only be asembled, started, operated, maintained, and shut down by persons who have been trained, instructed and authorised to do so.
In some cases, training can be arranged by the manufacturer if asked by the operator. Training or personnel to operate system may only be conducted under the supervision of specialised technicians. The relevant authorisations of the personnel are to be specified by the operating company in the form of an operating instruction. Over and above this, special qualifications are required for the following tasks:
• Only electricians may perform work on electrical equipment.
• Assembly, maintenance, servicing and repair work may only be
performed by qualified, specialist personnel The basic regulations on work safety and accident prevention are to be observed. Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel are persons who on account of their training, experience and instruction also their knowledge of the relevant norms, regulations, acci­dent prevention regulations and operating conditions, including those persons responsible for the safety of the system, have been authorised to perform the relevant and required tasks, meanwhile being able to recognise and avoid dangers. This includes required knowledge of First Aid measures and the local ambulance services and facilities.
1.12 Personal safety equipment
No personal safety equipment is required to operate the compact booster unit.
EN1H-1374GE23 R1014 - Translation of original 5 Honeywell GmbH
2. General information
The manual is a part of the series and the versions as mentioned on the title page. The manual describes the safe and proper use in all modes of opera­tion. The type label indicates the series and size, the most important operating data and the order number. The factory number/serial number describes the identifies the system uniquely and serves this purpose for all further busi­ness transactions. In order to maintain the warranty, in the event of damage immediately contact the nearest Honeywell service centre.
2.1 Conformity with the following norms
Pump unit: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG Pump unit: EMC Directive 2004/108/EG
2.1.1 Warranty and liability
As a matter of principle, the general sales and delivery terms of the Honey­well Company apply. Warranty and liability claims for injury to persons and damage to property are ruled out if they arise from one or more of the follo­wing causes.
• Non-intended use of the compact booster unit
• Improper assembly, start-up, operation and maintenance of the compact booster unit
• Failure to comply with the instructions in the manual concerning transport, storage, assembly, start-up, operation, maintenance, and service of the compact booster unit
• Unauthorised constructional modifications of the compact booster unit
• Negligent monitoring of components subject to stress
• Improperly performed repairs
• Catastrophes through effect of a foreign object or force majeure
2.1.2 Storage and perfect condition
This instruction manual is a part of the compact booster unit and has to be complete and accessible at all times. Any instruction or page that is missing has to be replaced immediately.
2.1.3 Illustrations
The illustrations used are examples of one possible version of the compact booster unit and might differ in individual cases from the actual compact booster unit version.
2.1.4 Symbols
1. Start of a task description
2. Next work step
- Result of an action
• List of several options
Reference to other documents
Pictogram Danger classification
Danger source
ª Consequence of non-compliance
2.2 Other applicable documents
Product data sheet CBU144Operating instructions of the operating companyData sheetsDocumentation for the switch cabinet/circuit diagramWiring scheme for the external remote on/off controlInstructions for the pumpInstructions for the pressure switchInstructions for the throttle valveInstructions for the membrane pressure vesselInstructions for the check valvesInstructions for magnetic valvesDeclaration of Conformity
2.3 Glossary
Pump requirements
Pump actuation means that a pump starts up when a start signal is sent by a pressure switch, from a wall hydrant (limit switch), by remote on/off, or from the wire breakage and short circuit monitoring relays.
Automatic operating mode
The pump is switched on and off either by pressure control or by a contact on the wall hydrant.
EN 1717
European standard that specifies technical regulations for potable water installations.
DIN 14462
German standard that pertains to extinguishing water equipment and with which fire extinguisher systems have to comply.
Membrane pressure vessel
The membrane pressure vessel is for compensating pressure drops in the pipeline network behind the compact booster unit, that can occur because of loss of minimal quantities.
That minimises the frequency of operation of the compact booster.
Noise expectancy values
The expected noise emission, stated here as sound pressure level (SPL) in dB(A).
Manual operation
During manual operation, the compact booster unit is connected directly to the mains and independent of the control unit.
Certificate of no objection
A certificate of no objection is a declaration that the system has been cleaned properly so that parts that have been in contact with medium are not dangerous for health and environment.
Honeywell GmbH 6 Translation of original - EN1H-1374GE23 R1014
3. Description
Honeywell Compact Booster Unit - single pump CBU144 as a safety device to separate potable water from category 5 fluids according to DIN EN 1717 for fire extinguisher applications acc. to DIN 14462 and DIN1988-600 with free outlet type AB and a vertical high-pressure pump. Fully automatic, fully wired Compact Booster Unit-single pump with modular design comprising a single pump system and a buffer tank for the hygienic separation of potable water and category 5 fluids according to DIN EN 1717, on a common base frame. The modular design makes it possible to discon­nect modules for installation in buildings with limited space. The system is switched on and off regulated by pressure. Separation of systems as a means to protect potable water from being contaminated by fluids of the category 5 according to DIN EN 1717
Pump medium Non-potable water
Without aggressive, abrasive and solid
components Flow rate Pumping head up to 125 m Medium temperature up to 30 °C Ambient temperature up to 40 °C Pressure rating PN16 Inlet pressure
up to 18 m up to 36 m3/h up to 48 m3/h
Supply voltage 2 x 3/N/PE, AC 400 V, 50 Hz
max. 48 m
min. 1,5 bar, max. 8 bar
min. 3 bar, max. 8 bar
min. 4 bar, max. 8 bar
3.1 Intended use
The compact booster unit may only be operated in such areas as described in the other applicable documents.
Non-intended operation of the compact booster unit can result in danger to persons, systems, the surroundings and the environment.
• Operate the compact booster unit only if it is in perfect working condition.
• Do not operate the compact booster unit if it is only partially assembled.
• The compact booster unit may only be used to pump the medium as
described in the documentation of the respective version.
• Never operate the compact booster unit without pump medium.
• Observe the values for minimum pumping rates (avoiding damage
because of overheating, storage damage, ...).
• Observe the values for maximum pumping rates (to avoid damage due to
overheating, floating ring seal damage, cavitation damage, storage damage, ...).
• Do not throttle the input of the compact booster unit (to avoid cavitation
• Other modes of operations, if not mentioned in the documentation, have
to be coordinated with the manufacturer.
3.2 Non-intended use
The compact booster unit is not designed for operation outside. Tempera­ture, light and moisture can lead to malfunctions and damaging devices.
• Do not operate the compact booster unit outside.
• Operate the compact booster unit only as intended.
• Do not fill aggressive or flammable medium into the medium lines of the
• No mechanical stress on housings (e.g. by depositing objects or as a
• Do not perform any external modifications on the device housing. Do not
paint housing parts and screws!
• Do not disassemble the compact booster unit more than is necessary for
purposes of installation and maintenance.
/h (13,3 l/s)
3.3 Version
The Compact Booster Unit consists of the following modules, that can be disassembled (for example for transport purposes).
• The single pump booster unit has a pump, a control unit, valves and connected piping. The pressure switch and temperature sensor are installed, wired and preset with standard default values in the factory.
• Buffer tank with inlet and flushing apparatus as well as level, overflow and dry running monitor. The components are assembled and preset in the factory. The electrical components are connected to the control unit of the booster station with plug connections. Thus if required an electric separa­tion can be made.
• A common base frame for the double pump booster unit and the buffer tank that allows tranportation with a standard pallet hand forklift.The pumps and base frame are equipped with vibration dampers.
3.3.1 Structure
A single pumping system made up of:
• a normal sucking, vertical high-pressure rotary pump with all components in contact with the medium made of stainless steel
• Standard-motor each pump, energy efficiency class IE2
• Check valves
• Shut-off valve on the inlet and outlet sides
• Diaphragm expansion vessel on the outlet side as vessel
• Vibration damper
• Pressure gauge display
• Shut-off valve, lockable
• Pump protection through temperature related minimum flow
• Piping made of chrom-nickel-steel alloy
• The system is connected to the installation pipeline with circular flanges
• Base frame made of coated steel
Electrical switching apparatus with an electro-mechanical control unit comprising:
• Power supply via 3/N/PE, 400V AC, 50Hz
• Main switch that is protected against unauthorised operation
• Control transformer 400V / 230V- 24V
• Green indicator light for standby
• Red indicator light for water shortage
• Yellow indicator light for malfunction
• White indicator light for operation on demand
• Manual/automatic switch
• Timer for 24 hour functional operation and weekly flushing cycle
• Remote on/off, protected against wire breakage and short circuit
• Phase monitor relays with rotation monitoring and phase failure protection
• Smooth operated start-up
• Motor protection device, in case of failure only indicates an alarm
• Terminal strip with markings for all connections
• Plug connectors for easy connection of electrical equipment on the buffer tank
Terminal strip for potential-free contact for time-delayed potable water separation (adjustable)
• Control voltage 230V, AC 6A
Buffer tank made of polyethylene with:
• Non-circular, free overflow according to DIN EN 13077, Type AB
• Drainage connection DN 100 (nozzles) with integrated siphon trap
• Usable volume 540 litres
• Refilling of potable water via float valve
• Automatic flushing device via solenoid valve
• Sensors for monitoring of dry running and overflow
EN1H-1374GE23 R1014 - Translation of original 7 Honeywell GmbH
3.4 Function
The system comprises one multi-speed high-pressure rotary pump with inlet and outlet shut-off valves. They can be locked with padlocks against unauthorised closing. They make it possible to disassemble the pump or the check valves without having to empty the pipeline system. The check valve on the pumping side prevents liquid from backing up on the pump and flowing backwards through it, and it relieves the floating ring seal.
The fully automatic Compact Booster Unit with compact design comprising:
• vertical high-pressure pump
• electro-mechanical control unit to ensure the required supply pressure is provided for the consumers
• buffer tank with automatic refilling
construction and operation is according to DIN 1988, DIN 14462, EN 1717 and EN 13077.
Figure 1: CBU144 Structure
1 Inlet 2 Buffer tank 3 Display 4 Switch cabinet 5 Pump 6 Base frame 7 Temperature monitor 8 Outlet shut-off valve 9 Bypass
3.4.3 Outlet side
On the outlet side there is a diaphragm expansion vessel as well as two pressure switches and a pressure guage.
1 Diaphragm expansion vessel 2 Pressure switch 3 Pressure guage
Figure 3: CBU144 Outlet side
3.4.4 Switch cabinet
The switch cabinet is connected to the pump base frame and completely wired with the Compact Booster Unit. Power supply for water level measure­ment and solenoid valve is made possible via a plug connection to the switch cabinet. Automation
• Electro-mechanical control unit
• Timer for 24 hour functional operation and weekly flushing cycle
• Manual/automatic switch
• Phase monitor relays with rotation monitoring and phase failure protection
• Protection against dry running and Motor protection switching, only as a message during automatic operating mode
• Terminal strip/clamps with labels for all connections
• Easy starter
• Remote on/off, protected against wire breakage and short circuit Messages given out by indicator lights
• Red: Water shortage
• Yellow: Malfunction
• Green: Normal operation
• White: Operation triggered by remote on/off
3.4.1 Installation type
• Fixed installation
3.4.2 Inlet side
On the inlet side there is a buffer tank with a float valve to refill water. Addi­tionally the Compact Booster Unit has a solenoid valve for hygienic flushing of the inlet pipe. In the buffer tank there are two float switches with which the water level is measured and in the case of water shortage and overflow messages are sent.
1 Buffer tank 2 Float switch 3 Overflow 4 Siphon trap
Figure 2: CBU144 CBU144Inlet side
Automatik / Automatic
Handbetrieb / Manual
Störung / Fault
Wassermangel / Lack of water
Anlage bereit / System ready
Figure 4: CBU144 Indicator lights
1 Water shortage 2 Malfunction 3 normal operation 4 Operation triggered by remote
on/off Messages sent via potential-free terminal clamps to, for
example, the central building control system
• Water shortage
• Switch to position manual/automatic
• Buffer tank overflow
• Remote actuation via remote on/off
• Collective error message
• Separation of potable water
Anforderung / Remote operation
Honeywell GmbH 8 Translation of original - EN1H-1374GE23 R1014
+ 18 hidden pages