220738A Adapter Bracket
The 220738A Adapter Bracket can be used with all
Modutrol IV motors. The adapter bracket raises the shaft
height of the Modutrol IV motors to match that of older
Honeywell Modutrol motors (e.g., M934, M975, M944,
M945 type). This is required on all valve linkage
applications, Q607 Auxiliary Switch applications, and on
some damper linkage applications (either to provide
clearance for the crank arm to rotate through the
downward position, or to allow the damper linkage to
reach the shaft).
The adapter bracket raises the shaft height of the motors
by 0.75 inch to match that of older Honeywell Modutrol
motors (e.g., M934, M975, M944, M945 type).
When Installing This Product...
1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow
them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.
2. Check the ratings given in the instructions and on
the product to make sure the product is suitable for
your application.
3. Installer must be a trained, experienced service tech-
4. After installation is complete, check product out.
You may mount the motor in any position as long as the
shaft remains horizontal. Install the Modutrol motor in any
location except where acid fumes or other deteriorating
vapors might attack the metal parts, or in atmospheres of
escaping gas or explosive vapors. Allow enough clearance
for installing accessories and servicing the motor when
selecting a location. The wiring box provides NEMA 3
weather protection (shown in Figs. 1 and 2).
Damper Linkages
Use of the 220738A Adapter Bracket packed with the
Modutrol IV motors is optional for many damper
applications. In applications requiring the crank arm to
rotate through the bottom plane of the actuator, the
adapter bracket or the new crank arm, which is shorter
than the original crank arm, must be used. If the bracket is
not used in a replacement application, the damper linkage
will have to be adjusted to the new shaft location.
For damper linkage applications: First mount the bracket
to the equipment with existing or standard bolts. Then
mount the motor to the bracket using the bolts provided
(see Fig. 1).
Notice the difference between the configuration for
mounting of the spring return motor versus the nonspring
return motor to the adapter bracket as shown in Fig. 1.
Valve Linkages
The 220738A Adapter Bracket must be used with the
0100, 0601, 0618 linkages in all valve applications.
1. Disconnect the power supply before beginning
2. Never turn the motor shaft by hand or with a
3. Always conduct a thorough checkout when
installation to prevent electrical shock and
equipment damage.
wrench. This will damage the motor.
installation is complete.
For valve linkage applications: The bracket should first
be mounted to the valve linkage. Hand tighten screws only
until motor is secured to bracket. The bracket then
provides a convenient base on which the motor can be
positioned. After the motor shaft is aligned to the valve
linkage, it can then be attached to the bracket with the
four bolts provided (see Fig. 2).
Notice the difference between the configuration for
mounting of the spring return motor versus the nonspring
return motor to the bracket as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 1. Damper Application. First mount adapter bracket to equipment, then mount motor to bracket using bolts
For detailed instructions on the assembly of specific
linkages, refer to the instruction sheet packed with each
linkage. In general, however, check the following points of
operation when installing a motor and linkage:
1. Linkages for valves and louver type dampers should
be adjusted so that the damper or valve moves
through only the maximum required distance when
the motor moves through its full stroke.
2. With modulating control, maximum damper opening
should be no more than 60°. Little additional airflow
is provided beyond this point.
3. The motor must be stopped at the end of its stroke
by the limit switch and must not be stalled by the
damper or valve. The motor will be damaged if it is
not permitted to complete its full stroke.
4. Do not exceed the motor ratings in any installation.
5. Do not turn motor shaft manually or with a wrench.
This will damage the motor.
63-2216—02 2