HONDA Civic 2006 Navigation Manual

4 (1)
Navigation System 1
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Refer to 2006 Civic Sedan Owner's Manual for more information.
Introduction ................................ 4
Manual Overview ...........................4
System Overview............................4
Accessories Precautions ................. 5
Important Safety Information .........5
Map Overview ................................6
Getting Started.......................... 10
System Controls ...........................10
Voice Control Basics .................... 12
Using the Voice Control System ...... 13
Improving Voice Recognition .......... 13
Selecting an Item (Button) on the
Screen ........................................14
Selecting an Item in a List ............14
Using the On-screen Keyboard..... 15
System Start-up ............................ 16
Map Screen Legend ......................18
Map Screen Description ...............19
Displaying Current Location ........19
System Function Diagram ............20
Entering a Destination ............. 21
By Address ...................................22
Selecting the State or Province ....... 22
Selecting the City ............................ 22
Selecting the Street ......................... 24
Entering the Street Number ............ 26
By Intersection .............................26
Selecting the State or Province ....... 27
Selecting the City ............................ 27
Selecting the Street ......................... 29
By Places ......................................31
Finding the Place by Category ....... 32
Finding the Place by Name............. 35
Finding the Place by Phone Number
..................................................... 35
By Map Input................................ 36
Showing the Map of Current Position
..................................................... 36
Showing the Map of City ................ 37
Showing the Map of State ............... 37
Showing the Map of Continental USA
..................................................... 38
By Previous Destinations ............. 38
By Today’s Destinations ...............39
Editing Today’s Destination List .... 39
Adding Destinations to the List ...... 40
By Address Book .......................... 41
Adding Addresses to the Personal
Address Book ............................... 41
By Go Home ................................. 42
Table of Contents
Driving to Your Destination ..... 43
Driving to Your Destination ..........43
Calculate Route to Screen ............ 43
Changing the Routing Method ........ 44
Viewing the Routes .......................... 44
Viewing the Destination Map .......... 45
Map Screen ...................................45
Route Line ....................................... 45
Guidance Prompts .......................... 46
Map Screen Legend ......................... 47
Guidance Screen ...........................48
Guidance Screen Legend ................ 48
Distance and Time to Destination 49
Direction List ................................ 49
EXIT INFO (Freeway Exit
Information) ................................ 50
Split Screen Guidance .................. 50
Map Scale .....................................51
Map Orientation ...........................52
Destination Icon ...........................53
Landmark Icons ............................53
Showing Icons on the Map ............. 55
Icon Options ................................... 55
Guidance Mode .............................. 55
Going Off the Route .....................56
Off-road Tracking ......................... 56
+ 2 hidden pages