Homony HBA-1060A, HBA-1120A, HBA-1240A Installation And Operation Manual

Installation and Operations Manual
HBA- 1060 A/ - 112 0A / -12 40A
Single Zone Management Amplifier
Table of Contents
2. HANDALING PRECAUTIONS.................................................................................................................5
3. INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS .............................................................................................................6
4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................7
5. FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................7
6. NOMENCLATURE AND FUNCTIONS.....................................................................................................7
Front Panel..........................................................................................................................................7
Rear Panel ...........................................................................................................................................9
7. EXTERNAL CONFIGURATION AND CONNECTION..............................................................................10
7.1 Equipment Connection ............................................................................................................... 10
7.2 Sound Source Output ..................................................................................................................11
7.3 Sound Output 1 out of 3 Operation............................................................................................ 11
7.4 Rack Mounting ............................................................................................................................13
8. REPLACE FAN DIAGRAM....................................................................................................................14
9. BLOCK DIAGRAM............................................................................................................................... 15
10. SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................................16
(1). Read instructions—Bef ore the s ystem i s insta lled an d opera ted all t he safety instructions should be read (2). Retain instructions—F or futu re refe rence t he safe ty inst ructions and instructions for use should be retained. (3). Heed warnings—User shou ld adhe re all wa rning s on the un it and in t he inst allat ion and o peration instructi ons. (4). Follow instructions—U ser sho uld fol low all i nstal latio n and ope ratio n instructions for use. (5). Cleaning—Before clean ing, sy stem un its sho uld be un plugg ed. Use a d amp clo th not liquid cleaners or aerosol cle aners f or clea ning. (6). Attachments—Th e attac hment s not rec ommen ded by th e produ ct manufacturer may cause hazards ple ase do no t use the m. (7). Water and Moisture —In wet l ocati on such a s kitch en skin , washb owl, bathtub, laundry basket, in a wet basemen t, in an un prote cted ou tdoor i nstal latio n, do not use this unit. (8). Accessories—Use this un it only o n a stand , tripo d, brac ket or mo unt recommended by the manufactu rer, or s old wit h the pro duct ot herwi se this u nit may fall and cause serious injury to a person and se rious d amage t o the uni t. (9). Ventilation— If th ere are o penin gs in the e nclos ure pro vidin g for ven tilation, it is to ensure reliable operation o f the uni t and to pr otect f rom ove rheat ing. Do n ot place the unit in a built-in installation unless prop er vent ilati on is pro vided o r the man ufact urer's instructions have been adhered to. (10). Power sources—Th e type of p ower so urce in dicat ed on the m arkin g label s hould b e use while operating t his uni t. If you a re not ab le to mak e sure of t he type of power supply you plan to use, contact our a pplia nce dea ler or lo cal pow er comp any. If t his unit intended to operate from battery power, or oth er sour ces, pl ease re fer to th e "Inst allation and Operation Instructions". (11). Grounding or polarizati on—A po lariz ed alte rnati ng curr ent lin e plug (o ne plug h ave a blade wider than the othe r) may be e quipp ed with t his uni t. This p lug wil l fit into the power outlet only one way. Alternati vely, t his uni t may be eq uippe d with 3- wire gr oundi ng type plug having a third (grounding) pin. Only a gro undin g-typ e power o utlet i s suita ble to th is plug. This is a safety feature. Try re versi ng the pl ug when y ou are un able to i nsert t he plug f ully into the outlet. Contact your electrici an to rep lace yo ur obso lete ou tlet if t he plug s till fails to fit. Never defeat the safety purpose of th e polar ised pl ug. (12). Power-Cord Protection —In ord er to avo id the po wer sup ply cor ds from w alking on or pinching by items place u pon or ag ainst t hem, th e power s upply c ords sh ould be routed. (13). Overloading – To avoid fire a nd elec trica l shock d o not ove rload o utlet s and extension cords. (14). Object and Liquid Entry—D o not pus h any kin ds of obj ects in to this u nit through openings as they may touch dan gerou s volta ge poin ts or sho rt-ou t parts w hich could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill a ny kind s of liqu id on the u nit. (15). Servicing—Never try to se rvice t his uni t yours elf as op ening o r removing covers may expose to dangerous v oltag e or othe r hazar ds. (16). Damage Requiring Servic e—Und er the fo llowi ng cond ition s unplu g the uni t from the outlet and
1. Important Safeguards
If the unit does not run normally by following the instruction for use. Only adjust those controls that are
covered by the instructions for use, because an improper adjustment of other controls may cause damage
and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the units to their normal operation.
If the unit has been exposed to rain or water
When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged
If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the unit
(17). Replacement Parts—Make sure that the service technician has used replacements parts specified by
the manufacturer or parts which have the same characteristics as the original one when replacing a part.
Unauthorized and improper substit-utions may lead to a result of fire, electric shock or other hazards.
(18). Safety Check—Ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the unit is in proper
operating con-dition after completing any service or repairs to the unit.
(19). Lightning—Unplug the unit from the wall outlet and disconnect the cable system for added protection of
the units during a Lightning storm, or when it is unattended and unused for long periods of time.
The lightning and power-line surges will pr-event damage to the unit.
Do not open the unit when it is connected to mains.The unit contains non-insulated parts,which can cause electric shock
Safety precautions
There are no user-serviceable parts inside the unit.Service must be done by qualified person.
Follow these instructions to prevent damage to the equipment.
Read these instructions for tips and other useful information.
Follow these instructons to prevent personal injury.
About this manual
This manual provides all th e infor matio n requi red to in stall a nd oper ate the u nit.
To avo id oscillation, k eep the inpu t cable away fr om the outpu t cable. Par ticul ar care
must be exercised when moun ting th e unit in a n equip ment ra ck.
In some in stallations, a groun d loop i s forme d and hum noise may be generated. I n
such cases, connecting the rear-mounted signal earth terminal to the body of connected equipment (BG M sound s ource , expan sion am plifi er, etc. ) may red uce it.
Never connect two amplifi er outp uts in pa ralle l under a ny circ umsta nces.
Never con nect the AC power co rd to a ny othe r line volta ge than that specifically
HBA-1060A/ - 1120A / -1240A To clean, be sure to swi tch off t he powe r suppl y to the un it firs t, then wipe with a dry cloth. When the unit gets ver y dirty , use a clo th damp ed in a neu tral cl eanse r. Never use benzene, thinner or chemi cally -trea ted cle aning c loth be cause s uch vol atile liquids could deform or discolor the unit .
HBA-3240A/HBA-3240E /HBA- 3240V /HBA- 3480A /HBA- 3480E /HBA-3480V Never move the unit fr om one pl ace to an other w ith the F lash Ca rd inse rted be cause the CompactFlash card may fai l. Avoid inserting or withdr awing t he Comp actFl ash car d while t he unit i s in use.
Do not install the unit in locations exposed to the direct s unlig ht or hea ters, a s the unit could be defo rmed or d iscol ored. Avoid in stalling or storing the unit in dusty or humid locations, as doi ng othe rwise could cause the unit 's fail ure. Keep the u nit as far away as possible from a fluorescent lamp, digi tal equ ipmen t, PC or other equipmen t which g enera te high f reque ncy noi se.
HBA-1060A/ - 1120A / -1240A
HBA-1060A/ - 1120A / -1240A Do not block the ventilation slots on the upper, ri ght and l eft, an d rear si des to al low inside heat radiation. Keep at le ast 50 mm space from the unit's right and left sides for heat r adiat ion.
Management Amplifier
HBA- /-HBA-1120A/-HBA-1240A1060A
5. Features
60W /120W/240W rated power
1 *XLR Input or 6.35 jack microphone input
1 *Priority microphone input
2 * Auxiliary Input
1* Priority Auxiliary Input
1* USB Input with built-in MP3 player
3 *Outputs, including Music, line sub ou tputs
Master Volume Control
Treble, Bass Volume Contr ol
LED VU meter
Chime and Mute
Filter function
Audio Source Selector function
70V/100V, 4~16Ohm outpu ts
The Single Zone Manage ment Amplifier is an economical solution for smal l in stallations
including reta il shops, offices, showrooms, hair and beau ty salons, massage parlors, small
restaurant s, coffee shops etc. For ease of use, the unit has USB input playing Mp3 with function
keys. It also has two additional aux iliary input and one XLR or 6.35 jack Microphone input. A
filter functio n is available. 5 Pin Din priority microphone input is availa ble. Treble, bass and
volume can be adjusted. Output level is monitored via the LED VU meter. Suits 70V/100V,
4~16Ohm output s.
If there is a need to open the amplifier's top cove r wh en performing work such as m ounti ng
optional boards or settin g switc hes, en sure it i s done by a q ualif ied ser vice te chnician.
Make sure to s witch the power off be fore perform ing any work on t he amplifier such a s the
case above.
Terminals ma rked wit h the symbol shows Hazardous live a nd make sure a quali fied ser vice
personal is i nvolv ed in making ex terna l wiring connections to the termi nals or use only tho se
[Management Am plifier HBA-1060A/-1120A/-1240A]
+ 12 hidden pages