1. Intr oduction
2. Safe ty Instruc tions
3. Spec ificatio n
4. Appliance descripti on
5. In the b ox
6. Fill ing of t ank wi th wat er
7. Appliance operation
8. Cleaning and maintenance
9. Trouble Shooting
10. Transportati on and S tora ge
11. Disposal
The app liance is not inte nded f or use b y pers ons (i nclu ding c hild ren) w ith
physi cal, senso ry or me ntal d isab ilit ies, o r havi ng ins uff icie nt exp erie nce an d
knowledge, if the y are no t unde r supe rvis ion an d have n ot rec eive d
instr ucti ons fo r use of t he app lian ce fro m a pers on res pons ible f or the ir saf ety.
Please, mak e sure t hat ch ildr en do no t play w ith th e appl ianc e.
Use the a ppliance only in accordance with t he use r manu al. Ne ver us e the
humidifier with a d amag ed power cord or plu g and if the hum idif ier is b roke n or
damaged by fa lling or in other ci rcum stan ces.
It shou ld be op erat ed onl y in the f ully a ssem bled c ondi tion . To avoi d a burn , do
not tou ch the m embr ane of t he ope rati ng hum idif ier (f or ult raso nic mo dels ).
High frequency of oscil lati ons re sult s in hea ting o f the me mbra ne.
De a r cus t om e r!
Thank you for p urch asin g Home S pa Dol phin H umid ifer. P leas e, rea d this
instr ucti on man ual ca refu lly pr ior us ing th e prod uct!
Home Spa Humidifier is ideal to b e used i n Living Rooms. It n eutr aliz es the
dryness & har mful p arti cles p rese nt in th e air to r educ e the po ssib ilit y of
airborne conditions arising fro m them . It Pur ifie s Air, Neu tral izes S tati c &
reduces Inf lamm atio n and sk in Alle rgie s. Its i deal f or use i n Areas w here Ai r
Conditioners are present to p reve nt Air Dr ynes s. Whe n used w ith es sent ial oi ls
it adds t o the ch arm of y our li ving s pace & i mpro ves th e qual ity of a ir
surro unding you and your loved ones. It rel ieve s stre ss & soo thes m ind.
Please read the ins truc tion m anua l care full y prio r usin g the pr oduc t.
While using the appliance, it is nece ssar y to obs erve s ome pr ecau tion s.
Impro per op erat ion ma y resu lt in pe rson al inj ury to t he use r or oth er peo ple, a s
well as damage to property.
Humidifier is designed to work in hab itab le roo ms wit h obse rvat ion of t he
state d oper atin g cond itio ns. Us ing of t he hum idif ier no t for it s inte nded
purpose may creat e situ atio ns dan gero us to li fe and h ealt h. Th e elec tric
appliance, while in operation, should be under supervision, especially if it is
used in a room with chi ldre n.
High-frequency osci llations of the ul tras onic h umid ifie r memb rane a re
noiseless and safe for pe ople a nd pets.
To avoid the electric s hock , the da mage d powe r cord s houl d be rep lace d only
in authorized ser vice c ente rs by qu alif ied sp ecia list s.
To avoid the electric s hock , do not p lace t he pow er cor d near h eati ng
appliances and inflammable or combustible materials.
To avoid trauma s and pr operty dam age, d o not tr y to rep air th e humi difi er by
Unplug the humidifier in the fo llow ing cases:
before disc harg e or fil ling o f a tank w ith wa ter; b efor e clea ning a nd
maintenance; be fore a ssem blin g/di sass embl ing of e leme nts; b efor e
displacement of the hum idif ier.
●Inst all th e humi difi er on fl at dry s urfa ce. Ou tgoi ng ste am may d amag e
exposed surface s.
●Do not insta ll the h umid ifie r on the f loor, a s well a s in clo se pro ximi ty to
heating appliances, walls, furn itur e and ot her ob ject s.
●The ma nufa ctur er and s uppl iers a re not r espo nsib le for d amag es cau sed by
incorrect p osit ion of t he hum idif ier.
●The hu midi fier s houl d be ins tall ed on a ri se – e.g . on a tab le, pe dest al, et c.
●Never fill t he wat er in th e humi difi er thr ough a d iff user.
●Do not immer se the h umid ifie r in wat er or ot her li quid s.
●Do not insta ll the h umid ifie r in a pas sage o r in oth er pla ces, w here i t can be
touch ed, ov ertu rned , etc.