HomeSeer Technologies
RRCCSS SSeerriiaall TThheerrmmoossttaatt KKiitt
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HomeSeer Technologies LLC
109 Powder Hill Rd
Bedford NH, 03110
RCS Serial Thermostat Installation Guide
Thank for your purchase of this RCS Thermostat! Installation
and use of this high quality thermostat is easy.
In order to use this thermostat with HomeSeer you must have
the following items:
• HomeSeer version 2.1.0 or later
• The thermostat must be connected to a Com Port on your
computer over an RS232 connection.
This guide is for use with the RCS TR16, TR40, or ZCV4
Thermostats only.
Refer to the RCS installation guide to install the thermostat.
To add the thermostat to HomeSeer, follow this procedure:
1. To install the RCS Serial Thermostats plugin plug-in for
HomeSeer version 2.x, select the “Updater” button on the
web interface, or select “Updates” from the “Help” menu.
Follow the on-screen instructions for the Updater.
2. Select the RCS Serial Thermostats plugin plug-in on the
package selection screen, then follow the on-screen
instructions to finish the update process, and restart
3. After restarting HomeSeer, click the “Setup” tab and then
the “Interfaces” tab on the web site. Click “Enable” to
enable the plugin, and then click “Save” at the bottom of
the screen
4. The RCS Serial Thermostats plugin is free, so there are no
registration costs involved.
RCS Serial Thermostat Installation Guide
RCS Serial Thermostats Status Page
The RCS Serial Status page will display information about your RCS
Serial devices. You can use this page to check the status of your
devices, or control certain panel actions. The page is accessed by
clicking the orange "RCS Serial Thermostats Status" button on any
web page.
RCS Serial Thermostat Installation Guide
Basic Control Instructions
To Change Setpoints
1. Enter the value of the heat or cool setpoint in the appropriate
2. Click "Set (Heat/Cool) Setpoint" to set the setpoint
To Change fan mode
1. Click the "Fan On" or "Fan Auto" button on the page.
To Change the Operating Mode
1. Click on the "Heat", "Cool", "Auto" or "Off" button to change the
To Change The Hold Mode
1. Click the "Hold" or "Normal" button on the page.
Page Items
The Name of each configured thermostat will appear in bold letters
above its status box. If there are several Thermostats configured in
the system, each one will appear with its own status box
The Temperature reading from the thermostat will appear in the light
blue area in bold. The temperature scale is applied to the end.
Outside Temperatire
If the thermostat is configured with a remote sensor, the reported
temperature will appear in the gray area underneath the main
RCS Serial Thermostat Installation Guide
Heat Setpoint
The current heat setpoint is displayed in this box. The setpoint can be
changed by changing the value in the box and clicking "Set Heat
Cool Setpoint
The current cool setpoint is displayed in this box. The setpoint can be
changed by changing the value in the box and clicking "Set Cool
Fan Mode
The current fan mode is displayed to the right. The buttons to the far
right can be used to change the current fan mode.
The current mode is displayed to the right. The buttons to the right
can be used to change the current mode.
Hold Mode
The current hold mode is displayed to the right. The buttons to the far
right can be used to change the current hold mode.
System Settings
This area permits control over Zone Controllers, and any functionality
they offer.