When your dog is doing bad behaviour such as
digging ,your may press STIM key as negative
command to teach dog to stop it .
If your dog keeps on this unwanted behaviour,
you may activate shock level 1 for a short time
(about ½ second). If shock level 1 cannot cause
your dog to stop the undesirable behaviour ,
you may progress to more intense shock levels
2-5.The Remote Dog Trainers have 5 different
shock levels to allow you to choose the best for
your pet.
When the bat tery is l ow, symb ol will
flash Char ging pr ocess :
1. Remove th e rubbe r prote ctor ov er the Dc
charging p ort and i nsert D C plug of t he
cable in to th e charg ing por t.
2. When char ging is c omple ted, sy mbol
will light o n .
3. Place the r ubber p rotec tor bac k over th e
Dc Chargin g Port.
When the battery is low, the “L. BATT
LED” light on,Charging Process:
1. Remove t he rubb er prot ector, o ver
the Dc charging port and insert Dc plug
of the cabl e into th e charg ing por t,
The “CHG LE D” ligh t on.
2. When cha rging i s compl eted,
“CHG LED” l ight tu rns off .
NOTE: cha rging c able is D c Plug at
one end and t h other e nd is USB
connect ed to all U SB char gers.
My dog is not re spond ing to th e colla r
Check to make s ure the m etal pi n insid e the
charging po rt is str aight a nd firm i n the cen ter
and that the pi n is not wo bbly, br oken or m issin g.
Make sure the re is no di rt sr deb ris is th e
charging po rt. if th ere is ,c lean th e dirt ou t with a
cotton swab a nd some r ubbin g alcoh ol.
The transmitter has no range,or stimulation
is less when the dog is farther away.
Make sure you r finge rs are no t touch ing the
antenna as th is may ca use the r ange to
substanti ally de creas e.
Maximum ran ge for an y radio f reque ncy dev ice
occurs with f lat ter rain. H eavy br ush, tr ees, hi lls
or moisture w ill aff ect the r ange of y our uni t. For
best range, h old the t ransm itter v erti- cally a bove
your head, an d/or tr y movin g to high er grou nd.
Any electric al cond uctor s will af fect th e range ,
such as cars, c hain- link do g runs, m etal bu ildin gs,
and radio tow ers. Fo r best re sults , opera te away
from these st ructu res.
My unit is not h oldin g a charg e.
1. Turn the Re ceive r Colla r on .
2. Hold the Tes t Light C ontac ts to the
Contact P oints .
3. Press a St imula tion bu tton on t he
Remote Tra nsmit ter.
4.The Test Li ght wil l flash . Note: At
higher St imula tion Le vels, t he Test
Light wil l flash b right er.
5. Turn the Re ceive r Colla r off.
The collar should be fitted properly so that
the contact points press firmly agai nst the
dog’s skin. To assure a proper fit, you should
be able to fit a finger in between the contact
points and your dog’s skin see picture B
center the contacts Points under neath your
dog’s neck, see picture A.
Check wheth er the Co llar ha s been tu rned ON
and make sure t o have pr ogram ming yo ur coll ar
Make sure the c ollar s trap to b e tight e nough s o
both contac t point s are tou ching t he dog’ s skin.
If your dog’s c oat is un u s ally lo ng or thi ck, yor
may need to tri m down th e hair on t he dog’ s neck,
so both conta ct poin ts are to uchin g the ski n.
The battery m ay be low. C heck fo r Low Bat tery
LED and recha rge if ne cessa ry.
Chargi ng the Tra nsmit ter
Chargi ng the Co llar
How to cor rect yo ur Dog
unwant ed Beha vio
Fit the Receiver Collar on you Dog
If the colla r is fitt ed loos ely, the co llar ma y
move aroun d the dog ’s neck, r esult ing
inconsis tent st imulu s ,If the c ollar i s too
tight, the c ontac t point s may rub t he skin
and cause ir ritat ion or in fecti on.
Mark the des ired le ngth of t he belt o f the
collar and r eserv e some le ngth fo r the
growth of yo ung pet , then, c ut off the
excess and u se ligh ter to tr im the co llar,
see pictur e C.
Before using Remote Dog Trainer. to correct
your pet, it need to spend 15 minutes for first 2
or 3 dogs to tench your dog to create
association of the tone with reward. Then ,
your dog will soon associate each positi ve
tone with the command . you wish For
example, you assign Tone 1 to the
“come”,once you press this Tone 1,it will
command your dog to “come” for another 5
positive Tones, you may repeat the same
process to teach your dog to recognize your
Trouble sh ootin g
Test Ligh t Instr uctio ns
How to tea ch your P et the
positi ve comm ands
Proper Coll ar use:
Remote Dog Tra iners a re used f or
dogs to leam th e assoc iatio n betwe en it s
behaviour a nd your c orrec tion.
teach your
Then, you’l l have a be tter- behav ed pet.
Manufactu rer doe s not ass ume any l iabil ity for
the imprope r use of a Re mote Do g Traine r .
Any imprope r fit can c ause th e conta ct poin ts to
rub the skin an d cause i rrita tion.
If the unit is to o loose , t he cont act poi nts wil l
not make prop er cont act whi ch in tur n your do g
will not rece ive con siste nt stim ulati on.
A collar worn fo r too lon g or too ti ght
neck may caus e skin da mage. F or prop er coll ar
fit , please se e page
on the pet’s
Important Safety Information
Thank you fo r choos ing Hom e Pet bra nd.
After teac hing an d train ing, yo u will ha ve
a better-b ehave d pet.
Componen ts incl uded in t his pac kage- - 4
Digital Di splay o n the Tran smitt er--- ----- 5
Remote Tran smitt er--- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 6
Receiver C ollar ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - 7
To Turn the Recei ver Col lar On- ----- ---- 7- 8
Selects whic h colla r
(1,2,3,4,5 ) to comm and.
It also used to pr ogram
collar for Dog N umber
Dc charging
Tone 1-2-3-4-5 :
positive com mand
for “sit”, “He el”,e tc.
Transmitter An tenna
Digital Disp lay
Five shock lev el
Shock level
Negative com mand fo r
“No”or“Sto p” by
Continuous s hock
for 8 seconds
light ON
Press ON/OFF b utton t o
turn ON the coll ar
Press ON/OFF b utton
to turn off the col lar
Also used to cod e with
transmitte r’s dog n umber
Battery is
Power on: Pre ss and ho ld the “o n /off bu tton” for
2 seconds til l RED LED O N.
Power off: Pr ess and h old the “ on/off b utton ”
for 2 seconds t ill RED L ED flas h twice a nd then
turn off.
Code: At facto ry, Rece iver co llar is c oded wi th
Dog 1. Additio nal Col lar Cod e: With t he coll ar
powered OFF, pr ess and h old on\ off But ton “ti ll”
ON/L.BATT’s R ED LED li ght on. At t he same
time, press t he asso ciate d “dog” n umber b y
“SET” key on th e trans mitte r and pre ss “Tone”
key on the tran smitt er whic h gener ate a bee p
sound and “ON /\L.B ATT’s RED L ED flas h one
time, This re prese nt 2ND do g codin g succe ssful .
For coding ot her dog s 3-5,i t repea ts the sa me
process sam e as Dog 2.
Power on - light o n
Power off - flash t wice
and light off.
Code dog numbe r
Fit the Rece iver co llar on y our dog ----- --- 8
How to teach your pet the positive commands --- 8
How to correct your dog unwanted behaviour--- 9
Charging t he Trans mitte r---- ----- ----- ----- - 9
Charging t he coll ar ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 9
Troublesh ootin g ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 10
Test Light Ins truct ions -- ----- ----- ----- ---- 10
After comple tion of c ode pro cess, y ou may
command the d og by pre ssing t he asso ciate d
“DOG” numbe r on the tr ansmi tter. NO TE: you
can reprogr am the co llar at a ny time f ora
different d og numb er.
Receive Colla r
Test Light
lock tool
User manual
Indicate D og l up to Do g 5 after
add on addit ional c ollar a nd
program co llar fo r Dog num ber.
Feature s
Range up to 40 0 yard de pendi ng on the w ay
you hold the R emote Tr ansmi tter an d other
factors su ch as wea ther, tr ansmi ssion f rom
other radi o devic es may aff ect the m aximu m
Digital Di splay
Indicate b atter y charg ing
Transmits t he sign al to the R eceiv er Coll ar.
The Transmi tter au tomat icall y turns O N and
OFF after wh en you pr ess any b utton ,it may
automati cally t urn on. It may au tomat icall y
turn off tran smitt er afte r 30 seco nds.
Transmit th e signa l
Indicate y our bat tery’s
power leve l
Five Differ ent sho ck leve l from
mild to Inte nse gra duall y
Tone 1-2-3-4- 5 for pos itive
command to nes suc h as “sit ”,
“Heel”,e tc,
Remot e Dog Trai ner
User M anual
MODEL:YD -4020
Conte nts
Compon ents
Digita l Displ ay
Remote Tr ansmi tter
Receiv er Coll ar
To Turn the Receiver Collar on
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12