Homedics PAR-WAXE User Manual

Homedics PAR-WAXE User Manual

Figure 1

Figure 2

Instrucciones de uso:

Cómo alistar la unidad de baño de parafina:

Para alistar la unidad, remítase al manual de instrucciones que seadjunta con la compra de su baño de parafina. La

sección “Cómoalistar la unidad” que se encuentra en la página “Instrucciones de uso” le proporcionará todos los procedimientos paso a paso que necesita para comenzar su tratamiento de baño de parafina. Siempre mantenga el nivel de parafina en la línea marcada “MIN” en el interior del recipiente. La parafina no debe superar el nivel “MAX”.

Cómo usar el tratamiento de parafina:

1.Antes de sumergir su mano, codo o pie, pruebe la parafina enel interior de su muñeca para asegurarse de que la temperatura de la misma le resulte cómoda.

ATENCIÓN: Se recomienda lavar el área a tratar, y aplicar una loción de manos a base de lanolina sobre el área antes de sumergirla en la parafina. Esto permitirá quitar la parafina más fácilmente y le ayudará ahumectar la piel.

2.Sumerja su mano, codo o pie dentro de la parafina derretida yretírelo de inmediato. Espere algunos segundos hasta que la parafina se solidifique. Intente evitar mover su mano, pie o codo mientras la parafina está aplicada.

ATENCIÓN: El proceso de inmersión es rápido. No deje la mano, pieocodo dentro del recipiente. No lo deje en remojo. Sumerja y retire rápidamente.

3.Repita este paso varias veces hasta que se hayan formado varias capas, se sugieren 6-10 capas.

4.Para un tratamiento de calor más prolongado, coloque un cobertor plástico (proporcionado) sobre el área tratada y doble la bolsa en la abertura. Mantenga la parafina y el cobertor sobre el área tratada durante 10-20 minutos para una experiencia excepcional. Vea la Fig. 1

ATENCIÓN: Cuando utiliza el baño de parafina con cobertores plásticos en sus pies, ¡No camine! Esto puede hacerlo resbalar y caer.

5.Quite la cera del área tratada. Si usó un cobertor plástico, quiteel cobertor plástico del área que está siendo tratada. Laparafina se quitará junto con el cobertor. Vea la Fig. 2

6.Deseche la cera usada.

ATENCIÓN: Si usted es la única persona que usa el baño de parafina, la cera puede volver a usarse; simplemente vuelva a colocarla dentro del recipiente para volver a derretirla.

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Paraffin Wax Refill

Moisturize dry hands and elbows and enjoy beautiful, glowing skin.

Thank you for purchasing HoMedics ParaSpa™ Paraffin wax refill. This, like the entire HoMedics line, is made with high-quality craftsmanship. We hope that you’ll find it to be the finest product of its kind.

A paraffin bath turns your home into a salon, providing you with the ultimate experience.

ParaSpaReplacement Wax Features

Pure, hypoallergenic paraffin wax containing no scents or dyes to irritate sensitive skin.

Easy and convenient, 1 lb. packages allow you to refill as needed without a mess.

Includes plastic liners to help extend heat.



Do not apply the hot wax near eyes or other heat–sensitive areas.

Do not allow the level of paraffin wax to fall below the “MIN” line inside of the tub.

Never use sharp instruments to remove solidified paraffin wax from the unit.

See paraffin bath instructions for wax removal.


Caution ­– Please read all instructions carefully before using.

© 2000-2010 HoMedics, Inc. and its affiliated companies, all rights reserved. HoMedics® is a registered trademark of HoMedics, Inc. and its affiliated companies.

ParaSpa™ is a trademarks of HoMedics, Inc. and its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.




Use bath only when seated. Do not stand on or in the tub unit.

Not recommended for use by people with diabetes.

Do not apply paraffin wax on open cuts or wounds, warts, inflamed skin, or when the sensation of any extremities is decreased.

Consult your physician if you have any questions or concerns about acute inflammation and peripheral vascular disease or decreased sensation of any extremity before using.

Discontinue use and consult a physician if the paraffin wax feels too hot or if it does not feel warm enough. This may indicate a possible physical problem.

Discontinue use and consult your physician if dermatitis, discomfort, irritation, or pain occurs from continued paraffin treatments.

Test the paraffin wax on the inside of your wrist to make sure the temperature is comfortable.

Do not overfill the unit and always keep the paraffin wax level about 2 inches from the top of the bath or at the “MAX” level indicator.

Never operate the unit without paraffin wax.

Do not heat paraffin wax in its plastic packaging, nor heat it over an open flame, on a range, stove or in a microwave.

Do not pour the melted paraffin wax from the tub/unit.

Unplug unit before filling with paraffin wax.

Do not use accessories or wax not recommended or sold by HoMedics.

Do not put water into the tub/unit.

Do not dip the treated area with a plastic liner placed on.

This product should never be used by any individual sufffering from any physical ailment that would limit the user’s capacity to operate the controls.

Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in the manual.

Do not use attachments not recommended by HoMedics, specifically any attachment not provided with the unit.

Never use this product while in bed.

Use appliance on a sturdy level surface only.

Always store this product in a cool, dry place.


Instructions for use:


How to set up the paraffin bath unit:


To set up the unit, please refer to the instruction manual enclosed


with the purchase of your paraffin bath. The “How to set up the


unit” section under the “Instruction for Use” page will provide all


the necessary step-by-step procedures to begin your paraffin bath

Figure 1

treatment. Always keep the level of paraffin wax filled to the “MIN” line



marked on the inside of the tub. Wax must not exceed the “MAX” level.


How to use the paraffin treatment:



1. Before immersing your hand, elbow, or foot, test the paraffin wax


on the inside of your wrist to make sure the temperature of the


wax is comfortable.


NOTE: It is suggested you wash the area to be treated and apply


lanolin-based hand lotion over the area before dipping it into the

Figure 2

paraffin wax. This will allow the wax to be removed easier and will



help moisturize the skin.


2. Dip your hand, elbow, or foot into the melted paraffin wax and


remove immediately. Wait a few seconds until the wax solidifies.


Try to avoid moving your hand, foot, or elbow while wax is




NOTE: Dipping process is quick. Do not leave hand, foot or elbow


in the tub. Do not soak. Dip quickly in and out.


3. Repeat this step several times until several layers have formed,


6-10 coatings are suggested.


4. For longer heat treatment, place a plastic liner (provided) over the


reated area and twist bag at opening. Keep paraffin wax and liner


on treated area for 10-20 minutes for ultimate experience. See




NOTE: When using the paraffin bath with plastic liners on your


feet, do not walk around! This may cause you to slip and fall.


5. Peel off the wax from the treated area. If using a plastic liner, peel


the plastic lining from the area being treated. Paraffin wax will peel


off with liner. See Fig.2


6. Discard used wax.


NOTE: If you are the only person using the paraffin bath, the wax


can be re-used, simply put it back into the tub to re-melt.

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