Remember, this is an electric device using radiofrequency waves (similar to the radio waves
wavelengths). Please adhere to the following precautions:
• Use this device only for its intended use as described in this user manual.
• Turn the device on only during treatment.
• Do not use the device if it is disassembled, cracked or if the electric cord is damaged.
• Do not use the device in the vicinity of inflammable liquids (alcohol, acetone).
• Always thoroughly dry your hands and face before treatment.
• Keep out of reach of children.
• Do not place, store or use the device near sources of water such as the sink or bathtub. If
the device is wet or falls into water don’t touch the device. Unplug the power supply from
the electrical outlet immediately.
• Immediately after use, or before cleaning the device, always turn the device off and unplug
it from the electrical outlet.
• Only use the power supply supplied with the Newa to use the device. Using different power
supply can damage it.
Do not use the Newa if you meet any of the following criterions:
• Have an implanted pacemaker, arrhythmias or any other severe known heart disorder.
• Have any implantable metal device or body piercing in the treatment area.
• Have any form of suspicious lesion on the treatment area.
• Pregnant or breastfeeding.
• Suffer from autoimmune disorders or diabetes.
• Have blood clotting disorders.
• Use blood thinning medications.
• Using or have used Isotretinoin (Accutane) within the past two months.
• If in doubt about any other medical condition or medication that might affect the treatment,
please consult with your physician.
• Do not use the Newa over eyelids, eyebrows, lips, ears, breasts or genital area.
Do not use the Newa over any areas other than the recommended areas in this user manual.
Please consult your physician before using the Newa if you suffer from autoimmune disorders,
diabetes or a blood clotting disorder.
• Do not use the Newa without the supplied Newa activator gel.The device may not operate
properly if used without the Newa activator gel, or if used with another product.