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3000 Pontiac Trail
Commerce Township, MI
Impreso en China
Garantía Limitada por 90 Días
(Válida únicamente en los EE.UU.)
HoMedics, Inc., garantiza este producto contra defectos en material y
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Dirección postal: HoMedics Service Center, Dept. 168, 3000 Pontiac Trail,
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Por más información con respecto a nuestra línea de productos en
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©2004-2010 HoMedics, Inc. y sus compañías afiliadas, reservados todos
los derechos. HoMedics® es una marca registrada de HoMedics, Inc. y
sus compañías afiliadas. TheraP™ y Magnetic Wave™ son marcas
uración total de 90 días a partir de la fecha original
dics anulará
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Reservados todos los derechos.
El manual en
español empieza a
la página 9
Hot & Cold Therapy
with the Power of Magnets:
Elbow Wrap

Experience Hot & Cold Therapy with the
Power of Magnets.
Thank you for purchasing this HoMedics TheraP
This product, like the entire TheraP line, is made with
high quality craftsmanship to provide you with years of
dependable service. We hope that you will find it to be
the finest product of its kind.
Magnetic Wave™ Technology
If you suffer from an injury or an ailment, consult a physician for
proper medical advice. This product should never be used as a
replacement for professional medical treatment.
Some individuals may be sensitive to the neoprene or adhesives
used in this product. If soreness or rash occurs discontinue use
immediately and consult your physician. Do not wear while
sleeping. If problem persists, consult your physician.
• If at any time soreness, rash, or an increase in pain occurs,
discontinue use and consult your physician.
• Only use this product for its intended purposes as described in
the manual.
• Do not use this product over an open wound.
• Do not use this product while using transdermal drug delivery
skin patches.
• Individuals with pacemakers should never use this product.
• Do not use during pregnancy.
• Children should not use or play with this product.
• Do not machine-wash magnets.
• Magnets should be kept at least six inches away from electronic
devices, computers, TVs, video equipment and tapes.
• Keep out of direct contact with credit cards and other cards that
have a magnetic strip. Should the magnet come in contact with
your card, it may demagnetize and render your card invalid.

Hot & Cold Therapy
Heated gel insert may cause serious burns if too hot. Do not
use over sensitive skin or where there is poor circulation. The
unattended use of heat by children or incapacitated persons
may be dangerous.
• Do not use this product for more than 20 minutes at a time on
the affected area.
• Consult a physician prior to use.
• If contents of gel insert come in contact with eyes, flush eyes
with water. Contact a physician if irritation persists.
• Never apply gel insert directly to skin. If gel insert is
uncomfortable during use, remove it immediately.
• Do not use gel insert with sport creams, balms, liniments
or lotions.
• Children should not use or play with gel insert.
• Do not insert gel pack directly into microwave as this may cause
damage to the seal.
• Use heat pack carefully, may cause severe burns.
• This product, while non-toxic, is not intended for ingestion.
If contents are swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Consult
a physician.
• Do not use hot/cold packs over skin areas with less than
normal sensitivity.
• Do not use heated gel insert on parts of body where there is
swelling, redness or immediately after an injury. Cold therapy is
recommended for these conditions.
• Do not use gel insert over open wounds.
Remove gel insert before washing. Hand wash; line dry.
Instructions for Use
Cold Therapy
Place gel insert in freezer for a minimum of 2 hours to achieve
optimal temperature and performance. Insert will remain flexible
even when frozen. Remove from freezer and insert in pocket of
elbow wrap.
Heat Therapy
1. Bring water to a boil and remove from heat.
2. Place gel insert in hot water for 1 minute. Do not boil
insert directly.
3. Remove insert using tongs. Use caution as the insert will
be very hot.
4. Test temperature of insert by placing it on the underside of
your wrist. If insert is too hot, allow it to cool before using. If it is
not hot enough, continue heating in 1 minute intervals until desired
temperature is reached.
5. Place gel insert in pocket of elbow wrap.
1. Heat water in microwaveable container on high setting for
3 minutes. This is based on a 600 watt microwave. Use a
minimum of 16 ounces of water. Heating times may vary. Follow
all precautions and recommendations found in your microwave
oven instruction manual with respect to the heating of water. Do
not insert gel pack directly into microwave as this may cause
damage to the seal. After heating, let water stand in microwave
for thirty seconds before moving it or inserting the gel pack.