After using the product
Clean the device with a soft, damp cloth, but make sure you squeeze the cloth dry before cleaning the foot
pedal area.
Store the Electrode Gel pads on the plastic pad protectors provided.
Keep the whole set of product clean and store in a dust free and dry location.
Storage temperature and humidity -10°C to 60°C, 10% to 95% RH
Operating temperature and humidity -5°C to 50°C, 30% to 90% RH
Device will not turn on. - Batteries inserted in wrong direction.
- The adapter does not plug well into device
- Insert batteries in correct direction or check the
attery is in full power.
- Check the connection of the adapter jack is in
well connected. And also the DC adapter with
well connecting to the main socket.
Power turns off too
- Gel pads not attached correctly to the skin. - Attach Gel pads correctly to the skin
Power turns off while
using massager
- If you are using the batteries operation, then
the batteries might be weak/exhausted
- Fit 4 new identical 1.5V alkaline batteries type
Treatment period of 30 minutes is over and
power turns off automatically
Restart treatment or turn off the massager.
- If you are using the body massage, the
electrode gel pad may be broken
-Replace electrode gel pad
It is difficult to attach
Gel pad to the skin
- Transparent film not peeled off
- Gel pad applied immediately after washing
- Adhesive surface of Gel pad damaged
- The gel pads got dirty and lost their
- Peel off film on the adhesive surface of Gel pad
- Sufficiently dry Gel pad
- Replace Gel pad
- Replace Gel pad or clean the gel pad with a
small drop of water onto the sticky side of the
electrode pad and rub into the surface
Adhesive surface of
Gel pad is not sticky
- Use of Gel pad whilst perspiring
- Gel pad washed too long and/or too frequently
- Gel pads stored under high temperature, high
humidity, direct sunlight
- Leave Gel pad in freezer for overnight
It is difficult to feel
- You sole is too dry, not enough moisture
- Your sole is not placing on the foot pedal
- Gel pads not attached correctly to the skin
- Gel pads overlap each other
- Electrode cord not connected correctly
- Applied intensity too weak
- Put some water on your sole to moisturise your
- Ensure both of your soles are placed on each
pedal properly.
- Attach Gel pad firmly to the skin
- Reattach Long Life pads with no overlap
- Connect electrode cord correctly
- Increase the intensity by pressing the + button.
The skin turns red or
the skin feels irritated
- Adhesive surface of Gel pads dirty or dry
- Adhesive surface of Gel pads damaged
- Wash adhesive surface of Gel pads softly with
your fingertips for about 3 seconds under slow
running water
- Replace Gel pads