Home Automation 1503 User Manual

Home Automation, Inc.
Model 1503
Home Control and
Security System
Owner's Manual
Document Number 1503U1000
Revision -
May, 1991
ALARM SYSTEM To Arm AWAY (or ASLEEP or HOME), then your CODE To Silence SECURITY-OFF, then your CODE
and Disarm To Silence CANCEL
Trouble beeps To Bypass SECURITY-OFF, *, 2, ENTER, CODE.
a Zone (2) To restore SECURITY-OFF, #, #, CODE.
all zones
for 60 minutes Dim Unit 2 UNIT-NUMBER, 2, *, 3 Energy Saver UNIT-NUMBER, 1, 7, ON (or OFF) Energy Saver Lo UNIT-NUMBER, 1, 7, *, 6, 5, ENTER.
Temp to 65 Run button 1 ENTER
1 program NOTE: You can press the SHOW key instead of the actual unit
number, zone number or button number to scroll through the names.
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 6
UNDERWRITER’S LABORATORIES (UL) LISTING................................................. 6
2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION .................................................................. 7
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN “VERSION 2” AND “LC” MODELS ................................ 7
OVERALL DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM ....................................................................7
THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW .................................................................................. 8
TIME, DATE AND STATUS DISPLAY........................................................................ 8
DISPLAY MENUS....................................................................................................... 8
ERROR BEEPS.......................................................................................................... 8
KEY ASSIGNMENTS.................................................................................................. 8
CANCEL ...................................................................................................................... 9
TROUBLE BEEPS ...................................................................................................... 9
TIME OUT....................................................................................................................9
“OK” BEEP................................................................................................................... 9
3. SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION ................................................. 11
TURNING THE SECURITY SYSTEM ON ................................................................ 11
HOME........................................................................................................................ 11
ASLEEP ....................................................................................................................12
AWAY........................................................................................................................ 12
QUICK ARM ..............................................................................................................12
BYPASSING ZONES................................................................................................13
RESTORING ZONES................................................................................................13
AUTO-BYPASS ......................................................................................................... 13
EMERGENCY BUTTONS .........................................................................................14
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU COME HOME................................................................14
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE ALARM IS ACTIVATED .......................................... 15
FIRE ALARM ACTIVATED .......................................................................................16
POLICE EMERGENCY BUTTON PRESSED........................................................... 16
FIRE EMERGENCY BUTTON PRESSED ...............................................................16
MEDICAL EMERGENCY BUTTON PRESSED........................................................17
DURESS CODE ENTERED or DURESS ALARM ACTIVATED.............................. 17
ALARM RESET.........................................................................................................18
ALARM CANCEL....................................................................................................... 18
TROUBLE INDICATIONS .........................................................................................18
CODES...................................................................................................................... 20
PANIC SWITCHES....................................................................................................21
TESTING YOUR SYSTEM........................................................................................ 21
MODEL 1503 MAINTENANCE..................................................................................22
Home Automation, Inc.
4. HOME CONTROL.............................................................................. 23
X-10 POWERHOUSEtm MODULES ........................................................................ 23
MODULE TYPES ...................................................................................................... 23
HOUSE CODES........................................................................................................ 24
UNIT NUMBERS....................................................................................................... 24
TURNING UNITS ON AND OFF ............................................................................... 25
DIMMING AND BRIGHTENING LAMPS .................................................................. 25
ALL LIGHTS ON........................................................................................................ 25
ALL OFF.................................................................................................................... 26
TIMED ON/OFF COMMANDS...................................................................................26
MOMENTARY ON/OFF COMMANDS....................................................................... 26
TEMPERATURE CONTROL..................................................................................... 26
MODEL 1101 PROGRAMMABLE ENERGY SAVER MODULE.............................. 26
FREEZE ALARM ...................................................................................................... 28
OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE.................................................................................... 28
TEMPERATURE CONTROL OF APPLIANCES........................................................ 28
TEMPERATURE ALARMS.......................................................................................29
DIRECT RELAY CONTROL...................................................................................... 29
MODEL 1102 EXPANSION ENCLOSURE (Model 1503 Version 2 only).................. 29
SCROLLING THROUGH NAMES ............................................................................30
5. PROGRAMMING................................................................................ 30
PROGRAM STORAGE.............................................................................................31
TIMED PROGRAMS .................................................................................................31
ONE-TIME PROGRAMS........................................................................................... 31
AUTOMATIC CALCULATION OF SUNRISE/SUNSET ............................................ 32
REPEATING PROGRAMS .......................................................................................33
PROGRAMMING THE SECURITY SYSTEM........................................................... 35
BUTTONS.................................................................................................................. 35
PROGRAMMING BUTTONS .................................................................................... 36
TO SEE YOUR BUTTON PROGRAMS ....................................................................37
TO RUN BUTTON PROGRAMS ............................................................................... 37
TIMED PROGRAMMING OF BUTTONS .................................................................. 37
ZONE ACTIVATED BUTTONS .................................................................................38
SECURITY ARMING ACTIVATED BUTTONS ......................................................... 38
CONDITIONALIZED PROGRAMS ........................................................................... 39
BUTTONS ACTIVATING OTHER BUTTONS ........................................................... 40
PROGRAMMING ALL ON / ALL OFF COMMANDS................................................. 41
PROGRAMMING ENERGY SAVER MODULES.....................................................41
USING TEMPERATURES TO CONTROL APPLIANCES......................................... 42
CHANGING AND DELETING PROGRAMS ............................................................. 43
6. SHOW.................................................................................................. 43
SHOW PROGRAMS ................................................................................................. 43
SHOW ALL PROGRAMS.......................................................................................... 43
DELETE PROGRAM................................................................................................. 44
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
SHOW PROGRAMS FOR ALL UNIT NUMBERS .................................................... 44
SHOW PROGRAMS FOR ONE UNIT NUMBER ...................................................... 44
SHOW SECURITY PROGRAMS.............................................................................. 45
SHOW ALL BUTTON PROGRAMS .......................................................................... 45
SHOW PROGRAMS FOR ONE BUTTON ................................................................ 45
CHANGING PROGRAMS.........................................................................................45
MORE ON SHOW PROGRAMS ............................................................................... 46
EVENT LOG..............................................................................................................46
SHOW EVENTS........................................................................................................ 46
SHOW AUXILIARY................................................................................................... 47
CONTROLLING UNITS USING SHOW AUXILIARY ............................................... 47
SHOW TEST .............................................................................................................48
7. TELEPHONE CONTROL.................................................................. 50
PULSE AND TONE PHONES ................................................................................... 50
IN-HOUSE PHONES................................................................................................. 50
REMOTE PHONES ...................................................................................................51
PHONE ACCESS DENIED - REMOTE LOCKOUT ................................................... 51
ANSWERING MACHINES........................................................................................ 52
MAIN MENU..............................................................................................................52
1 - HOME CONTROL.................................................................................................53
ON, OFF, TIMED ON AND TIMED OFF COMMANDS.....................................53
DIMMING AND BRIGHTENING ......................................................................53
2 - SECURITY ...........................................................................................................54
3 - BUTTON ............................................................................................................... 55
4 - ALL ON.................................................................................................................55
5 - ALL OFF...............................................................................................................55
6 - STATUS ...............................................................................................................55
7 - EVENTS ............................................................................................................... 56
8 - MESSAGE (MODEL 1503 Version 2 ONLY) .......................................................56
9 - GOODBYE ........................................................................................................... 57
PANIC BUTTON OVER THE PHONE - # # # # # # ...................................................57
PC ACCESS..............................................................................................................58
8. EMERGENCY DIAL-OUT.................................................................. 58
DIGITAL DIALER...................................................................................................... 58
VOICE DIALER......................................................................................................... 59
HOW THE MODEL 1503 VOICE DIALER WORKS ................................................. 59
INSTRUCTIONS FOR CALLED PARTY................................................................... 59
DIAL-OUT PLANNER................................................................................................60
INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTY...................................................................... 61
WHAT THE MODEL 1503 VOICE DIALER DOES ................................................... 62
WHAT YOU WILL HEAR IF YOUR MODEL 1503 CALLS YOU.............................. 62
ENTERING THE CODE ............................................................................................62
Home Automation, Inc.
9. SET-UP................................................................................................ 64
SET TIME.................................................................................................................. 64
SET DATE................................................................................................................. 64
CATEGORIES ........................................................................................................... 64
CODES CATEGORY ................................................................................................ 65
MASTER CODE........................................................................................................ 65
AUXILIARY CODES 1 - 4......................................................................................... 65
AUX CODE #1 ON TIME........................................................................................... 66
AUXILIARY CODE OFF TIME.................................................................................. 66
AUXILIARY CODE 2................................................................................................. 66
AUXILIARY CODE 3................................................................................................. 66
AUXILIARY CODE 4................................................................................................. 66
DURESS CODE........................................................................................................ 66
ACCESS CODE ........................................................................................................ 67
HIGH SECURITY MODE.......................................................................................... 67
ENABLE AUTO-BYPASS ......................................................................................... 67
MISCELLANEOUS CATEGORY .............................................................................. 68
ENTRY DELAY ......................................................................................................... 68
EXIT DELAY ............................................................................................................. 68
OUTSIDE SIREN DELAY......................................................................................... 68
DIAL OUT DELAY..................................................................................................... 68
HOUSE CODE ..........................................................................................................69
HELP MESSAGES ................................................................................................... 69
ON FOR ALARM UNIT NUMBERS........................................................................... 69
FLASH FOR ALARM UNIT .......................................................................................70
ENTRY/EXIT CHIME................................................................................................. 70
BEEP ON TROUBLE?............................................................................................... 70
QUICK ARM ENABLED: ........................................................................................... 70
TIME CLOCK 1 ON TIME........................................................................................... 70
TIME CLOCK 1 OFF TIME ........................................................................................ 70
TIME CLOCK 2 ON TIME........................................................................................... 70
TIME CLOCK 2 OFF TIME ........................................................................................ 70
TIME CLOCK 3 ON TIME........................................................................................... 70
TIME CLOCK 3 OFF TIME ........................................................................................ 70
LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, TIME ZONE.................................................................... 71
FREEZE ALARM ENABLED: ...................................................................................71
DIAL CATEGORY (VOICE DIALER) ........................................................................ 71
TELEPHONE ACCESS............................................................................................. 71
ANSWER OUTSIDE CALL? .....................................................................................72
REMOTE COMMANDS OK?.....................................................................................72
RINGS BEFORE ANSWER...................................................................................... 72
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
DIAL TYPE ................................................................................................................72
MY PHONE NUMBER ............................................................................................... 72
DIAL OUT NUMBER 1 .............................................................................................. 73
DIAL OUT 1 ON......................................................................................................... 73
DIAL OUT 1 OFF ....................................................................................................... 73
DIAL OUT NUMBER 2 .............................................................................................. 74
DIAL OUT 2 ON......................................................................................................... 74
DIAL OUT 2 OFF ....................................................................................................... 74
DIAL OUT NUMBER 3 .............................................................................................. 74
DIAL OUT 3 ON......................................................................................................... 74
DIAL OUT 3 OFF ....................................................................................................... 74
DIAL OUT NUMBER 4 .............................................................................................. 74
DIAL OUT 4 ON......................................................................................................... 74
DIAL OUT 4 OFF ....................................................................................................... 74
FIRE DIAL ORDER .................................................................................................. 74
BURGLAR DIAL ORDER.........................................................................................74
MEDICAL DIAL ORDER........................................................................................... 74
SET UP NAMES FOR ZONES, UNITS AND BUTTONS........................................... 75
SET-UP ADDRESS (MODEL 1503 VERSION 2 ONLY) .......................................... 75
11. FIRE ALARM ESCAPE PLANNING .............................................. 77
12. APPENDIX........................................................................................ 78
MODEL 1503 DEFAULT SETTINGS........................................................................ 78
SET-UP DIAL (for Voice Dialer).................................................................................78
SET-UP 1 - CODES................................................................................................... 78
SET-UP 2 - MISCELLANEOUS.................................................................................78
MODEL 1503 SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................. 79
TABLE 1 - EVENT BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS ..........................................................81
TABLE 2 - CHARACTER CODES ............................................................................. 83
Home Automation, Inc.
Thank you for purchasing your new Home Automation system. You are about to enjoy a new feeling of security, peace of mind and conve­nience in your home.
We at Home Automation, Inc. hope that you will take a few moments to become familiar with all of the features of our fine product by reviewing this manual. Please keep this manual on file for future reference.
In the event that there are any questions, please call your dealer first. If you need assistance di­rectly from the manufacturer, please call us at (504) 833-7256, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Central time. We will be happy to assist you.
When calling, please have the model and serial number of the unit that you have, which can be found on the inside of the door of the Control/Communicator (the white enclosure).
For your convenience, we suggest that you record this information here:
MODEL 1503 Version 2
SERIAL NUMBER:____________________
This section describes your sys­tem. It is recommended that you read this section to understand the terms in the following sections.
This Owner's Manual covers two products:
1. Model 1503 Version 2
2. Model 1503-LC
The Model 1503-LC is a “lite” Model 1503 Version 2. The -LC has all of the major features of the Version 2, but is not expandable. The Model 1503-LC version is iden­tical to the Model 1503 Version 2 except for the following features:
a. The LC does not support the
Model 1102 Expansion Enclosure.
b. The LC can control 16 X-10
modules instead of 64.
c. The LC does not have the
Voice Message feature.
d. The LC Voice dialer does not
say the address of the premises,
only the phone number. The Digi-
tal dialer still reports all
Model 1503 Owner's
a. Console(s) - The console has
a liquid crystal display (LCD) and a keypad to control the en­tire system. You may have 1 to 4 consoles in a system. Each con­sole works independently of the others. Consoles can be mounted flush in the wall or in a wooden enclosure for table top or bed­side use.
b. Keypad(s) - The optional key-
pad is a simplified control key­pad for the system. It has LED indicators and can arm and dis­arm the system into any security mode and activate any of the macro buttons. The Keypad is designed to be mounted next to doors where the full Console functions are not needed.
c . Control/Communicator - This
is the white enclosure, approx. 14H x 12W x 6D inches, that con­tains the brains of the system. All wiring to consoles, doors, windows and motion detectors goes to this enclosure, which is normally mounted in a closet or utility room.
d. Door contacts, window con-
tacts, motion detectors, smoke/ fire detectors, etc. These de­vices indicate the presence of intruders or fire to the con­trol/communicator.
Differences in models are noted in this manual.
Your Model 1503 system consists of the following components:
e. Interior Sounder and Outdoor
Horn - These devices alert you and neighbors to the presence of an intruder or fire.
Home Automation, Inc.
f. Control Modules - Each light
or appliance to be controlled by the System is plugged into or wired into a control module that can receive commands over the existing electrical wiring in your home from the Control/Com­municator.
g. Optional Programmable Energy
Saver Modules (Model 1101 PESM)
- Central heating and air condi­tioning (HVAC) systems can be connected to this module so that the HVAC system is set back au­tomatically when you leave the house or by schedule.
h. Optional Expansion Enclosure
(Model 1102) - this unit pro­vides additional security and temperature zones, and can con­trol sprinkler systems, base­board heating, pool pumps, sau­nas, spas, etc. by controlling switchable circuit breakers.
i. Telephones - Your Touch-Tone
telephones are a part of the system, too. You can control your Model 1503 from any Touch­Tone phone inside or away from your home.
There are some basic things you
should know before proceeding.
closed and OK; if no zones are bypassed and if there are no troubles, the bottom line will show “SYSTEM OK”.
If one of the doors, windows, motion or other detector connected to the Model 1503 is open, or has detected motion, the bottom line of the display will say “ZONE NAME IN ALARM”, for example, “FRONT DOOR IN ALARM”. (If the zone name has not been entered during set up, the display will give the zone number and zone type.) This display will remain for 2 seconds, then the next zone in alarm, or in trouble, or bypassed will be displayed.
The system has been designed to be easy to operate. Whenever you press a key on the console, the display will indicate what you are doing, and the bottom line will show a menu of your next options.
The system can be set up to dis­play descriptive names such as “FRONT DOOR”, “JOHN’S BEDROOM”, or “PORCH LIGHT” for zones, units, and buttons. These names are displayed instead of the zone, unit, or but­ton number that is normally dis­played. These names are entered using a special set-up mode. (The
In its normal state, the console display will show the time and date on the top line, and the system status on the bottom line. If all doors, windows, sensors, etc. are
descriptions are normally entered by your dealer. See SET-UP, NAMES.)
Whenever a zone, unit, or button must be specified, the SHOW key may be pressed to show the name for the first zone, unit, or button. Al­ternatively, the number for a spe­cific zone, unit, or button may be entered before pressing the SHOW key to display the name for that particular item. The SHOW and SET­UP keys may then be used to scroll through the list of names. To look at another specific item, simply enter the item number followed by the SHOW key.
Model 1503 Owner's
If you are ever unsure and wish to return to the time, date and status display, press the CANCEL key. You may have to press it more than once, depending on how far into the function you were. Each time you cancel out of an opera­tion, the console will beep once to indicate that you have canceled.
The CANCEL key can also be used if you make a mistake while enter­ing a number. For example, if you enter a 2 when you meant to enter a 3, press the CANCEL key to start over.
If you press a key that is in­valid for the function that you are doing, the console will beep 3 times, indicating that it can’t do what you have asked it. Look at the bottom line of the display to see what keys you can press next.
In some cases, the keypad keys (0 - 9 and * and #) are assigned to different functions. A key assign­ment is indicated by putting the keypad number directly in front of the new function on the bottom line of the display. For example, if the bottom line says 1DELETE, that means press 1 to delete.
The Model 1503 constantly checks itself and the entire system for proper operation. If trouble is found, the trouble will be dis­played on the bottom line of the display and the console will beep at the rate of two beeps per second to alert you to the trouble. (This feature can be turned off if de­sired. See SET-UP, BEEP ON TROUBLE.)
To silence the beeper, press the CANCEL key.
For more information, see
If you are called away from the console for any reason (to take a phone call, for instance) while you are engaged in an operation, the console will time out and cancel it for you after 3 minutes. The dis­play will return to the normal time and date display.
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
Before going any further, you should know how to turn your alarm system OFF. Turning the system OFF disarms the burglar alarm, resets the fire and emergency alarms and silences all sirens and sounders.
Go to your console now and look at the keypad. You will note that there is a border around four keys with the word SECURITY at the top. The bottom key in this group is OFF. This key will be referred to as the SECURITY-OFF key.
Press the SECURITY-OFF key.
Now press the four digits of your MASTER CODE on the number keys.
That’s all there is to it.
Watch the display. The top line will read “DISARM SYSTEM: OFF:” The bottom line will read “CODE *BY­PASS #RESTORE”, indicating that your options are to enter your code number, or to bypass or restore zones. Do not be concerned with Bypass and Restore for now. For each digit that you press, an X will appear indicating that the key has been pressed.
correctly disarmed the system, and the GREEN indicator on the SECU­RITY-OFF key will light.
If an incorrect code is entered, the words INVALID CODE will appear on the display and the console will beep three times.
In the event that you make a mistake, press the SECURITY-OFF key again, then enter your master code again.
Practice disarming your system until you are comfortable with this procedure. Do it at least 4 times.
1. If you accidentally press the HOME-CONTROL-OFF key (the bottom key in the HOME CONTROL group) instead of the SECURITY-OFF key, you can still turn off the alarm by entering your code.
2. If the alarm has been acti­vated, the keys in the PROGRAM­MING group are locked out. You must silence the alarm using the SECURITY-OFF, HOME, ASLEEP or AWAY keys.
Now that you know how to turn it
off, here’s how to turn the secu­rity system ON. There are three available modes for the security system, HOME, ASLEEP and AWAY.
After the fourth digit of your code is pressed, the console will beep once to indicate that you have
Home Automation, Inc.
The HOME mode is intended for use when you and your family are in your home, and you wish to have doors and windows armed, but no interior motion detectors armed so that your family may move about freely inside the house. (PANIC, TAMPER and FIRE zones are always armed, as are the three EMERGENCY buttons on the console.) In the HOME mode, there is an ENTRY DELAY on the ENTRY-EXIT zone, so that an arriving family member can turn off the alarm before it sounds.
To put your system in the HOME mode,
Press the HOME key
If you are going to sleep but a family member is expected home later, use the HOME mode so that there is an entry delay.
To put your system in the ASLEEP mode,
Press the ASLEEP key
Enter your code on the keypad.
The console will beep once and the red indicator on the ASLEEP key will light. If you make a mistake, press CANCEL and start over. The system will arm itself after the EXIT DELAY.
Enter your code number on the keypad.
The console will beep once and the yellow indicator on the HOME key will light, meaning that you have armed the system in the HOME mode. The system will arm itself after the EXIT DELAY. If you make a mistake, press CANCEL to start over.
The ASLEEP mode is used when you are asleep and everyone in your household is at home or not ex­pected to return home. In the ASLEEP mode, your doors, windows and non-sleeping area (i.e. down­stairs) motion detectors are armed.
In the ASLEEP mode, there is no entry delay. The alarm system will be activated immediately if any door, window or home interior mo­tion detector is tripped. There­fore, only use ASLEEP mode when everyone is home and ready for bed.
Use the AWAY mode when you leave your house and no one is home. All doors, windows, and motion detec­tors are armed.
All zones have an EXIT DELAY so that you will have time to leave your house and close the door after you arm the system. The system will be fully armed after the EXIT DE­LAY.
There is an ENTRY DELAY on the ENTRY-EXIT zone in the AWAY mode, so that you will have time to turn the system off when you return through your door.
Note that the ENTRY DELAY only applies if you come in through an ENTRY-EXIT zone. If someone at­tempts to climb into a window, or if an interior zone is tripped before the ENTRY-EXIT zone, the alarm will be activated immedi­ately.
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
If you do enter through an EN­TRY-EXIT zone first, then the other zones are disabled during the ENTRY DELAY, in case you have to cross through another zone to get to your console (an interior motion detec­tor, for example.)
To put your system in the AWAY mode,
Press the AWAY key.
Press your code number on the keypad.
The console will beep once and the red indicator on the AWAY key will light. Leave your home and close the door promptly. The system will be fully armed after the EXIT DELAY. If you make a mistake, press CANCEL and start over.
The programmed ENTRY DELAY is __________ seconds; the programmed EXIT DELAY is __________ seconds.
For extra convenience, the Model 1503 can be armed simply by press­ing the HOME, ASLEEP or AWAY button twice, eliminating the need to enter the code.
You can BYPASS a zone that you do not want protected while the system is armed. Only the MASTER CODE can bypass and restore zones.
Bypassing is also the only way that a tamper or panic zone can be disarmed. For example, if there is a liquor closet or gun case on a tamper zone, then you must bypass that zone to gain access to it.
Another reason to BYPASS a zone is if the zone is having trouble. If a zone is causing a trouble indication, you can bypass that zone to “cut it out” of the system until repairs are made.
When a zone is bypassed, it is no longer checked for alarm or trouble conditions.
When you bypass a zone using the console (or over the phone) it will STAY bypassed until you RESTORE it. The console status display will show that the zone is bypassed.
To bypass a zone, press the * key after pressing any of the SECURITY keys, then enter the zone number to bypass, then ENTER, then your master code number.
To quick arm the system in the AWAY mode, press AWAY, AWAY.
The quick arm feature only works if the alarm system is in the OFF mode, and if no alarms are sound­ing. This feature is disabled when the system is shipped from the factory. If desired, it can be enabled or disabled at any time. See SET-UP, MISC., QUICK ARM.
For example, to arm the system in AWAY mode and bypass zone 2, press AWAY, *, 2, ENTER, then enter your master code number.
You can also scroll through the zones if you do not know which zone number it is.
For example, to arm in the ASLEEP mode with the UPSTAIRS WINDOW bypassed, press ASLEEP, *, SHOW (repeat until the display shows UPSTAIRS WINDOW), ENTER,
Home Automation, Inc.
then enter your master code number.
The console will beep once, and the time, date and status display will return. The bottom line will now read “UPSTAIRS WINDOW BYPASSED” to remind you that the zone is bypassed.
Restoring a zone puts it back on active duty in the system. When restored, the BYPASSED indication will no longer be displayed on the status line and the zone will be checked for alarm and trouble con­ditions.
To restore a zone that has been bypassed, press any of the SECURITY keys, then the # key, the number of the zone to restore then ENTER, (or # to restore ALL zones), then your code number.
For example, to turn the security system off and restore zone 2, press SECURITY-OFF, #, 2, ENTER, then your code number.
The console will beep and the display will return to the time, date and status display. You can also scroll through the zones by pressing the SHOW key instead of the zone number.
To simply restore all of the zones, press # when the display reads “RESTORE ZONE:”
system is armed, the Model 1503 will automatically bypass a zone if the zone is in the alarm state when the system is armed.
When this happens, the display will indicate that the zone was bypassed.
Note that there is an exit delay before the system is armed in any mode, so that the bypass will only take place if the zone is in alarm when the exit delay is over and the system actually arms itself.
When a zone is AUTO-BYPASSED, it will be automatically restored the next time you arm or disarm the system. The auto-bypass is recorded in the event log as “ZONE NAME BYPASSED”
To prevent any zone from being bypassed unintentionally, you should always look for SYSTEM OK on the display before arming and leav­ing the premises.
The AUTO-BYPASS feature can be disabled if you do not want the system to automatically bypass open zones. If the auto-bypass feature is disabled, the alarm will sound if an open zone is armed.
NOTE: The AUTO-BYPASS feature is disabled on UL Listed Installa­tions.
In order to prevent the alarm from sounding unexpectedly if a window or door is open when the
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
There are three buttons on the console surrounded by a border marked EMERGENCY. These buttons are labeled FIRE, POLICE and MEDICAL.
There are actually two switches under each of these buttons. Touch each button lightly with your fin­gertip and you will feel two bumps under each one.
In order to activate one of the emergency buttons, BOTH of these bumps must be pressed simultaneously using two fingers, and held for approximately 1 second.
The EMERGENCY buttons are always armed. When an emergency alarm is activated by one of the pushbuttons, the red indicator for that button lights up.
All emergency alarms are si­lenced by pressing SECURITY-OFF and entering your code.
- Console beeper comes on - dis­play indicates “BURGLAR ALARM!
- ZONE NAME TRIPPED” If more than one zone is tripped, then the bottom line will show each zone tripped for two seconds.
- Any lights or control modules programmed to come on for the door that you used will do so.
- The system will wait the ENTRY DELAY time.
You should go to your console
(or telephone) immediately and turn the security system off. If you wish, you may go directly to HOME or ASLEEP mode, rather than turning the system OFF then back to HOME (or ASLEEP.)
If you return home and hear the
alarm sounding, DO NOT ENTER. Use a neighbor's phone to call for help.
There is a shortcut for MEDICAL and FIRE emergency alarms, which can be turned off using the CANCEL key or the SECURITY-OFF key.
Entry through a door:
- If you enter your home while the system is armed in the HOME or AWAY modes, using your normal entry door:
- If someone enters through any zone other than an ENTRY-EXIT zone, or if the security system is in the ASLEEP mode, or if the security system is not turned off during the ENTRY DELAY:
- The interior sounder is acti­vated, which makes a loud, con­tinuous sound.
- The ON FOR ALARM UNIT NUMBERS are turned on.
- The FLASH FOR ALARM UNIT NUMBER begins to flash on and off.
Home Automation, Inc.
- The system now waits the OUTSIDE SIREN DELAY. (0 - 60 seconds)
number that is stored in SET-UP location MY PHONE NUMBER is spoken here) PLEASE RESPOND IMMEDIATELY.”
- The Outdoor Siren is activated, which makes a loud, continuous sound.
- The system now waits the DIAL OUT DELAY. (0 - 60 seconds)
- The in house phones are seized (or disconnected) and the Model 1503 begins to dial out.
If you are having your system
monitored by a central station, the central station will be sent a code representing the type of alarm (burglary) and zone involved. In most cases, the central station will call back, requesting your password or passcode.
If you are not using central
station monitoring but are using the voice dial out capability, the system looks at the BURGLAR DIAL ORDER to determine which number to call first, and calls that number.
If you are using both central
station monitoring and voice dial out, then the voice dial out is delayed by five minutes to give the central station time to call you back.
For the voice dial out, the mes-
sage delivered to the called party when he answers and says something is: “BURGLAR ALARM: (your address is spoken here*) ...EMERGENCY ...EMERGENCY... THE BURGLAR ALARM HAS BEEN ACTIVATED AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: (your address is spoken here*) PHONE NUMBER (your phone
The message is repeated two times. At any point during the message, the called party can enter a code as described in EMERGENCY DIAL OUT to log in and stop the Model 1503 from dialing any further numbers.
If the called party is busy, does not answer, or answers but does not enter a code, then the Model 1503 goes to the BURGLAR DIAL ORDER to determine the next number to dial, and the next call is made. When the last call is made in the BURGLAR DIAL ORDER, the house phones are reconnected and the system stops dialing.
- The system continues to sound all alarms and flash the flash­ing light for 4 minutes after the alarm is activated.
- After 4 minutes, the outside siren and interior sounder are turned off, and the alarm system resets itself. The console beeper stays on, the lights con­tinue to flash. If any other zone is tripped after a reset, the outdoor siren will again be activated, and the dialer will again dial out.
At any time, the alarm system
can be turned off at the console.
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
When the FIRE alarm is activated by the smoke/fire detector(s), the alarm responds exactly as described under BURGLAR ALARM ACTIVATED, except:
- The console display reads “FIRE ALARM! ZONE NAME TRIPPED”
- The interior sounder will pulse on and off to distinguish the fire alarm from the burglar alarm.
- The outside siren will pulse on and off to distinguish the fire alarm from the burglar alarm
- The Central Station (if used) will receive a FIRE ALARM sig­nal.
- The voice dial out order will be determined by the FIRE DIAL OR­DER instead of the BURGLAR DIAL ORDER. The message delivered to the called party is “FIRE ALARM (your address here*) ...EMER­GENCY... EMERGENCY... THE FIRE ALARM HAS BEEN ACTIVATED AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: (Your address here*) PHONE NUMBER (your phone number here) PLEASE RESPOND IM­MEDIATELY.”
- The console display indicates “EMERGENCY ALARM! - POLICE EMG BTN TRIPPED”
- The interior sounder and the outdoor siren are activated im­mediately. Note that there is no outside siren delay for emer­gency buttons.
- The central station (if used) will be sent a code representing the type of alarm (police emer­gency button.)
The voice message delivered to
the called party when he answers and says anything is: “POLICE EMER­GENCY BUTTON (your address here*) ...EMERGENCY ...EMERGENCY... THE POLICE EMERGENCY BUTTON HAS BEEN ACTIVATED AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: (Your address is spoken here*) PHONE NUMBER (your phone number that is stored in SET-UP location MY PHONE NUMBER is spoken here) PLEASE RESPOND IMMEDIATELY.”
The message is repeated two
times. At any point during the message, the called party can enter a code as described in EMERGENCY DIAL OUT to log in.
The fire alarm takes priority
over the burglar alarm.
When the POLICE EMERGENCY BUTTON is pressed, the alarm operates exactly the same as described for BURGLAR ALARM ACTIVATED except:
is pressed, the alarm operates exactly as described for POLICE EMERGENCY BUTTON except:
- The interior sounder and exte­rior siren pulse on and off to distinguish the fire alarm from the burglar alarm.
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- The console display will read “FIRE ALARM - FIRE EMG BTN TRIPPED”.
- The Central Station (if used) will receive a Fire Emergency Button signal.
- The voice dialer dials out using the FIRE DIAL ORDER with the following message: “EMERGENCY... EMERGENCY... THE FIRE EMERGENCY BUTTON HAS BEEN ACTIVATED AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: (your address is spoken here*) PHONE NUMBER (your phone number) PLEASE RE­SPOND IMMEDIATELY.
The FIRE EMERGENCY alarm can be
turned off at any time by turning the security system off or by pressing CANCEL.
TON is pressed:
- Console beeper comes on - dis­play indicates “EMERGENCY ALARM!
If you are having your system monitored by a central station, the central station will be sent a code representing the type of alarm (medical emergency button.)
If you are not using central station monitoring but are using the voice dial out capability, the system looks at the MEDICAL DIAL ORDER to determine which number to call first, and calls that number.
If you are using both central station monitoring and voice dial out, then the voice dial out is delayed by five minutes to give the central station time to call you back.
The message delivered to the called party when he answers and says anything is: “MEDICAL EMER­GENCY ALARM (your address here
) PHONE NUMBER (your phone number that is stored in SET-UP location MY PHONE NUMBER is spoken here) PLEASE RESPOND IMMEDIATELY.”
- The ON FOR ALARM UNIT NUMBERS are turned on.
- The FLASH FOR ALARM UNIT NUMBER begins to flash on and off.
- The system waits the DIAL OUT DELAY.
- The in house phones are seized (or disconnected) and the Model 1503 begins to dial out.
The message is repeated two times. At any point during the message, the called party can enter a code as described in EMERGENCY DIAL OUT to log in and stop the Model 1503 from dialing any further numbers.
If the called party is busy, does not answer, or answers but does not enter a code, then the Model 1503 goes to the MEDICAL DIAL ORDER to determine the next number to dial, and the next call is made.
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
When the last call is made in the MEDICAL DIAL ORDER, the house phones are reconnected and the system stops dialing.
- The console beeper continues to sound and the lights continue to flash until the alarm is turned off.
At any time, the alarm system
can be turned off by the console. Medical alarms can also be turned off by pressing the CANCEL key.
(See DURESS CODE for a descrip-
tion of when to use the DURESS CODE.)
In the event that you enter your
duress code, or a zone configured as a duress zone is tripped, the system performs a silent dial out as follows:
system looks at the BURGLAR DIAL ORDER to determine which number to call first, and calls that number.
If you are using both central station monitoring and voice dial out, then the voice dial out is delayed by five minutes to give the central station time to call you back.
For the voice dialer, the system dials the first number in the BUR­GLAR DIAL ORDER and delivers the message: “EMERGENCY... EMERGENCY... THE BURGLAR ALARM HAS BEEN ACTI­VATED AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: (Your address is spoken here*) PHONE NUMBER (your phone number that is stored in SET-UP location MY PHONE NUMBER is spoken here) THIS IS A SILENT ALARM. PLEASE RESPOND IMMEDIATELY.”
*NOTE: Model 1503-LC systems do not speak the address, only the phone number.
- No alarms, lights or console beepers are activated. The sys­tem does not display the duress alarm.
- The system waits the dial out delay, then begins to dial out.
If you are having your system
monitored by a central station, the central station will be sent a code representing the type of alarm (duress.)
If you are not using central
station monitoring but are using the voice dial out capability, the
The alarm system will reset it­self after the outside siren has been on for 4 minutes. When the alarm system resets, any zone that is not in alarm is reactivated, so the alarm system will be activated again if the zone is tripped. If a zone has been left in alarm, i.e. a door has been left open, it will be automatically bypassed when the alarm resets.
The console display will indi­cate “(FIRE, BURGLAR or EMERGENCY) ALARM RESET” when this happens. The FLASH FOR ALARM lights will con-
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tinue to flash. The dialer will continue to dial until all numbers have been dialed.
At any time, you can silence your alarm system by pressing the SECURITY-OFF key and entering your code. If the system has reported, or is in the process of reporting an alarm to a central station, it will send the alarm code followed by a code indicating that the alarm has been canceled by the user.
If an alarm is canceled before the dial out delay has expired, the system will not report any alarm.
If an alarm is canceled during a voice dial out, the system hangs up immediately, unless the recipient of the call has entered a master or access code.
The Model 1503 constantly moni­tors the alarm loops and several internal matters and will alert you if it detects trouble. The particu­lar trouble is indicated on the bottom line of the display and a trouble signal is given by beeping the console beeper continuously, 2 beeps per second.
When any trouble condition oc­curs, the console will beep twice per second and continue to beep until the CANCEL button is pressed to acknowledge the trouble. The console will say TRBL NOW (trouble now) if the trouble condition actu­ally exists while you are looking
at the console. It will say HAD TRBL (had trouble) if the trouble condition occurred and then cor­rected itself.
The trouble indications and
their meanings are shown below.
- ZONE NAME TRBL NOW or HAD TRBL: If the reading for a zone be­comes abnormal, trouble will be indicated on that zone. See SHOW TEST. Trouble in zones is usu­ally caused by excessive resis­tance in the contact and wiring. If the cause is not obvious, call your installer for service.
- AC POWER OFF TRBL NOW or HAD TRBL: Indicated if the normal house current powering the Model 1503 Control/Communicator is interrupted for more than 3 min­utes. If this happens without good cause, check the black wall mounted transformer to ensure that it hasn’t come out of the wall socket; check to see that the socket has power; check the fuse on the Model 1503 Termina­tion Board in the Model 1503 Control/Communicator to be sure that it is good.
- BATTERY LOW TRBL NOW or HAD TRBL: Every hour, the Model 1503 makes a dynamic test of the bat­tery. The charger is turned off and a load is placed on the bat­tery for 10 seconds, then the battery voltage is read. If the battery voltage is too low, then the console will indicate BAT­TERY LOW. If this happens, make sure that the battery is con-
Model 1503 Owner's Manual
nected and that the battery fuse (in line with the red wire con­nected to the battery in the Model 1503 Control/Communicator) is good. The BATTERY LOW indica­tion will remain until the next battery test is run, 1 hour later, or when a SHOW TEST com­mand is given.
- COMMUNICATOR TRBL NOW: Indi­cated if the digital communica­tor (not the voice dialer) was unable to make contact with the Central Station after trying both numbers multiple times. This indication will remain un­til the digital communicator tries again (as a result of a reportable alarm or event occur­ring) or until both phone num­bers are removed from the digi­tal communicator. If this hap­pens, there could be a problem with the system, central sta­tion, phone line or the wrong phone numbers have been entered in the digital communicator. Call your dealer for service.
- DEVICE FUSE TRBL NOW or HAD TRBL: Indicated if there is a problem with one (or more) of three solid state fuses on the Model 1503 Processor Module.
The three fuses are for (from left to right) the CONSOLES, the DEVICES and the HORNS. The CONSOLES are powered through the fuse la­beled CONSOLES. If the CONSOLES fuse is “blown”, then the consoles will not be working. The DEVICES fuse powers the following devices that may be connected to the system (some are options:)
- motion detectors
- smoke/fire detectors
- AUXiliary OUTputs (energy saver relays)
- OK TO ARM output
- ARMED output The HORNS fuse powers the Inte-
rior siren and the Outdoor Siren. If it is hot, there is a fault in the wiring to one of these devices.
To reset these fuses, the fault
must be cleared. Then, unplug the Model 1503 power transformer (or remove the tube type fuse on the Termination Board.) Disconnect, then immediately reconnect the battery (within 10 seconds to re­tain your home control programs.) Wait a minute or two for the PTC fuse to cool. Then plug in the transformer. If you do not feel competent performing such tasks, call your dealer for service.
These fuses can be restored without having to replace anything. They can be seen by opening the Model 1503 Control/Communicator enclosure door and looking in the opening of the aluminum cover on the door. At the bottom you will see three small round components labeled PTC1, PTC2 and PTC3.
NOTE: If the battery is discon­nected or the battery fuse is blown you will get a DEVICE FUSE TROUBLE indication AND a BATTERY LOW indi­cation when the battery test oc­curs.
- PHONE LINE DEAD TRBL NOW or HAD TRBL will be indicated if the phone line is dead for more than 1 minute. If this happens, check
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the LARGER of the two cables (marked PHONE LINE on the pro­cessor board) plugged into the Model 1503 Processor board to be sure that it is firmly connected at both ends.
To silence the trouble beeps on the console, press the CANCEL key. If more than one type of trouble has occurred, the display will show each one for two seconds. Pressing the CANCEL key will acknowledge all trouble indications.
If the trouble condition occurs again, the console beeper will beep again. See SET-UP MISC., BEEP ON TROUBLE if you wish to disable the beeper.
- SYSTEM FAILURE will be indicated in the event that the console's alarm functions are no longer operational. This may indicate a wiring problem to the console or a more serious problem. Follow the procedure above for reset­ting the PTC fuses, or call your installer for service.
The auxiliary codes can arm/ disarm security system, but cannot change codes or be used to arm/ disarm the system from outside the home over the telephone. The auxil­iary code cannot be used to program the security system mode (OFF, HOME, ASLEEP, AWAY.) Finally, the auxiliary codes cannot be used to bypass or restore zones.
There are four auxiliary codes. The number of the code (1 through
4) used is recorded in the event log.
The first auxiliary code can be switched on and off by time and day of week if desired, making it ideal for use as a maid's code. See SET-
It is recommended that temporary users, such as baby-sitters, be assigned an auxiliary code.
All Model 1503 codes are 4 dig­its in length. A code can be any number from 0001 to 9999. Memorize your codes! Don’t give them to anyone who doesn’t need to know them.
The Master code allows you to do everything. The owner of the system should have and use the master code.
If you are forced to disarm the system against your will by an intruder, disarm it as you normally would, but use the DURESS CODE instead of the master or auxiliary code. The system will disarm nor­mally. No sirens will sound, no lights will flash, but the Model 1503 will perform a silent dial out and say that this is a silent alarm.
To stop a silent dial out, turn your security system off the usual way, pressing SECURITY-OFF then your master code.
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