Holtkoetter 9602LED User Manual

205 Hardman Avenue South, South Saint Paul, MN 55075
Voice: (800) 899-5444 • Fax: (888) 552-8661
e-mail: customerservice@holtkoetter.com
This low-voltage LED floor lamp comes fully assembled.
Technical Specifications
Light Engine: Holtkötter PC Board LED 13-2 with Two-Tone LED
Optic / Reflector: Holtkötter Aluminum Reflector with precise
Color Blend Optics
Light Output: 525 / 595 Lumens (∑ 1120)
Light Color: 3000 / 6000 Kelvin
Control/LED Driver/Dimmer: Holtkötter Dimm-System LED with Dual Color Control
full-range dimming of < 1% - 100%
Maximum Current/Voltage: 1000mA & 14V
System Power Consumption: 2 . . . 14 Watts
Equipped with two dimmers located on the reflector.
Color Blend LED Floor Lamp
No. 9602*LED
Congratulations, you have just purchased the leading-edge dimming technology from Holtkötter International, Inc. Our “Dimm-System
Punkt 1” (Dimming System Point 1 (*P1)) is
specifically designed to provide specialized features for ease and convenience of use.
Features of “Dimm System Punkt 1” include:
Point Dimming - the lamp may be turned
on or off with a single click of the P1
dimmer. Each switch operates one type of LED.
Dimming Cycle - to adjust the lamp to the
perfect light level for any situation, press
and hold the P1 dimmer. The dimmer will
cycle from the last dimmer setting. Press and hold it again to adjust as needed. When the lamp achieves the light level of
your choice, release the P1 dimmer.
Detail of LED Reflector
Major lamp parts manufactured in Germany by Holtkötter Leuchten GmbH.
Bulbs manufactured in Germany by Osram GmbH. Final assembly by Holtkötter in South Saint Paul, MN.
Care Instructions
Use only a soft, dry cloth to clean. If necessary, a slightly damp, soft cloth can be used to spot
clean. Do not use common household cleaners on lamps or fixtures, as the lacquer on the
outside of the brass may be damaged as a result. Enjoy your new Holtkötter lamp.
Holtkötter ® and Holtkötter Leuchten® are registered trademarks of Holtkötter. All Rights Reserved.
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