holthausen elektronik ESW-small-Compact User Manual

elektronik GmbH
User Manual (Translation of the original instructions)
Picture shows Aluminium-case without ground on earth terminal
Electronic Vibration Monitoring Unit
ESW®-small-Compact (hol601)
date: 12 January 2018
technical modification possible
holthausen elektronik GmbH is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
holthausen elektronik GmbH phone: +49 (0) 21 53 - 40 08 info@holthausen-elektronik.de Wevelinghoven 38 fax: +49 (0) 21 53 - 89 99 4 www.holthausen-elektronik.de 41334 Nettetal
elektronik GmbH
Electronic Vibration monitoring Unit ESW®-small-Compact
Table of Contents
1. Generally basical safety-indications.............................page 4
2. Packing and the transport............................................page 4
3. Application....................................................................page 5
4. Measurement principle.................................................page 5
5. Grounding concept.......................................................page 6
6. Mounting of the vibration control unit...........................page 7
7. Opening and closing of the vibration control unit.........page 8
8. Maintenance.................................................................page 8
9. Display- and operation- elements................................page 9
10. Measurement range switching.....................................page 10
11. Analog output...............................................................page 10
12. Possible ground configurations....................................page 10
13. Analog output settings..................................................page 11
14. Adjustment of the limiting values..................................page 11
15. Example to adjust the limit value..................................page 12
16. Optional alarm memory................................................page 12
17. Self test.........................................................................page 12
17.1 Automatic self-test in the background...............page 13
17.2 Selt-test called externally by the user................page 13
17.3 Self-test on starting (optional)............................page 14
18. Housing size.................................................................page 15
19. Cable connection draft.................................................page 16
Technical Data..............................................................appendix
elektronik GmbH
Electronic Vibration monitoring Unit ESW®-small-Compact
Important information
These operation instructions are to be read through completely and carefully heeded before starting the device. Failure to heed or adhere can result in claims on manufacturer’s liability becoming null and void for damages ensuing there from.
Manual action of any manner on the device – with the exception of proper procedures and those described in these operation instructions – lead to forfeit of guarantee and exclusion from liability.
The device is solely intended for the usage as described below. It is particularly not intended for the direct or indirect protection of persons.
holthausen elektronik GmbH assumes no liability whatsoever as regards suitability for some specific purpose.
If any question should remain open, please never hesitate to contact us.
holthausen elektronik GmbH
Wevelinghoven 38, 41334 Nettetal Phone: +49 (0) 21 53 - 40 08 Fax: +49 (0) 21 53 - 8 99 94 Mail: info@holthausen-elektronik.de
elektronik GmbH
Electronic Vibration monitoring Unit ESW®-small-Compact
1. Generally basical safety-indications
Don’t use this device as the only invigilator, if a malfunctioning of ESW®-small-Compact could lead to damages on goods or Persons.
To obtain the desired result be sure, that the device with its technical data fits to the bulk of the object you want to supervise.
The sensor is sensitive to shock. A downfall out lower height to a hard substratum can destroy the sensor.
The assembling place and the execution of the assembling of the sensor determine decisively the quality of the sensor signal. The assembling may only happen through qualified and instructed persons.
The electrical hook up is to be done by instructed persons. A mistake by the connection can entail to faulty functions, outfall or ruination of the sensor and electronics.
The ESW® should not be used on machines with a very energetic high-frequency solid-borne. Through resonance apparitions in the sensor, the device can indicate a much too great or too small value.
Powerful noise sources for instance inverters, in direct closeness of the sensor, electronics or cabling, can result in faulty behaving of the apparatus.
Potential differences and balance currents in the mass guidance can result in faulty behaving too.
The connection cable is resistant against many but not every type of chemical and mechanical stress. Through a damaged cable chemicals could get inside the unit and destroy the electronic. Then the unit would loose their function. Therefore the conditions from the mounting surrounding must be checked. Then the cover material from the cable have to be proofed if it resists these requirements. You can get an overview from the chemical resistance of the cover material from us.
2. Packing and the transport
The sensor is sensitive to shock. A downfall out lower height to an hard
substratum can destroy the sensor.
Avoid to kink or tie a knot in the cable.Keep the electronic in a dry place.In case of a downfall or heckling or squeezing, could the casing or the operation
elements or the board get defects.
With adequate warning-labels and through a qualified packaging and storage, you can protect the sensor and electronics at carriage against influences from outside.
elektronik GmbH
Electronic Vibration monitoring Unit ESW®-small-Compact
3. Application
The ESW®-small-Compact unit will be installed on machines like ventilators, blasts, separators or decanters in order to protect these machines in the application against inadmissible mechanical vibration. The unit monitor continuously the intensity of vibration and warn reliably during exceeding of, inside the unit, adjusted limit values. Moreover it is always possible to measure the actual vibration value at the analog output. The permanent temperatur monitoring inside the case also is a feature of this unit (see 18.1).
4. Measurement principle
The sensor converts mechanical oscillations into an electrical alternating voltage. The subsequent electronics converts the AC signal into a DC voltage, which is equivalent to the measured oscillation speed. The sensitivity, and thus the measuring range, can be selected in the device using a switch. The electronics compares the measured value with two threshold values G1 and G2, which can be set in the device using two potentiometers. The threshold values can be steplessly set between 10% and 100% of the possible measuring range. The analog output can be used as an aid for adjustment when setting the threshold values G1 and G2. If the measured value crosses a threshold value the corresponding alarm relay is switched after the expiry of a permanently set response delay period. If the measured value falls below the threshold value the alarm is cancelled after the expiry of the release delay period. The response delay and the release delay depend on the version (see specific data sheet) and can lie between 0.2s and 25s (fixed by factory). Alternatively the device can also be equipped with alarm memory (see Point 16).
In addition, the measured value controls a constant current source. A current in the range 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA which is proportional to the measured value and corresponds to the measuring range is delivered over the “analog output” cable terminals.
All important electronic components of the device can be checked using the self-test functions of the device (Point 18). All important functions are permanently verified in normal operation. The functions such as, e.g., the relay test which would disturb the measuring operation, can be carried out by the user when required the pressing the switch (S1).
Optionally the device can be delivered with a self-test on starting. This carries out a complete function test every time the device is switched on (Point 18.3).
Attention: Pay attention on requirement by entrance in EEx-Zone
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