Holtek Semiconductor Inc HT813D0 Datasheet

5.6 Second LOG-PCM Speech


Operating voltage: 2.4V ~5.0V
Directly drives an external transistor
Minimal external components
380 words table ROM for key functions
Programmable silence length and end-pulse width (minimal end-pulse width is 330 6kHz sampling rate)
5.6-second voice capacity (based o n a 6kHz sampling rate)
Controllable volume
FLAG1 options:
End-puls e output
3HzB flash
6HzB flash
Voice output indication
Busy output
FLAG2 options:
3Hz flash
6Hz flash
Busy output
µs at a
8 keys
Key options:
Stop key: KEY8
Random (only for KEY1)
Sequential (only for KEY1)
Repeat (for all KEYs)
Key debounce time (for all KEYs): 700µs, 22ms, 45ms, 180ms (based on a 6kHz sam­pling rate)
One shot (for al l KEYs )
Pull-high resistance (for all KEYs)
Section options:
Dice form or 16-pin DIP/SOP

Applic a tions

Alarm clocks
Public address system

General Description

The HT813D0 is a single-chip LOG-P CM voice synthesizer LSI wi th 5.6-second voice capacity at 6kHz sampling rate. The chip when triggered drives a speaker through an external transistor with a current switch D/A converter output. Negligible current will be consumed in the standby state.
The HT813D0 provides 8 key inputs and 2 pro­grammable FLAG outputs. With 2.4V~5.0V power supply, a complete synthesized voice playback system can be ea sily built with very few external components.
Alert & warning system
Sound effect generators
The custome r’s voice s ources are reco rded sec­tion by section into an internal mask ROM. The instructions of section playback arrangement of each key are stored in the table ROM. The key features are also programmable. With such a flexible structure, the HT813D0 is excellent for versatile voice applications.
1 5th May ’98

Pin Assignment Block Diagram


Pad Coordinates

1 –887.00 702.20 9 903.50 365.80 2 –887.00 524.50 10 886.90 568.00 3 –1007.00 –804.00 11 886.90 743.00 4 –231.30 –754.00 12 626.90 754.00 5 59.80 –754.00 13 76.80 754.00 6 523.50 –754.00 14 –253.70 754.00 7 831.30 –754.00 15 –627.20 754.00 8 1006.90 –804.00
Chip size: 2290 * The IC substrate should be connected to VSS in the PCB layout artwork.
× 1940 (µm)

Pin Description

Pin No. Pin Name I/O
1 OSC1 I Oscillator input pin
3 VSS I Negative power supply (GND) 4 FLAG2 O
Open Drain
Open Drain
3HzB/6HzB flash output, busy output, end-pulse or voice output indication (by mask option). Open drain, active low output
3Hz/6Hz flash output or busy output (by mask option). Open drain, active low output
Unit: µm
2 5th May ’98
Pin No. Pin Name I/O
Trigger key, active low. Key features such as
5~12 KEY1~ KEY8 I Pull-High
debounce time, pull-high resistance and repeat can
be selected by mask option. 13 NC No connection 14 VDD I Positive power supply
15 AUD O
Open Drain
Voice output for driving an external transistor 16 OSC2 O Oscillator output pin

Absolu te Maxim um Ratings *

Supply Voltage ............................... –0.3V to 6V Storage Temperature ............... –50°C to 125°C
Input Voltage ............... V
–0.3V to VDD+0.3V Operating Temperature ............. –20°C to 70°C
*Note: These are stress ra tings on ly. Stresses exceeding the range spe cified un der “Abso lute Maxi-
mum Ratings” ma y cause substantial damage to the device. Functional operation of this device at other conditions beyond those listed in the specification is not implied and prolonged exposure to extreme condition s may affect device reliability.

Electrical Cha racteristics (Ta=25°C)

Symbol Parameter
V V f
Operating Voltage 2.4 5.0 V
Operating Current 3V Standby Current 3V 1 3 µA
Max. AUD Output Current 3V VOH=0.6V –1.5 –2 mA FLAG Sink Current 3V VOL=0.3V 1.5 3.0 mA “H” Input Voltage 0.8V
“L” Input Voltage 0 0.2V
Oscillati ng Frequency 3V R
Test Conditions
No load, f
=530k 76 96 116 kHz
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
3 5th May ’98

Functional Description

The HT813D0 is a mask ROM type voice synthe­sizer with 5 .6-second voice capacity. A group of pre-recorded voice sections is played upon receipt of key trigger input signals. Two FLAG signals are output while playing voices.
The 5.6-second voice capacity can be divided into sections of arbitrary length. Notice that the si­lence length and end-pulse width are not in­cluded in the memory.
By using HOLTEK’s programming tools, the contents and arrange ment of sections, as well as key features and FLAG output are all pro­grammable before device fabrication.
The IC provides 8 key inputs (KEY1~KEY8). Of the 8 keys, KEY1 can b e optioned as a direct, sequential or rando m trigger key. KEY8 can be selected as a stop or a direct key. The remaining 6 keys (KEY2~KEY7), are u sed as direct keys exclusively.
Play function block diagram
Syste m os c ill ator
The HT813D0 has a built-in RC oscillator which requires only one external res istor for normal ap­plications. The oscillator frequency is typically 96kHz for an external resistor of 530k quired oscillator frequency m ay vary with differ­ent sampling rates in the process of voice programming . As a res ult , the v alu e of th e osci lla­tor resistor may be different with respect to differ­ent items.
. The re-
The oscillator is turned on when triggered by a key input. After playing, it is immediately turned off. Then the chip goes into the standby state.
Voice ROM
The voice ROM is originally designed to continu­ously record the 5.6-second voice data at about 6kHz sampling rate. A higher sampling rate will generate voices of better playback quality , but will shorten the total recording time. On the other hand, a lower sampling rate will result in longer recording time but sacrifice voice quality.
The playback time can be significantly ex tended by making use of coding efficiency, silence playing, section repeating, section cascade, et c.
Section is the basic element constituting the contents of the voice ROM. During program­ming, the custome r’s voice sources can be di­vided into as many sections as required. A section can be composed of a voice or an interval of silence. However, the silent length is not counted in voice ROM. The total number of sections included should be less than 380 due to the space limitation of the function table ROM. The total length of the included sections is lim­ited by the voice ROM.
A section, when triggered by a key input, can be played once, repeatedly or cascaded with other sections, depending on the key function table instructions.
4 5th May ’98
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