2×20 Channel LCD Driver
Operating voltage: 2.7V ~5.2V
LCD driving voltage: 3.0V~5.0V
40 internal LCD drivers available
Bias voltage: static to 1/5 bias
Electronic dictionaries
Portable computers
General Description
The HT1608L is an LCD driver LSI with 40
output channel s using CMOS technolo gy. It is
equipped with two sets of 20-bit bidire ctional
shift registers, 20-bi t data latches, 20-bit LCD
drivers, and logic control circuits.
The HT1608 can convert serial data received
Block Diagram
LCD driver with serial /parallel conversion
Common or segment driver output by
Remote controllers
from an LCD control ler into parallel da ta and
send out LCD d riving waveforms to the LCD
panel. The HT1608L is designed for general
purpose LCD drivers. It can drive both static
and dynamic drive LCDs. Th e chip can be applied to a common driver or a segment driver.
1 27th Aug ’98

Pad Assignment
Chip size: 101 × 115 (mil)
* The IC substrate should be connected to VDD in the PCB layout artwork.
3 27th Aug ’98

Pad Coordinates Unit: mil
Pad No. X Y Pad No. X Y
1 –44.54 51.94 31 44.12 –51.38
2 –44.54 45.86 32 44.12 –42.97
3 –44.54 39.78 33 44.12 –36.93
4 –44.54 33.70 34 42.33 –29.62
5 –44.54 27.63 35 44.12 –22.31
6 –44.54 21.55 36 44.12 –16.28
7 –44.54 15.47 37 44.12 –10.67
8 –44.54 9.39 38 44.12 –4.63
9 –44.54 3.32 39 44.12 0.98
10 –44.54 –2.76 40 44.12 7.01
11 –44.54 –8.84 41 44.12 12.62
12 –44.54 –14.92 42 44.12 18.66
13 –44.54 –21.00 43 44.12 24.31
14 –44.54 –27.07 44 44.12 29.83
15 –44.54 –33.15 45 44.12 35.36
16 –44.54 –39.23 46 44.12 40.88
17 –44.54 –45.31 47 44.12 46.41
18 –44.54 –51.38 48 44.12 51.94
19 –36.55 –51.38 49 31.28 51.94
20 –29.92 –51.38 50 24.74 51.94
21 –23.29 –51.38 51 18.19 51.94
22 –16.66 –51.38 52 11.65 51.94
23 –10.03 –51.38 53 5.10 51.94
24 –3.40 –51.38 54 –1.45 51.94
25 3.23 –51.38 55 –7.99 51.94
26 9.86 –51.38 56 –14.53 51.94
27 16.49 –51.38 57 –21.08 51.94
28 23.12 –51.38 58 –27.63 51.94
29 29.75 –51.38 59 –34.17 51.94
30 36.38 –51.38
Pad Description
Pad No. Pad Name I/O Description
1~9 Y28~Y20 O LCD driver outputs for channel 2
10~23 Y19~Y6 O LCD driver outputs for channel 1
24 VDD — Power supply ( positive )
25~30 Y5~Y0 O LCD driver ou tputs for channel 1
31 VEE I LCD power supply
32 CLK1 I
Latch signal for channel 1 on the falling edge
CLK1 is used for channel 2 when MODE is set to V
4 27th Aug ’98
(Note 1 )