Holtek Semiconductor Inc HT113FA Datasheet

Subma rine W ar LC D G a me


1/3 bias, 1/4 duty, 32×4 pattern,
3.0V LCD driver
Built-in sound generator

General Description

HT113FA is a submarine war LCD game de­signed by HOLTEK. In the game, the player’s submarine tries to fight back against the bombs and torpedoes fired from the enemy’s bombers, warships and submarines. To dodge the attack,

LCD Pattern

RC oscillator
Auto power off mode
the player can use the up, down, left and right shift keys to move the submarine. Also, the player can fight back by firing missiles and torpedoes.
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Functional Description

Key description
RESET When this key is pressed, the game is re-initi-
ated and all th e records are cleared to zero. When the ON/OFF and RESET keys are pressed at the same time, and then the RE­SET key is relea sed, all the pattern dots are shown on the screen until the ON/OFF key is released. This function is for LCD testing.
MUTE This key is pressed to alternately put the
music in the OFF or ON modes.
START/PAUSE This key can functio n differently depending
on the followin g three conditions. First, the START/PAUSE key is a restart key . When the game is ove r, pressing this key re-starts the game. At this time, the highest game level and score achieved a re still saved. Next, it func­tions as a continue key . After the game is over, pressing the START/PAUSE and UP keys at the same time contin ues the game from the level previously achieved. Nonetheless, the score is cleared to zero. Finally, the START/PAUSE key is a pause key. When the game is in progress, pressing this key pauses the game and the score and game level are alternately displayed on the LCD. T o continue the game, press the START/PAUSE key again. At this time , the MU TE, ON/OFF and START/PAUSE are in effect.
ON/OFF This key is pressed to alternately turn the
power off or on. When the game is in the PAUSE mode, pressing the ON/OFF key switches the powe r off. To turn on the power, re-press the ON/OFF key. At this time, the game still remains in the PAUSE mode.
MISSILE When this key is pressed, a missile is fired.
TORPEDO When this key is pressed, a torpedo is fired.
LEFT When this key is pressed, the player’s subma-
rine moves to the left.
RIGHT When this key is pressed, the player’s subma-
rine moves to the right.
UP When this key is pressed, the player’s subma-
rine moves up.
DOWN When this key is pressed, the player’s subma-
rine moves down.
Operational desc r i p tion
Press the ON/OFF key to turn the powe r on. Then, the game goes into the DEMO mode. To play the game, press the START/PAUSE key. At this time, the highest game level and score achieved are displayed on the LCD. The game comes into play immediately after the game level 1-1 and the initi al zero score are shown. Notice that when the game is in progress, the START/PAUSE key function s as the PAU SE key until the game is over.
After the music is initiated, the player’s subma­rine first appears at the lowest right corner of the LCD. Then, the player’s submarine mov es to the left twice successively and lets off a “TU” sound. The game goes into a battle state.
The game is divided into nine levels and each level consists of three rounds. The total num­ber of games is 27. In the first round, the enemy’s attack comes from the bombers only. In the second round, the attack, comes not only from the bombers but also from the war­ships. Finally, in the third rou nd, all the en­emy’s attacks, namely the bombers, warships and submarines, are included. Each time a level is completed and the next level starts to play, the moving speed o f the enemy’s attack increases. In other words, the difficulty of the game increases with its level . The higher the level, the more difficult the game becomes.
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Three chances are offered to the player in each round. When the player’s submarine is hit by the enemy three times, GAME OVER is shown on the LCD and the game goes into the DEMO mode. At this time, if the START/PAUSE key is not pressed within 2 minutes, power is automatically turned off. The record of be ing hit is cleared to zero whenever the hitting number is less than three and a new round begins.
The player’s submarine can only fire one shot at a time. Only when the player’s torpedo hits its target or the target disappears can another torpedo or missile be fired. In addition, vari­ous sounds accompa ny with the firin g. A pic­ture of an explosion and a sound are generated whenever the enemy’s or the player’s submarin e gets hit. When the player ’s missile or tor pedo hits the enemy’s, a "TU" sound is derived. In addition, a jubilant music is played each time a round is completed. When the player’s subma­rine gets hit three times and the game is over, a sad music is played. However, no sounds are generated if the MUTE key is pressed. To re-in­itiate the sounds, press the MUTE key again.
Each time the player hits the enemy and scores are added, the highest score recorded is compared with the present score. The highest score is replaced when the current score is greater than the recorded score. Otherwise, the recorded score is maintained. The highest score and game level achieved are reserved as long as the RESET key is not pressed or the batteries are not removed.
The moving range of the player’s submarine is limited to the upper and lower waterways. The player can use the up, down, left and right shift keys to move the submarine.
When the playe r’s submarin e gets h it, a sub­marine picture is shown at the upper right side of the LCD to specify the submarine has been hit once. Another picture of submarine is added when th e player’s submarin e is being hit again. However, the third hit of the player’s submarine ends the game and displays GAME OVER at the upper right side of the LCD.
The enemy’s bombers can appear from eith er
the left or the right side. Each direction is further divided into the upper and lower routes. The Following is the code for the indi­vidual routes:
The first route is: A1 B2 → C2 E2 D5
The second route is: A1 B2 C8 E8 D5 F2
The thi rd ro ute is: F5 D2 E5 C5 B5 A3
The fourth route is: F5 D8 E5 → C5 B5 A3
Given this, the maximum number of bombers appearing on the LCD is four. The warships emerge at the right side and then move to the left side. As for the enemy’s submarines, they appear in the upper waterway o r sometimes in the lower waterwa y. The submarines then move upward and downward. However, the submarines wi ll automatically disa ppear af­ter moving to and fro without being attacked.
The enemy’s bombs have two directions of flight, namely vertically down and slanting downward:
The routes for vertical flights are: The first route: B3
The second route : C3 C6 C9 C12 C16
The third ro ute: E3 E6 E9 E12 E16
The fourth route: D3 D6 D9 D12 D16
The fifth route: F3 → F6 F9 F12
The routes of the slanting flights are: The first route: A2
The second route: C9 E12 E16
The third route : B3 C6 E9 D12 D16
The fourth route: E9 D12 D16
The fifth route: C3 E6 D9 F9 → F12
The sixth route: E3 D6 F9 F12
The seventh route: F6 D9 E12 E16
The eighth route: D9 E12 E16
The ninth route: D3 E6 C9 B9 B13
The tenth route: E6 C9 B9 B13
B6 B9 B13
B6 C9 E12 E1 6
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The eleventh route: C6 B9 → B13
The enemy’s bombs drop vertically.
The enemy submarine fires torpedoes from left to right.
After all the nine levels are completed, the game is re-initiated from level 7-1. However, the score is continua lly incremented until a score of 9990 is reached. When 9990 is the current score, the system will record it as the highest score. Then the score is cleared to zero.
Counting methods
20 points are awarded when the enemy’s bombers or warships are hit in the upper wa­terway.
10 points are awarded when the enemy’s bombers or warships are hit in the lowe r wa­terway.
10 points are awarded when the enemy’s sub­marine is hit by a torpedo.
5 points are award ed when a round is com­pleted and the player’s submarine has not been hit.
Sound effects
Music when a game begins
Sound when the player’s submarine arrives (three times)
Howling sound when the bomber appears
Sound when the bomber drops a bomb
Sound when the submarine fires a missile
Sound when the submarine fires a torpedo
Music when scores are added
Music when a round is completed
Explosion sound
Sound when two bombs hit each other
Sound when a game is over
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