BC2401 Application Guidelines
BC2401 Application Guidelines
D/N: AN0435E
Holtek’s BC2401 is an RF receiver which supports OOK demodulation in the 315MHz and
433.92MHz frequency bands. The device includes fully integrated super regeneration
signal reception technology to achieve the best performance/cost ratio. For product
development convenience, the BC2401 can detect received signals by reading the pin
state directly. The BC2401 can operates with a simple OOK modulation RF transmitter to
develop wireless products, such as wireless transmission controls for home appliances,
computer peripherals and radio controlled toys to name but a few.
As mentioned above, the BC2401 is an RF receiver. Product design engineers, when
using such products for the first time, are often faced with some difficult problems during
product design. Holtek has prepared solutions including some frequently asked questions
based on their past experience to help engineers to quickly understand the RF receiver
operation to overcome these initial problems. This application note will show how to use
the BC2401 using specific examples.
Functional Description
The BC2401 is a super regeneration architecture RF receiver which contains a front-end
receiver and a digital demodulator. The architecture is shown as follows.
The reception signal frequency can be setup by external reactive components connected
to L1 and L2. The internal oscillator will operate continuously after power-on to provide
frequency for the demodulator. When the signal frequency has been setup by the
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components on L1 and L2, the relevant output signal will be generated on the DOUT pin
once the device is powered on.

Decoder IC
BC2401 AntennaData Out Match Circuit
BC2401 Application Guidelines
The above figure shows the general design architecture of the BC2401. An antenna, a
matching circuit, a BC2401 device and a decoder IC are all that is necessary to
implement a high frequency signal receiver function.
The BC2401 contains the following features:
Supports RF OOK ASK demodulation
Operating voltage: 4.0V~5.5V
Operating bandwidth: 300MHz~450MHz
Symbol rate: 5Kbps
High sensitivity: -100dBm@5V / 0.1%BER / 315MHz / 433MHz
Operating current consumption less than 4mA
Integrated LNA and super regeneration oscillator
Small package type: 8-pin SOP
Application Circuits
Note: Special attention should be paid to three parts in the circuit. The first part is the
antenna part labeled with ANT1, the second part is the high frequency input matching
circuit which includes C5 and L2 while the third part is the LC Tank circuit which contains
L1, C6 and L3. More detail information will be introduced in the following sections.
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BC2401 Application Guidelines
Bill of Materials:
Symbol Description
LC Tank Selection Guides
The BC2401 reception frequency is setup by inductors and capacitor connected between
Pins 7 and Pin 6, as shown below.
The relationship between the inductor, capacitor and the frequency setup is shown as
Unit Vendor Part Number
Users should initially decide upon their desired reception frequency before choosing the
component values. After determining the frequency, then choose the actual value of
either the inductor or the capacitor, after which the other component values can be
calculated using the following equations:
Condition 1: If the frequency and capacitance have been determined:
Condition 2: If the frequency and inductance have been determined:
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