HE341Ve Service Manual Introduction
Installation Checklist
1. Always understand why the original turbocharger needs replacing before fitting another unit.
2. Check the turbocharger dataplate to ensure the Part No. is correct for the engine/application.
3. Check the engine exhaust, intake and aftercooler systems are clean and without obstruction i.e. free from
oil, gasket pieces, dust/dirt/carbon or foreign objects.
4. Replace the oil and air filters using replacement parts specified by the equipment manufacturer.
5. Change the engine oil using the type specified by the engine manufacturer.
6. Check that the turbocharger oil inlet and drain pipes and connectors are clean, free from obstruction and
will not leak under pressure. Before re-installing flexible pipes always ensure any burnt-on lacquer or other
adhered material is removed from internal bores. If in doubt, always fit new pipes.
7. Check that the coolant pipes of water cooled bearing housing applications and connectors are clean, free
from obstruction and will not leak under pressure.
8. To pre-lube the turbocharger bearings, pour some clean engine oil into the oil inlet and rotate the
turbocharger rotor assembly by hand.
9. Check that the exhaust manifold flange is flat and undamaged. Mount the turbocharger on the flange and
check that the turbine inlet gasket fits properly without obstructing the gas passages. Torque fasteners to
engine manufacturer's recommendation.
10. Assemble the air intake and boost outlet connections. Check that the connections are secure and will
not leak in use.
11. Check the exhaust system is fitted using the original mounting arrangement provided by the equipment
manufacturer. Always re-fit any supports/brackets back in position to ensure the system is correctly
12. Assemble the exhaust system to the turbine housing outlet. Check that the gasket/connection is secure
and will not leak in use.
13. Assemble any coolant pipes and check that the connections are secure, without obstruction and will not
leak in use.
14. Assemble the turbocharger oil inlet pipe and check that the connection is clean, secure and will not leak in
15. Check all clamps and fasteners are correctly tightened to the torque recommended by the equipment
16. Make the electrical connections between VG actuator motor, sensors and engine control module (ECM).
17. Make any ECM checks recommended by the engine manufacturer.
18. Crank the engine WITHOUT firing until engine oil flows out of the turbocharger drain flange.
19. Assemble the oil drain pipe and check that the connection is secure, without obstruction and will not leak in
20. Start the engine and run at idle speed for approximately 1 minute so that the oil supply system is fully
21. Accelerate the engine and check that there are no leaks/obstructions of air/oil/coolant/gas under pressure.
22. Check that no hose or connection deforms under normal operation.
23. Before switching off the engine, leave it running at idle speed for at least 1 minute to cool the turbine.