HOLOPHANE Navigator, DeLeon TL General Description Manual

DeLeon® TL
Wet/Damp Location Exits Exits
Cast Aluminum/Polycarbonate
Emergency or AC Only Operation
LED Illumination
Vandal Resistant
Holophane’s LNTLL wet location and harsh environment exit combines rugged construction and appealing aesthetics. Durable cast aluminum and polycarbonate housing construction, standard vandal resistant/ anti-corrosion coated hardware and high­performance electronics ensures long lasting reliability even in the most severe environments. The LNTLL is UL listed for use in wet/damp location applications ranging from -40ºF (-40ºC) to 113ºF (45ºC). Testing of emergency operation is performed using an ordinary pen laser allowing the unit to be mounted almost anywhere. LNTLL exits are shipped with field-selectable chevrons, and can be ordered as a single face or universal (single/ double) face configuration. Three color choices are available and stencils may be ordered painted to match or in an attractively contrasting brushed aluminum finish.
Die-cast aluminum housing with premium impact resistant injection molded polycarbonate cover. A groove molded into each cover accepts a full perimeter silicone rubber gasket.
Housing is powder coated in white, black or gray. On single face units the back cover is molded in color to match and the front cover is clear. Universal models consist of 2 faces, backplate and canopy.
HL-2380 Rev. 5/2/13
Stencil is stamped aluminum with field­selectable chevrons and is contained inside the fully gasketed housing for corrosion protection. Stencil is available painted to match housing or with brushed finish.
All exposed hardware is both vandal resistant and anti-corrosion coated.
Universal knockouts on backplate allow wall mounting directly to standard junction boxes.
Die-cast aluminum canopy is provided for top/ side mounting and is powder coated to match housing.
Illumination of the exit stencil face is accomplished with long lasting, high output Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). Hot spots and striations are eliminated by the internal light chamber, which is specially designed around the high performance LED array.
Exit installation methods include top and end canopy mount and back wall mount. All mounting configuration employ neoprene gaskets between exit housing, canopy and mounting surface. The exit is designed to mount to standard 3-1/2” and 4” junction boxes. Provisions in the cast frame allow for up to two ½” flex or rigid conduit points.
AC Only Operation Units
Dual voltage 120/277 VAC input with surge protection is standard.
Emergency Operation Units
Dual voltage 120/277 VAC input with solid state circuitry provides for a reliable charging system.
All components are located within the exit housing.
An indicator light is located on the face of the unit to signify that AC utility is present.
AC lockout prevents battery drain prior to the initial energizing of utility power. The low voltage disconnect (LVD) feature will disconnect the battery prior to an unacceptable deep discharge, but not before the required 120 min­ute emergency operation.
The brownout protection circuitry will auto­matically switch the unit into the emergency mode if the utility voltage drops below 20% of nominal.
Battery charging circuitry is entirely solid-state and of a constant current design. Battery re-
charge time after a complete discharge is less than the required UL 924 standard.
Solid-state circuitry causes an instantaneous transfer to battery power if either the loss of AC utility or a brownout condition is detected. When line voltage is present and stabilized, the transfer circuitry switches back to normal operation and begins recharging the battery. The transfer circuitry can be tested by using an ordinary pen laser to trigger the laser detector located on the face. A manual test switch is also provided inside the housing.
intellicHarGe self-testinG DiaGnostics (stanDarD)
Checks charger, LEDs, battery and transformer every five seconds.
Automatic tests include: one minute test once a month, and 30-minute test every 6 months.
Coded LED flash signifies fault type.
A maintenance free, sealed nickel cadmium battery is standard. Construction is of the sintered plate design and the battery assembly is equipped with a quick connect plug assembly for easy installation.
Standard sustained emergency operation is for 120 minutes with the LED illumination source providing full light output.
The approved operating temperature range of -40ºF (-40ºC) to 113ºF (45ºC) provides a typi­cal life of up to 10 years.
electrical specifications
AC Only Operation Input Power Requirements Red – 3.8 watts (120 VAC), PF = 0.96
3.8 watts (277 VAC), PF = 0.91
Green – 4.0 watts (120 VAC), PF = 0.95
4.0 watts (277 VAC), PF = 0.90
Emergency Operation Input Power Requirements Red – 4.7 watts (120 VAC), PF = 0.95
4.8 watts (277 VAC), PF = 0.97
Green – 4.7 watts (120 VAC), PF = 0.95
4.7 watts (277 VAC), PF = 0.99
The LNTLLL exit meets or exceeds all perfor­mance standards for operation in wet location environments as required by UL 924.
NEC, BOCA and OSHA illumination standard. Meets ADA specifications for wall mounted
lighting fixtures.
DeLeon® TL
Wet/Damp Location Exits Exits
5-year limited warranty.
Complete warranty terms located at:
Actual performance may differ as a result of end­user environment and application.
Note: Specifications are subject to change with­out notice.
Weight: Single face: 3.17 kg. (7 lbs.) Double face: 3.63 kg. (8 lbs.)
suGGesteD specification
Furnish and install Holophane’s LED exit sign model ________________________. The exit shall be constructed to meet Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. Standard #924 and the National Electrical Code (NEC).
Installation and Operation
Exit shall be easily field connected to a 120 or 277 VAC, 60 hertz, unswitched power source. Installation must comply with the NEC as well as other applicable codes. (Emergency operation only) – Upon utility power failure or brown out, the unit shall automatically transfer to battery power and maintain the required illumination level for a minimum period of 120 minutes. Upon restoration of utility power, the charger shall restore the battery to full charge within UL 924 requirements following a rated discharge of not more than 120 minutes. Monthly testing shall be performed by a means of a pen laser with a range of 20’ with product 8’ AFF.
Charger (Emergency operation only)
Product shall utilize a constant current charging system which will maintain the battery at full capacity without the need of periodic exercising or equalization. The following features shall be standard: low voltage disconnect (LVD), brownout protection and AC lockout. Five year warranty provided.
Battery (Emergency operation only)
The battery shall be maintenance free, sealed nickel cadmium utilizing sintered plate construction and polypropylene separators for trouble-free operation in ambient temperatures up to 113ºF (45ºC).
The LNTLL wet location LED exit sign shall incorporate high intensity LEDs. The LEDs shall be designed so that the unlikely failure of the LED will not affect the integrity of the total sign in the emergency mode. The LNTLL exit equipped with red LEDs shall consume
3.73 watts (120 VAC version) or 4.30 watts (120 VAC Emergency version). The LNTLL exit equipped with green LEDs shall consume 2.82 watts (120 VAC version) or 3.40 watts (120 VAC Emergency version).
The exit sign housing shall be constructed of a combination of heavy-duty die-cast aluminum and injection molded polycarbonate. The final housing finish shall be an epoxy-based powder-coat paint. THe exit stencil face shall be constructed of aluminum sheet and shall be available in matching painted or brushed finish. Chevron selection shall be field selectable using knockouts in the stencil.
Ordering Data
1, 2
DeLeon Wet/Damp Locations Exit
1 All TLL Series exits include tamper-proof hardware 2 UL Wet Location listing is standard
Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc.
Holophane Headquarters, 3825 Columbus Road, Granville, OH 43023
Holophane Canada, Inc. 9040 Leslie Street, Suite 208, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3M4
Holophane Europe Limited, Bond Ave., Milton Keynes MK1 1JG, England
Holophane, S.A. de C.V., Apartado Postal No. 986, Naucalpan de Juarez, 53000 Edo. de Mexico
AM AC only, multi-voltage 120/277V dual voltage input NC Nickel cadmium emergency 120/277 input
Housing and Stencil Color W White housing, white stencil G Gray housing, gray stencil B Black housing, black stencil WA White housing, brushed
aluminum stencil BA Black housing, brushed aluminum stencil GA Gray housing, brushed aluminum stencil
Contact your local Holophane factory sales representative for application assistance, and computer-aided design and cost studies. For information on other Holophane products and systems, call the Inside Sales Service Department at 740-345-9631. In Canada call 905-866-8967.
HL-2380 Rev. 5/2/13 ©2011-2013 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Visit our web site at www.holophane.com
Letter/Face Color SR Gray stencil face, red LED’s SG Gray stencil face, green LED’s
How to construct a catalog number
Number of Faces S Single U Double Face
Luminaires may utilize fluorescent or high intensity discharge sources that contain small amounts of mercury. New disposal labeling for these lamps includes the mercury identifier shown on the left to indicate that the lamp contains mercury and should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
Information sources regarding lamp recycling and disposal are included on the packaging of most mercury-containing lamps and also can be located at www.lamprecycle.org.
Options (Factory installed)
C1 120V, 2 circuit input (Not available with
NC Operation)
C2 277V, 2 circuit input (Not available with
NC Operation)
BF Buzzer/flasher (EM units only) BZ DC buzzer PM1 Pendant mount (requires pendant kit) SW2 Special wording F Fire alarm interface (24V) FL Emergency flasher
Accessories (Shipped separately) HPT15PTOOL Tamper-proof tool HPTPKITB1 Pendant kit, 12” black stem HPTPKITW1 Pendant kit, 12” white stem HPWG4 Wall mount wire guard HPWG10 Side mount wire guard
1 Must specify “PM” option for compatibility with pendant kit. Consult TSG for additional length cost 2 Artwork setup charge reflects costs of single face, one color setup. Consult TSG for multiple color setup cost