Holland XL-FW208-06 User Manual

XL-FW208-06 1
The maintenance procedures contained in this manual apply mainly to the Kompensator®base subassembly portion of the fifth wheel assembly. Additional procedures beyond those discussed in this manual are required for the fifth wheel top plate. Contact your nearest Holland distributor for the appropriate additional information.
Failure to read, understand and follow the important information contained herein may result in a hazardous condition or cause a hazardous condition to develop.
All maintenance must be performed by a qualified person using proper tools and safe procedures.
All maintenance must be performed while the tractor is uncoupled from the trailer.
Stationary Kompensator®for FW8-77XX Series
FW35-77XX Series FW7040-77XX Series FW2040-77XX Series (obsolete) FW3540-77XX Series (obsolete)
All of the following must be performed after the initial 5,000 miles of service and then every 60,000 miles or 6 months, whichever comes first.
Perform all inspections and adjustments after a thorough steam cleaning.
NOTE: Severe service applications may require
more frequent intervals.
1. Inspection – General A. Inspect the fifth wheel mounting. Check
bolt torque and replace any loose, missing, or damaged bolts. Check for broken, distorted, or cracked components. Repair or replace as needed.
B. Inspect fifth wheel top plate and
Kompensator assembly for bent, worn, cracked, or broken parts. Replace with HOLLAND parts only. (See Figure 2.)
2. Fifth Wheel Locking Mechanism: Measure Fore-Aft Movement.
A. Test the operation of the fifth wheel locking
mechanism using a Holland TF-TLN-5001, 2˝ Kingpin or TF-TLN-1500, 31/2˝ Kingpin Lock Tester. Inspect for proper locking.
The following should be performed before putting into use and then at least once per week or more frequently as required by operating conditions.
Perform the following steps while in the uncoupled condition to allow correct application of lubricant.
While lifting up on the fifth wheel top plate, apply grease to the:
1. ...fittings on the fifth wheel top plate (see
FIGURE 1, ❶) that supply grease to lubricate the bracket shoe cap and top plate pocket. (NOTE: LowLube or NoLube top plates do not have these fittings.)
2. ...fittings on the side of the shoes (Item 3)
that fill a reservoir that requires approximately 2 pounds of grease.
3. ...fittings on the base (ends) of the cradle
(Item 14).
4. ...fittings on the front and back of the cradle
(Item 15).
B. Check the adjustment of the fifth wheel
locks by moving the lock tester fore and aft when locked in the locking mechanism. Fore and aft play should be adjusted to less than 0.06˝ (
/16˝). Adjust the fifth wheel locks as described in Holland Publications “Fifth Wheel Maintenance Procedures” XL-FW303-XX, XL-FW308-XX, and XL-FW354-XX for the particular type of locking mechanism. If the locks cannot be properly adjusted due to wear, the fifth wheel should be repaired or replaced. Your HOLLAND Distributor has parts, part kits and fifth wheel top plates available.
C. The trailer kingpin should also be
inspected for wear and damage. A HOLLAND Kingpin Gauge (TF-0110) is available to aid this inspection.
3. Kompensator Base Sub-Assembly: Measure Fore-Aft Movement.
A. Measure the fore and aft movement of the
shoe sub-assembly in the Kompensator bracket. (See Figure 3.)
Improper adjustment can cause improper locking of the mechanism.
2 XL-FW208-06
Do not use any fifth wheel which does not operate properly
Grease resevoir
Grease front cradle zerks.
Grease top plate contact surfaces. The grease fitting is on the side or under the front
of the top plate.
Fill reservoirs
with grease, then apply grease to shoes using zerks.
Grease cradle zerks.
Check for warn, bent, or broken parts. Replace with Holland parts only.
Check for cracked,
Check bolt torque. Replace missing or damaged bolts.
broken, or distorted components.
Check fore/aft movement of shoe. Shim if greater than .060".
Bearing plate ITEM 12, ITEM 13
Shim ITEM 11
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