This manual is divided into four sections. The first is a description of the system hardware. The
second describes radio interference suppression methods. The third lists transmitter specifications.
The fourth covers the recommended operating and maintenance procedure.
The model RFLS-96HSRCBL “RAPID-FIRE 6” user pairable six-shot multi-mode high speed
receiver is a highly sensitive narrow band (superhetrodyne) radio receiver designed to be
used for remote control applications where high reliability and low latency are critical. This
receiver can be “paired” with the desired cue range, channel #, and proprietary system code
of any Holatron transmitter on a matching frequency via a very simple operation. The
channel # (1-12) can optionally be selected via an internal digital switch, overriding the
paired channel #.
When used with the Holatron model RFLS-1XT, RFLS-6HSXT, RFLS-6HSXTX, RFLS-12XT,
RFLS-12XTX, XMTR12B, or XMTR12C remote control transmitters, a range of ½ mile (line of
sight operation) is typical, provided there are no intervening conductive objects such as
automobiles, chainlink fences, etc. Range increases as the receiver is elevated above earth or
other conductive objects (such as aluminum bleachers). Range will be even greater when
transmitting over water.
The reception carrier frequency is fixed at 418 MHz by a crystal controlled phase-locked
loop oscillator for exceptional stability. No alignment or tuning procedures are ever
required to maintain optimum performance.
The receiver’s firing signal is digitally decoded from the transmitted digital code which is
amplitude modulated on a single carrier frequency of 418 MHz. The transmitted digital
codes from the RFLS-6HSXT & RFLS-6HSXTX indicate to the receiver which of the two
transmit buttons, “A” or “B”, is being pressed. The “A” button fires the show cues
sequentially. (Each depression of the button fires the next show cue in sequence.), and “B”
button commands fire show cues in fully automatic mode as explained in the transmitter
The digital code from the model RFLS-12XT or XMTR12 series transmitter indicates to the
receiver which of its 12 random-fire buttons is being pressed and causes that cue to be fired
immediately. The “Next Fire” button transmits a digital code that causes the next cue in
sequence to be fired. After pressing the Rst button, the next depression of this button will
fire cue 1. These transmitters can fire a maximum of 12 cues per channel on 12 channels for
a total of 144 cues.
Pressing the Rst button on the model RFLS-12XTX or XMTR12 series transmitter causes the
transmitter to switch to the channel indicated by the following press of one of the numeric
keys (1 – 12). This allows manual selection of the communications channel. See the
transmitter manual for a detailed description of channel selection.
There are 12 different communication channels (1-12) and two different cue ranges (1-6
and 7-12) available. The receiver will respond only to the transmitter channel it has been
paired with, and its 6 outputs will fire only the cue range (1-6 or 7-12) it has been paired
with. Receiver pairing and channel selection override can be implemented by the receiver
digital switch setting as shown in the following table.