Hohner FU 252 Operating Manual

Operating Manual
Signal converter for frequency -analog / serial
FU 252
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Hohner Elektrotechnik GmbH Gewerbehof 1 59368 Werne Phone +49 - 2389 - 9878-0 Fax +49 - 2389 - 9878-27 E-Mail info@hohner-elektrotechnik.de Web www.hohner-elektrotechnik.de
Operating Manual
FU 252
Signal converter for frequency - analog / serial
Product features:
Input frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz for full scale analog output Conversion time only 1 ms. (f > 2 kHz) Analog output with +/- 10 V or 0 resp. 4 to 20 mA Polarity of analog signal changes with change of the direction of rotation Suitable for conversion of quadrature signals (A/B) as well as single-channel
signals, with all HTL or TTL or RS422 formats and levels
Suitable for conversion of the sum, the difference or the ratio of two frequencies RS232 or RS485 interface for serial readout of the input frequencies Programmable digital filters and programmable linearization curves Easy to set up by simple TEACH procedure, or by PC operator software
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Table of Contents
1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY .......................................................................4
1.1. General Safety Instructions ...................................................................................... 4
1.2. Use according to the intended purpose ................................................................... 4
1.3. Installation................................................................................................................ 5
1.4. Cleaning, Maintenance and Service Notes ............................................................. 5
2. COMPATIBILITY HINT ..............................................................................................................6
3. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................7
3.1. Impulse input formats and input levels .................................................................... 7
3.2. Operating range ........................................................................................................ 8
3.3. Suitable encoders and sensors ................................................................................ 8
4. TERMINAL ASSIGNMENTS AND CONNECTIONS ....................................................................9
4.1. Example for use of TTL encoders ............................................................................. 9
4.2. Example for use of HTL encoders ........................................................................... 10
4.3. Proximity switches, photocells etc. ........................................................................ 10
4.4. Analog output ......................................................................................................... 10
4.5. Serial interface ....................................................................................................... 11
5. DIL SWITCH SETTINGS .......................................................................................................... 12
5.1. Basic mode of operation ........................................................................................ 12
5.2. Impulse levels and symmetric / asymmetric input formats ................................... 13
5.3. Analog output format ............................................................................................. 14
5.4. Selecting the RS232 or the RS485 serial interface ............................................... 15
5.5. Teach function, Test function, loading of default settings .................................... 15
6. COMMISSIONING ................................................................................................................. 16
6.1. Conversion of one only frequency (single or dual channel with direction signal) . 17
6.2. Conversion and combination of two independent frequencies ............................ 17
7. PC SETUP VIA OPERATOR SOFTWARE OS3.X ........................................................................ 18
8. PARAMETER DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 20
9. FREE PROGRAMMABLE LINEARIZATION ............................................................................... 27
10. MONITOR FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................... 29
11. DATA READOUT VIA SERIAL INTERFACE ............................................................................... 31
12. DIMENSIONS ........................................................................................................................ 32
13. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................ 33
14. INTERNAL REGISTERS AND SERIAL CODES .......................................................................... 34
15. COMMISSIONING FORM ....................................................................................................... 36
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1. Safety Instructions and Responsibility
1.1. General Safety Instructions
This operation manual is a significant component of the unit and includes important rules and hints about the installation, function and usage. Non-observance can result in damage and/or impairment of the functions to the unit or the machine or even in injury to persons using the equipment!
Please read the following instructions carefully before operating the device and observe all safety and warning instructions! Keep the manual for later use.
A pertinent qualification of the respective staff is a fundamental requirement in order to use these manual. The unit must be installed, connected and put into operation by a qualified electrician.
Liability exclusion: The manufacturer is not liable for personal injury and/or damage to property and for consequential damage, due to incorrect handling, installation and operation. Further claims, due to errors in the operation manual as well as misinterpretations are excluded from liability.
In addition the manufacturer reserve the right to modify the hardware, software or operation manual at any time and without prior notice. Therefore, there might be minor differences between the unit and the descriptions in operation manual.
The raiser respectively positioner is exclusively responsible for the safety of the system and equipment where the unit will be integrated.
During installation or maintenance all general and also all country- and application-specific safety rules and standards must be observed.
If the device is used in processes, where a failure or faulty operation could damage the system or injure persons, appropriate precautions to avoid such consequences must be taken.
1.2. Use according to the intended purpose
The unit is intended exclusively for use in industrial machines, constructions and systems. Non­conforming usage does not correspond to the provisions and lies within the sole responsibility of the user. The manufacturer is not liable for damages which has arisen through unsuitable and improper use.
Please note that device may only be installed in proper form and used in a technically perfect condition and in accordance to the Technical Specifications (see chapter 13). The device is not suitable for operation in explosion-proof areas or areas which are excluded by the EN 61010-1 standard.
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1.3. Installation
The device is only allowed to be installed and operated within the permissible temperature range. Please ensure an adequate ventilation and avoid all direct contact between the device and hot or aggressive gases and liquids.
Before installation or maintenance, the unit must be disconnected from all voltage-sources. Further it must be ensured that no danger can arise by touching the disconnected voltage­sources.
Devices which are supplied by AC-voltages, must be connected exclusively by switches, respectively circuit-breakers with the low voltage network. The switch or circuit-breaker must be placed as near as possible to the device and further indicated as separator.
Incoming as well as outgoing wires and wires for extra low voltages (ELV) must be separated from dangerous electrical cables (SELV circuits) by using a double resp. increased isolation. All selected wires and isolations must be conform to the provided voltage- and temperature­ranges. Further all country- and application-specific standards, which are relevant for structure, form and quality of the wires, must be ensured. Indications about the permissible wire cross­sections for wiring are described in the Technical Specifications (see chapter 13).
Before first start-up it must be ensured that all connections and wires are firmly seated and secured in the screw terminals. All (inclusively unused) terminals must be fastened by turning the relevant screws clockwise up to the stop.
Overvoltages at the connections must be limited to values in accordance to the overvoltage category II.
For placement, wiring, environmental conditions as well as shielding and earthing/grounding of the supply lines the general standards of industrial automation industry and the specific shielding instructions of the manufacturer are valid.
1.4. Cleaning, Maintenance and Service Notes
To clean the front of the unit please use only a slightly damp (not wet!), soft cloth. For the rear no cleaning is necessary. For an unscheduled, individual cleaning of the rear the maintenance staff or assembler is self-responsible.
During normal operation no maintenance is necessary. In case of unexpected problems, failures or malfunctions the device must be shipped for back to the manufacturer for checking, adjustment and reparation (if necessary). Unauthorized opening and repairing can have negative effects or failures to the protection-measures of the unit.
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2. Compatibility Hint
This product is a successor model of the thousandfold proven converter type FU251. The new product is suitable for a 100% replacement of the previous model, however some differences must be observed with DIL switch settings and parameter settings.
ome essential advantages of FU252 compared to FU251 are:
Maximum frequency 1 MHz (instead of 500 kHz)
Total conversion time in-out = 1 ms (this was no more assured with
FU251 after the modifications necessary for RoHS conformity)
Capability to accept even single-ended TTL input signals
(i.e. TTL input A only without inverted TTL signal /A)
The setting of the analog format (+/-10 V, 0 … 10 V or 0/4 … 20 mA)
can be done by a supplementary DIL switch (no more PC required)
Enhanced auxiliary output 5 V / 250 mA for encoder supply
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3. Introduction
FU 252 is a small and low-cost, but highly performing converter for industrial applications, where one frequency or two different frequencies need to be converted into an Analog signal or a serial data format. The unit has been designed as a compact module with 12 screw terminals and a 9-position SUB-D connector (female). The housing is suitable for standard DIN rail mounting.
3.1. Impulse input formats and input levels
The input site provides channels A and B and also the inverted lines /A and /B. All inputs are designed for use with either HTL level or TTL level, with either single-ended format or differential format (RS422).
The unit can convert the following formats to Analog and serial: a
. Quadrature signals with a 90 phase displacement. Polarity of the Analog output and sign
of the serial data depend on the direction given by the A/B phase.
b. Single channel impulses on channel A. Input B sets the polarity of the output (LOW =
negative, HIGH = positive). In case of open (unconnected) inputs, please note:
Open NPN inputs are evaluated as HIGH state Open PNP inputs are evaluated as LOW state
Open RS422 inputs may cause problems, therefore please set unused inputs to HTL by means of the appropriate DIL switch
c. Fully independent frequencies on both channels A and B. The output signal can represent
the sum, the difference, the product or the ratio of the two input frequencies.
A and B, quadrature 90°
A=impulse, B=static polarity select
A and B: independant frequencies
a. b.
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3.2. Operating range
The full scale frequency (i.e. the input frequency where the Analog output reaches 10 V or 20 mA) can be set in a range from –1 MHz to +1 MHz. The operating range of the unit can be assigned to any frequency window inside this frequency range. A zero output frequency can be set to guarantee defined operation of the converter with low input frequencies.
For applications with unstable input frequencies, the unit provides programmable digital filters for smoothing of the output signal.
3.3. Suitable encoders and sensors
The FU252 converter can accept the following impulse sources:
Quadrature encoders with HTL level output (10 – 30 V) and either PNP or NPN or Push-
Pull or NAMUR characteristics, using A and B outputs wit 90° displacement
Single channel impulse sources like proximity switches or photocells, providing HTL
level at PNP or NPN or Namur characteristics
TTL / RS422 quadrature encoders with output lines A, /A ,B and /B
Symmetric single channel sources with TTL / RS422 output, providing differential
signals (e.g. A and /A)
Asymmetric single channel sources wit TTL level (without inverted signals, e.g. A only)
In general, HTL encoders will be supplied from the same source as the converter itself. For supply of TTL encoders, the unit provides an auxiliary output of 5.5 volts (stabilized, max. 250 mA).
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4. Terminal Assignments and Connections
We recommend connecting the Minus wire of the power supply to earth potential. Please observe that, under poor earthing and grounding conditions, multiple earth connections of screens and GND terminals may cause severe problems. In such cases it may be better to have only one central earthing point for the whole system.
GND terminals 4, 6 and 12 are connected internally. Under nominal conditions the current consumption of the unit is approx. 70 mA (aux. output unloaded, see section 13 “Technical Specifications). Lower input voltage and load of the aux. output will increase the consumption accordingly.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Voltage output +/-10V
TTL: input /B HTL: n.c.
TTL: input B HTL: input B
GND ( - ) for analogue signals
Supply +18...30 VDC (typ. 70 mA)
Current output 0-20mA / 4-20mA
TTL: input /A HTL: n.c.
TTL: input A HTL: input A
Aux. output 5.5V
(max. 250 mA)
GND ( - )
GND ( - )
FU 252
4.1. Example for use of TTL encoders
If applicable, the encoder can be supplied from the FU252 converter. Where the encoder is already supplied from a remote source, we recommend fully differential operation, with no GND connection between encoder and converter (see figures a. and b.)
8 9
2 3
11 (+5.5V)
12 (GND)
TTL encoder
FU 252
8 9
2 3
11 (+5.5V)
12 (GND)
TTL encoder FU 252
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4.2. Example for use of HTL encoders
The encoder may be supplied from the same source as the converter, or from another source.
12 (GND)
HTL encoder
FU 252
+ A
4.3. Proximity switches, photocells etc.
These connections are fully similar to a HTL incremental encoder. With single channel operation, input B remains unconnected or can be used to select the output polarity. With use of two independent frequencies for forming sum, difference or ratio, input B is used for the second input frequency.
To use sensors with 2-wire NAMUR characteristics:
set the inputs to HTL and NPN connect the positive wire of the sensor to the corresponding input and the negative wire
to GND.
4.4. Analog output
The unit provides a +/-10V voltage output and a 0 - 20mA / 4 – 20 mA current output at a resolution of 14 bits, i.e. the voltage output operates in steps of 1.25 mV and the current output operates in steps of 2.5 µA.
The nominal load of the voltage output is 2 mA and the current output accepts loads between zero and 270 ohms.
The Analog ground uses a separate terminal, which however internally is connected to the GND potential of the power supply.
+/- 10V
20 mA
(R = 0 - 270 ohms)
(Imax = 2 mA)
Voltage out
Current out
Important note: “Voltage out” and “Current out cannot be used together.
Please do never connect mA and V simultaneously!
The calibration depends on “Analog output format” (see chapter 5.3)
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4.5. Serial interface
The unit provides selectively a RS232 resp. RS485 interface, however only one of the two can be used at a time. Serial communication allows to read out conversion results and to set parameters and variables by PC, according to need.
GND int.
Sub-D-9 (female on unit site)
8 7
8 7
4 3
8 7
4 3
8 7
FU 252
Please connect only pins 2, 3 and 5 !
8 7
8 7
120 Ohms 120 Ohms
RS485- Bus
( 4- wire )
FU 252
120 Ohms 120 Ohms
R+ R-
4 3
8 7
4 3
8 7
120 Ohms
120 Ohms
( 2- wire )
FU 252
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