Congratulations on becoming the proud owner of the new microFET3 with wireless technology, Hoggan Scientific LLC
highly renowned dual function handheld digital muscle tester and inclinometer. The new microFET3 wireless allows
muscle and inclinometry testing to be done FREE of cords in conjunction with microFET clinical patient software. This
provides freedom and ease of use while performing tests.
Hoggan has been creating innovative solutions for accurate, objective measurement since 1984, with the introduction
of the original FET muscle tester. Over the past 20 + years, our product line has expanded to include inclinometers, grip
and pinch gauges, and innovative ergonomic measurement instruments.
During that time, Hoggan's products have developed a reputation for innovation, excellent quality, ease of use, and long
lasting accuracy and reliability. Our highly satisfied customers include hospitals, universities, clinics and research
institutions worldwide. The microFET products are used by organizations as diverse as NASA, the Shands Institute, the
US Olympics and professional sports teams.
At Hoggan, we are constantly improving our products to better meet your needs. Besides the addition of the new
wireless technology incorporated into the microFET line of products,we've added some important new features to the
microFET3. You can now measure forces up to 150 lbs and selectthe unit of measure to read out inlbs, Newtons, or
We understand the value of customer feedback. Our customers provide us with many of our best product
improvement ideas, as well as interesting new measurement applications. As you have comments and suggestions,
we'd love to hear from you. Please e-mail us at
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy using your microFET3with new wireless technology immediately, and for
many years to come. For more information on all of our innovative medical, ergonomic and fitness products, please
MicroFET3 Wireless Overview 3
What is Included 4
Specifications 4
Care and Cleaning 5
Calibration 5
Transporting microFET3 5
Operating Features 5
On/Off Switch 5
Sleep Mode 5
Reset Button 5
LCD Windows 6
Threshold Button – Muscle Testing 7
Inclinometer Button and Cycle Switch 8
Force Measurement 9
Wireless Radio Frequency – RF Power 9-10
Bluetooth / FET Stick 11
Battery Check 11
Battery Saver/Sleep Mode 12
MicroFET3 Muscle Testing 12-13
MicroFET3 Inclinometry Testing 13-14
Validity Requirements/Repeat Trial Consistency 14-15
Recording and Retrieving Test Data 15-17
Low Batteries 18
Changing Batteries 18
Warranty Information 18-19
Customer Service/Repairs 19
Ordering Replacement Parts 19
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microFET3 Wireless Overview
microFET3 is an accurate, portable Combination Force Evaluation and Range of Motion testing system. It is a
battery operated, hand held device weighing less than one pound and fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.
microFET3 provides you with objective, quantifiable data from the time-tested art of “hands-on” manual
muscle and range of motion testing. microFET3 aids in the differential diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment
protocols for the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders.
Recessed into the main outer shell is a polycarbonate overlay with clear lenses for the LCD displays (Liquid
Crystal Display), and 3 membrane switches. A red switch is located to one side of the unit in proximity to
where the thumb or the index finger is positioned during use.
As information from the gauges is processed, it is displayed in two LCD windows. During manual muscle
testing, the Peak Force LCD shows the force being applied against the transducer pad during the test, and it
displays the highest force reached when the test is concluded. The Duration/Secs LCD shows the duration of
the test from the time testing threshold was crossed until the test is concluded.
For inclinometer use the unit is placed on the starting point and an angle is set. The patient moves through the
range of motion and the second angle is set. Then by clicking the cycle switch one more time the difference
between both angles will appear in the left hand LCD window.
The newly updated microFET3 Wireless with radio frequency technology provides convenience for both you
and your patients.The wireless microFET3, when used with HOGGAN microFET clinical software, alleviates
the inconvenience of being wired to the computer and provides easier interaction with patients. A wireless
instrument allows greater freedom in the exam room or testing area, and eliminates dictating the location of the
computer and length of instrument cable so you can move freely during testing.
The microFET3 can also be used as a standalone gauge for capturing individual force measurements for any
muscle test and inclinometry test.
Page 3
What Is Included:
Curved transducer pad (Slip-In Dent Ball Retainer Shaft)
Flat transducer pad (Slip-In Dent Ball Retainer Shaft)
Digit transducer pad (Slip-In Dent Ball Retainer Shaft)
Muscle Testing Positions chart
Inclinometer Testing Position chart
Upper body test record tablet
Lower body test record tablet
(4) Inclinometer testing tablets
Product Warranty card
Calibration Certificate
Carrying Case
Optional - Bluetooth / FET stick (Included with software when software ordered)
WEIGHT: 1 lb.
POWER SOURCE: 3.7 V (LI-ION Rechargeable Battery)
CONTROLS: Reset, Muscle Testing Threshold and Inclinometer Testing
OPERATING TEMPERATURE: (52°- 92° F) (11°- 33° C)
HUMIDITY: 60- 80% non-condensing
Low Threshold- .8 lbs. to 150 lbs. in .1 lb. increments
(3.6N- 667N Newton Increments)
High Threshold- 3 lb. to 150 lbs. in .1 lb. increments
(13.3N-667N Newton increments)
INCLINOMETER RESOLUTION- 0.1 degree increments from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.
ACCURACY: Within 1%
DATA STORAGE: 30 muscle tests, 21 range of motion angles
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Care and Cleaning
Your microFET3 is built to provide long lasting, reliable service. As with any precision instrument, it
should be used with care. It should not be dropped, banged against hard surfaces, or used as a scale.
The microFET3's exterior surface can be cleaned with damp soft cloth. Small amount of household spray
cleaner can be used. Any cleaner residue should be removed with soft cloth dampened with clean water. We
recommend that you periodically inspect your unit for wear, and proper functioning.
The microFET3 comes with a calibration certificate, ensuring that the unit was properly calibrated at the
time of shipment. To ensure continued accuracy and reliability your microFET3 unit should be
recalibrated annually, by a properly authorized service technician.
microFET3 Transporting/Storage
Hoggan Scientific strongly recommends that you store and transport the microFET3 in the hard sided
protective carrying case provided.
Operating Features
Power On
Pressing the RESET button activates the microFET3 unit. The unit will power-up in the testing mode that
was last used. Refer to Image A above.
Power Off
The unit will turn itself off automatically after 3 minutes of inactivity. This helps to maximize battery life.
Reset Button
Besides powering on the unit, the RESET button can be used to clear the displays and re-initialize the unit.
This may be necessary occasionally. Refer to Image A above for location of RESET Button.
It is not necessary to press reset after each test. The microFET3 automatically begins recording new data
when the force threshold is crossed.
Page 5
LCD Windows
Muscle Testing
Peak Force
During muscle testing the Peak Force LCD (right LCD Window) numerically shows the actual force being
applied to the transducer pad. At test completion, the maximum force value (peak force) is displayed. Refer to
Image D below.
The Duration/Sec. LCD window (left LCD Window) shows the elapsed time (in tenths of second) from the
time the force threshold was crossed until pressure was released. Monitoring test duration is an important
element in maintaining consistency between tests. Also displayed in the Duration/Sec. window is the threshold
setting (Low or High). Refer to Image B below.
LCD Windows
Inclinometer Testing
When the unit is in inclinometer mode for inclinometer testing, numerical readings or data are displayed in both
LCD windows during the sequencing of inclinometry testing. Refer to Image C below.
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