dichiara sotto la propria esclusiva responsabilità che il prodotto:
declare on our own responsibility that the product:
Déclare sous son propre responsabilité que le produit:
erklärt unter ihrer eigenen Verantwortung, daß das Erzeugnis:
Tyre Changer
al quale questa dichiarazione si riferisce E' CONFORME ALLA DIRETTIVA:
to which declaration refers is IN CONFORMITY WITH THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIVE:
au quel cette déclaration se rapporte EST CONFORME À LA DIRECTIVES SUIVANTES:
darauf diese Erklärung Bezug nimmt, mit der folgenden Bestimmungen übereinstimmt:
2002/95/CE (RoHS)
Lo smaltimento della stessa e dei suoi componenti dovrà avvenire secondo quanto previsto dalla Direttiva:
Scrapping must be made in accordance with the following Directive:
La mise à la ferraille de la machine et de ses composants doit être effectuée à la conformité aux Directive suivante:
Verschrottung muß gemäß der folgenden Vorschrift durchgeführt werden:
2002/96/CE e/and/et/und 2003/108/CE (RAEE)
e le disposizioni di Legge del Paese di destinazione della macchina/apparecchiatura.
as well as with the national laws in force in the Country of Installation.
ainsi qu’aux lois nationales en vigueur dans le Pays de destination de la machine.
sowie gemäß den in dem Installationsland geltenden Gesetzen.
Henndorf, 01/07/06
Hofmann-Megaplan Gmbh
Managing Director
Peter Dau
Nota: - Per le macchine/apparecchiature immesse sul mercato dopo il 01.01.2006 anche i ricambi non originali dovranno
essere conformi alla direttiva 2002/95/CE (RoHS)
Remarks: for all machines/appliances put in the market after 01/01/2006 any spare parts, including the non-original ones, must
be in conformity with Directive 2002/95/CE (RoHS)
Note: pour les machines mises sur le marché après le 01/01/2006 toutes les pièces détachées, inclus les pièces non d’origine,
devrons se conformer à la Directive 2002/95/CE (RoHS).
Anm.: für alle Maschinen, die nach 1. Jan. 2006 in den Markt eingeführt wurden, sollen alle Ersatzteile (inkl. die NichtOriginalersatzteile) der Vorschrift 2002/95/CE (RoHS) entsprechen.
Hofmann Megaplan GmbH ·
Hofmann Megaplan GmbH ·
Hauptstraße 59 ·A-5302 Henndorf ·
Hauptstrasse 67 · A-5302 Henndorf ·
dichiara sotto la propria esclusiva responsabilità che il prodotto al quale questa
dichiarazione si riferisce E' CONFORME ALLA DIRETTIVA:
declare on our own responsibility that the product to which this declaration refers is
Déclare sous son propre responsabilité que le produit auquel cette déclaration se refére EST
erklärt unter ihrer eigenen Verantwortung, daß das Erzeugnis darauf diese Erklärung Bezug nimmt,
mit der folgenden Bestimmung übereinstimmt:
2002/96/CE e 2003/108/CE (RAEE)
La presente macchina/apparecchiatura rientra nelle prescrizioni della Direttiva 2002/96/CE e 2003/108/CE (RAEE) e non può essere
smaltita come rifiuto urbano generico ma attraverso raccolta separata; Il simbolo del bidone barrato riportato sul prodotto indica questa
Lo smaltimento della stessa e dei suoi componenti dovrà avvenire secondo quanto previsto dalle Direttive 2002/96/CE e
2003/108/CE (RAEE) e le disposizioni di Legge del Paese di destinazione della macchina/apparecchiatura; il mancato rispetto della
direttiva è sanzionabile secondo le disposizioni di Legge del Paese di dstinazione.
L’abbandono o smaltimento non corretto delle macchine/apparecchiature sottoposte alla Direttiva 2002/96/CE può provocare gravi danni
all’ambiente ed alle persone.
Il costruttore è disponibile, ai sensi della Direttiva, allo smaltimento della macchina/apparecchiatura; per questo servizio contattare il
costruttore o i rivenditori autorizzati secondo il Paese di destinazione della macchina/apparecchiatura.
This equipment is subject to the regulations foreseen by Directives 2002/96/CE and 2003/108/CE (RAEE) and
therefore it cannot be scrapped as a generic scrap material but through specific collection circuits; the symbol with
“barred tank” marked on the product refers to this prescription.
Scrapping must be made in accordance with Directives 2002/96/CE and 2003/108/CE (RAEE) as well as with the
local Regulations in force in the Country of installation, the non-respect of the Directive is subject to sanctions
according to the national Laws of the Country of destination.
Abandonment or wrong scrapping of the equipment subject to Directive 2002/96/CE can cause serious damage to
the environment.
The manufacturer is available, according to the Directive, to scrap the equipment; for this service, please contact
the manufacturer or your dealer.
Ce produit rentre dans les prescriptions des Directives 2002/96/CE et 2003/108/CE (RAEE) et il ne peut donc pas
être mis à la ferraille comme du matériel générique mais à travers un circuit de collecte sélective; le symbole du
« bidon barré » reproduit sur la machine se réfère à cette prescription.
Le traitement de la machine et de ses composants devra se réaliser en conformité aux Directives 2002/96/CE et
2003/108/CE (RAEE) ainsi qu’aux dispositions de Loi en vigueur dans le Pays de destination de la machine, le non-respect de la
Directive est passible de sanctions par rapport aux Lois nationales du Pays de destination.
L’abandon ou un traitement erroné des produits sujets à la Directive 2002/96/CE peut provoquer de graves dégâts à
Le constructeur est disposé, aux termes de la Directive, à s’occuper du traitement de la machine; pour ce service contacter le
constructeur ou les revendeurs autorisés.
Die vorliegende Maschine/Gerät fällt in den Vorschriften der 2002/96/CE Richtlinie, und kann nicht
als allgemeiner Stadtmüll sondern durch getrennte Müllsammlung beseitigt werden; das Symbol
mit der durchgestrichenen Mülltonne weist auf diese Vorschrift hin.
Die Entsorgung des Gerätes und seiner Bestandteilen muss nach den 2002/96/CE und 2003/108/CE
(RAEE) Richtlinien und nach den Vorschriften des Bestimmungslandes der Maschine/Gerätes
erfolgen, die Nicht-Beachtung der Vorschrift ist sanktionierbar laut dem Gesetz des Bestimmungslandes
Die unkorrekte Entsorgung oder Verlassen der zu der 2002/96/CE vorgelegenen Richtlinie Maschine/
Gerätes kann die Umwelt und die Personen schwer beschädigen.
Gemäß der Richtlinie, steht der Hersteller für die Entsorgung der Maschine/Gerätes zur Verfügung;
dazu setzen Sie sich mit dem Hersteller oder mit den berechtigten Händlern nach dem
Bestimmungsortes der Maschine/Gerätes in Verbindung.
Herewith we would like to thank you for your buying one of our tire changer. Our machines have been projected and
developed to mount/demount standard end Run-Flat tires especially.
tions, which have to be read and understood completely.
1.1 Tire changer identication data
In case you were in need of service or spare parts, please communicate machine model and serial number.
Here following, we summarize your own tire changer identication data for your perusal.
The tire changer has been projected to mount and demount cars and commercial light vehicles standard tires, new generation tires, UHP tires equipped with iron or alloy rims. The tire changer is able to mount and demount big size wheels.
strial wheels. All these operations are FORBIDDEN.
This manual has to be considered part of the machine.
Before using the tire changer, read the instructions carefully, because they provide useful information relevant to ma-
Power supply (motoinverter)
Electric bead breaker (motoinverter)
see: “Machine identication label”
see: “Machine identication label”
Bead breaker power1,600 Kg (15,690 N)
Rim clamping13” - 30” inches
Tyre diameter max1060 mm (41”)
Operating pressure8 - 10 bar
Max speed7 rpm (min) - 14 rpm (max)
Net weight465 kg
Inating systemfoot control
Max inating pressure3,5 bar (50 PSI)
Other data
• Machine net weight: 465 Kg
• Suggested temperature for use: min +5° C max +50° C (+41° F ÷ +122°F)
Standard accessories: see pag. 21.
Working space (mm)
1990 max.
Label set code: 300*****
PM GONF00100
PM 10500
PM 10300
PM 00600
PM 00700
PM GEN00200
In case the warning labels were unreadable or have been removed, replace them immediately.
Do not use the tire changer in case one or more warning labels are missing.
Communicate the art. Nr. at the foot of the label to order it.
PM 00900
The machine use is allowed to authorized and competent personnel only.
An operator is considered competent if he understood the manual instructions properly, if he attended to a training course
and if he is aware of the workplace safety rules.
The machine operators must not make use of medications, alcohol or other substances which can affect the working
Operators shall wear safety shoes, glows and protection glasses. Operators shall not wear clothes which can be caught
up in the machine or which can hinder operators.
The operator has to be able to:
- Read and understand the machine manual for a correct and safe use of the tire changer.
- Read and understand the warning labels.
- Understand machine technical features.
- Verify that the machine installation and setting has been run correctly and in compliance with all the rules.
- Verify that each operator knows them and is able to use the machine properly and safely.
- Avoid all contacts with the energized or under pressure machine elements when the machine has not been
disconnected from power or pneumatic supply .
- Keep the machine manual where it can be consulted easily.
The machine use is allowed to expert, authorized and competent personnel only.
- The tyre changer use is forbidden to disable people, in case their disability could jeopardize safety.
- The manufacturer cannot be considered responsible for occurred damages, in case of unauthorized machine tampe-
ring or modication.
- The tampering or removal of safety devices involves the immediate warranty expiring and the violation of European
Safety rules.
- The tyre changer is delivered complete with instructions and warning labels, which have been manufactured to last .
In case of wear and tear, it is possible to order spare labels.
In case of re, use CO2 or dust re-extinguisher.
The tyre changer is equipped with the following safety devices , in order to grant operator safety:
- Pressure limitation valve, which prevent the inating pressure to get over 3.5 bar (50 psi);
- Pressure regulating lter and manometer limited to a max. net pressure of 10 bar (145 psi)
The tampering or removal of safety devices involves the immediate warranty expiring and the
violation of European Safety rules.
The machine has to be moved while it is packed and through transpallet or forklift truck of suitable capacity, using the dedicated forks
slots (see picture).
Packing dimensions (mm.)Gross weight
In case the machine has already been unpacked, follow the instruction
- Protect angles properly;
- Do not use metallic cables for machine lifting.
Once the packing has been removed, check carefully the machine is not damaged.
In case you are not sure the machine is damaged or not, do not use the machine and ask the intervention of trained
personnel (ask your dealer).
Packing elements should be kept out of children reach. The packing elements should be carried off to dedicated areas
in case they were polluting or not biodegradable.
Be sure that the lifter could stand the tyre changer weight (min. 600 kg).
9.1 Machine positioning spaces
It is necessary to take into consideration the in force Workplace Safety
Rules, while choosing the machine positioning.
The tyre changer has to be connected to the power and pneumatic supply.
Be sure that the oor can stand the machine weight and max. burden.
In order to ensure the correct machine functioning, be sure that it is placed
to right distance from other devices, as per picture g. 1.
200 mm
800 mm
300 mm
Fig. 1
9.2 Positioning and connections
Position the tire changer on a levelled, smooth and no-slippery tting oor. Be sure the oor can stand machine weight.
It is not necessary to screw up machine to the oor. In case the machine is installed outside, be sure it is protected
against atmospheric events properly.
The tyre changer has to be connected to a suitable electric system equipped with a suitable grounding.
NOTE: in case the machine is delivered without plug , the user will assemble one according to machine voltage and in
force rules.
At installation, check the supply voltage corresponds to machine one, according to label data.
Every intervention on the electric system should be executed by trained personnel.
The manufacturer cannot be considered responsible for any damage caused by a wrong
electric connection.
Machine has to be disconnected from both pneumatic and power supply while rst positioning
and further handling.
The pneumatic supply system should join a min pressure of 8 bar and a
max . pressure of 10 bar.
Connect machine to the pneumatic plant through the connection on reg-
ulating lter group.
1. Horizontal swing arm foot control
2. Wheel lifter foot control
3. Inating foot control
4. Self-centring spindle 2-speeds rotation foot control
5. Lever-less tool control valve
6. Bead breaker blade
7. Bead breaking arm
8. Dual-speeds bead breaking arm opening botton
The functioning test has to be issued without tire. Take care that during the test, other machine
elements do not hold up operations.
9. One-speeds bead breaking arm opening button
10. Self-centring table
11. Self-centring clamp
12. Lever-less mounting/demounting tool
13. Release/fastening tool support arm
14. Rubber pad
15. Inating manometer
16. Quick rim t clamping device
+ 28 hidden pages
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