Hofmann Geodyna 2350 Operation Manual

geodyna 2350
Operation manual Car wheel balancer
Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik
Contents · Safety rules and function
Contents Page
2. Installation of the machine 5........................
3. Electrical connection 7.............................
4. Controls and displays 8............................
5. Turning on the machine 14.........................
6. Clamping the wheel 16.............................
7. Entry of balancing mode and wheel size 18...........
8. Balancing the wheel 28............................
9. Hidden spoke placement 32........................
10. Changing modes of operation 35....................
11. Error codes 42....................................
12. Pro-Match/weight minimisation 48...................
13. User calibration 59................................
14. Maintenance 60...................................
15. Technical data 60.................................
16. Electrical diagram 61..............................
1. Safety rules and function
1.1 Special hints for the reader
A few special features were used in this manual to facilitate reading and understanding of pictures and written instructions:
warns the operator of injuries and damage
and names the consequences, if the operator does not follow the instructions.
D signals the operator where to act.
Safety rules are highlighted in grey.
Arrow showing where to look
Arrow showing the direction to move
1.2 Scope of application
The off-the-vehicle wheel balancer is designedforstaticand/or dynamic balancing of car and light-truck wheels weighing up to 150 lbs and having an overall diameter of 44”. An optional wheel guard is available especially for balancing wheels with a rim di­ameter of more than 20”, but not mandatory for wheels of less than 20” rim diameter as the balancer has a maximum speed of 98 rpm only. With optional wheel guard the maximum wheel di­ameter is reduced to 37”.
In addition to conventional balancing operations, irregular run­ning conditions of the wheel caused by geometric deformations of the rims and unbalances of the tires, hence unsmooth ride, can be identified, improved or, if possible, even eliminated. By exact adjustment of the two wheel components relative to each other optimum wheel running conditions or at least balance weight minimisation can be achieved.
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Safety rules and function
Fig. 1 View of wheel balancer
Front view
1 Function keys and display 2 Weight tray 3 Gauge arm for distance rim/machine 4 Main arbor 5 Pedal for main shaft lock
Rear view
6 Power switch and line cord
1.3 General safety rules
Only properly trained and authorised personnel shall be al­lowed to operate the wheel balancer.
The machine must not be used except for the scope of ap­plication and in the way specified in this manual.
Unauthorised changes and modifications to the machine re-
lieve from any liability for damages and injuries that might re­sult therefrom.
On no account should safety features be removed or made inoperative.
In general any work on the electrical system such as fitting of a plug or changing of connections, if necessary, must be carried out by a qualified electrician in line with relevant national standards and the regulations of the local power station.
It should be noted that working with technical equipment may involve an unforeseeable acceptable risk.
Therefore the operator should eliminate such dangers in ad­vance by proper and wise behaviour.
The following special points should be observed:
Use technical equipment for its specified scope of applica­tion only.
Always use suitable and proper equipment and tools.
Follow the instructions, notes and technical data of the ma­chine manufacturer or manufacturer of the wheels to be bal­anced.
Wear suitable protective clothing and accessories (e. g. goggles, safety shoes, helmet).
For further safety rules to be observed, please refer to the individual chapters.
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Safety rules and function
1.4 Description of function
Display and key pad
The display and key pad are arranged on the ergonomic front panel.
Distance gauge arm
The distance between left correction plane and machine is de­termined by means of an integrated gauge arm with scale. The reading shown on the scale is also entered via the key pad in the same way as for rim diameter and rim width.
Entry of rim diameter and rim width is via the key pad, whereby the relative function key is held pressed while the wheel is ro­tated to change the desired value. On releasing the key the chosen input is stored.
The input range is identical with the working range of the ma­chine (see § 15. Technical data).
Balancing modes Readings in different balancing modes (weight position on the rim) can be given on the display, depending on the type of wheel to be balanced (car, light truck, PAX, steel or alloy rim).
Measuring run and measured values
All measurements are taken and stored in one run during the automatic program. On completion of measurement two aud­ible signals are given.
Amounts and locations of unbalance are read out separately for each correction plane.
Main shaft lock
The machine has a pedal-operated main shaft lock which is used to retain the wheel in the correction position so that the balance weights can be fitted. This lock is designed only to fa­cilitate orientation of the wheel and must not be used for braking the main shaft.
Store wheel profiles
Wheel profiles permit the storage of values for wheels that are balanced frequently in order to save having to enter the wheel data etc. each time. It is possible to store up to 4 wheel profiles.
Error codes
Errors in operation or failures in the electronic or mechanical system are signalled via respective error codes (see § 11. Error codes).
Readjustment by the operator
If several measuring runs are necessary to balance a wheel be­cause balance weight size and position have to be adjusted re­peatedly, this is often due to insufficient measurement accu­racy. In such case the operator has the possibility of readjusting the machine (see § 13. User calibration).
Optional wheel guard
As the maximum speed of the wheel during balancing is below 100 rpm a wheel guard is not mandatory in Germany, however an optional wheel guard can be supplied. With mounted wheel guard, the electronic unit can be programmed via code C13 so that measurement is started by closing of the guard.
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Installation of the machine
2. Installation of the machine
When choosing the site, Health and Safety at Work regulations and the regulations on working environment should be taken into account.
The wheel balancers can be installed on any firm and level ground. For the weight and space requirement of the machines refer to § 15. Technical data. For installation on an upper floor, check and observe the permissible load capacity of the floor.
It is recommended, though not absolutely necessary, that the machine be secured to the floor. For this purpose three holes (Fig. 2) are provided in the base of the machine by which the latter is fixed on the floor with 3/8anchor bolts. Fig. 2 shows the center-to-center distance of the holes. Make sure that the ma­chine has a stable position, i.e. that it is supported on three seatings. If not, ensure three-point contact on ground by insert­ing appropriate spacers between the floor and machine base.
For transport the wheel balancer is provided with special pack­ing (on pallet).
2.1 Unpacking the machine
The machine should be unpacked by two persons.
When unpacking the machine make sure that the pedal fitted on the machine base and the whole pedal assembly is not dam­aged.
SW 13
D Cut the strips of the packing (Fig. 3, item 1), lift off the
packing and set aside the small parts packed in the sep­arate small box (Fig.3,item2).
D Usea1/2” wrench to unscrew the three hexagon screws
which hold the machine on the pallet (Fig.4,arrows).
D Lift the machine by tube of the vibratory system and turn
around by 180 degrees on the pallet (Fig. 4).
D Then lower one side of the machine laterally on the floor
(Fig. 5).
D Remove the pallet from underneath the machine and
gently lower the entire machine onto the floor (Fig. 6).
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Installation of the machine
2.2 Fit (optional) wheel guard and holder
The holder for the optional wheel guard is fitted on the rear of the wheel balancer, the wheel guard itself is fitted on the right of the balancer.
D Switch off the balancer.
D Undo the two M5 hexagon head screws and remove the
rear cover plate of the wheel balancer (Fig.7,arrow).
D Fit the pre-assembled wheel guard holder (Fig. 8,
item 1) to the outside of the cabinet using the 4 hexagon
bolts M8.
D Reach into the opening in the cabinet, pull out the lead
with plug located to the right of the opening and connect it with the plug of the wheel guard switch.
D Replace the plug connector into the cabinet.
D Stick the adhesive clip (Fig. 8, item 2) on the rear of the
cabinet in a central position relative to the wheel guard holder and insert the connecting lead of the microswitch.
D Fit the wheel guard spring (Fig.9,item1)into the spring
holder (Fig.9,item2).
D Pass the holder for the wheel guard spring through the
opening, tilting it in the process, and then fit it vertically so that the recesses in the holder are located in the cabinet panel.
D Extend the wheel guard spring and fit it into the bolt on
the wheel guard arbor (Fig.9,item3).
D Slide the wheel guard (Fig. 10, item 1) on the arbor and
raise it until the fastening holes of wheel guard and wheel guard arbor coincide.
D Insert the M10 setscrew (Fig. 10, item 2) with washer
(Fig. 10, item 3) from below, and tighten the hexagon nut (Fig. 10, item 4) and washer.
D Turn on the wheel balancer at the switch.
D Check wheel guard switch for correct setting:
When the wheel guard is open the wheel guard switch must be
pressed. The balancer must not start.
D Place the cover (Fig. 10, item 5) onto the holder for the
wheel guard arbor and fasten by means of tapping screws.
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Installation of the machine · Electrical connection
Correct the switch point of the wheel guard switch
If the measuring run is not started (preset with C13), check the switch point as follows:
D Unscrew the cover from the holder of the wheel guard
D Undo the setscrew on the switch ring (Fig. 11, item 1).
D Adjust the switch ring so that it is contacting the
tongue of the microswitch underneath (Fig 11, item 2) and the measuring run is started on closing the guard (Fig. 12).
D Re-tighten the setscrew.
D Place the cover onto the holder for the wheel guard arbor
and tighten with tapping screws.
The optional wheel guard influences the following modes of operation:
- The measuring run is started by closing the wheel guard (code C13).
- The wheel is braked on lifting the wheel guard during a measuring run (code C5).
These modes of operation can be changed either permanently, or only as long as the machine is switched on, by means of codes (see § 10. Changing modes of operation).
3. Electrical connection
In general any work on the electrical system such as fitting of a plug or changing of connections, if necessary, must be car­ried out by a qualified electrician in line with relevant national standards and the regulations of the local power station.
Electrical standard equipment and drive motor of the wheel ba­lancer are provided for operation on 50/60 Hz, 100-120 V (-15 %, +10 %).
The connecting cable of the machine is designed as a separate power cord. For connection to the power mains the cable is pro­vided with a NEMA 5-15P (U.S.) or C22.2 No. 42 (Canada) plug.
Fusing is by the customer before the plug connector, using a 15 amp circuit breaker.
The electrical diagram is illustrated in § 16.
The machine operates internally on a line voltage of 230 V be­cause the voltage is regulated by an integrated transformer.
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Controls and displays
4. Controls and displays
Fig. 13 Overview
1 START key
Start a measuring run
2 STOP key
- Interrupt the measuring run
- Delete an error code
- If input of a mode of operation is completed with the STOP key, the new state is deselected
automatically and the former state is re-established.
3 Function keys (see Fig. 14 to 16) 4 Display (see Fig. 17 to 20)
Fig. 14 Function keys on the left
1 Function key for distance rim / machine 2 Function key for rim width 3 Function key for rim diameter
Fig. 15 Function keys in the middle
- Starts an optimisation program (LED PRO MATCH lights).
- In the Pro-Match program: enter valve position.
CLEAR (key pressed briefly): Setting the factory adjusted
modes of operation. All settings are deleted and the display
returns to standard. RESTORE (key pressed for 3 seconds): Restores all modes the way they were before clear was pressed.
CALIBRATE (key pressed briefly): Sets the machine in the
user calibration mode (see § 13. User calibration). CODE (key pressed for 3 seconds): Switches to changing modes of operation.
Switches over the weight unit for unbalance readings (grammes or ounces).
G Readings in grammes Oz Readings in ounces
When the machine is switched on the weight unit set with code C3 is active.
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Controls and displays
Fig. 16a Function keys on the right
8 ALU/ALU+ toggle key (ALU key) for balancing modes.
ALU (key pressed on top):
Toggles through the ALU and standard balancing modes. While in any ALU mode the ALU status LED lights. ALU+ (key pressed on bottom): Sets the machine in the ALU+ mode. This enables the au­tomatic distance gauge arm to measure first the left-hand distance and then the righthand hidden weight. Pressing this key disables one-plane and patch balancing and en­ables only hidden weight balancing. First push: Enables lefthand hammer-on weight and
lights lefthand hammer-on LED for balanc­ing mode ALU 3P in wheel position display.
Second push: Enables lefthand adhesive weight and lights
lefthand adhesive weight LED for balancing mode ALU 2P.
Third push: Returns to standard balancing.
SPOKE: Enters the number of spokes for the hidden spoke
placement mode. Keep the key pressed on top and rotate the wheel to set, or change, the number of spokes. When the key is pressed without rotating the wheel, the current setting is entered.
OPERATOR: Recalls and stores wheel profiles.
RCL: Keep the key pressed on bottom. RCL (recall)
comes up in the left-hand section of the display and 1 comes up in the right-hand section for the first wheel profile to be stored. Keep the key pressed on bottom and rotate the wheel. Profiles 2 through 4 are read out in the right-hand dis­play. The stored wheel profile is entered once the key is released. STO: If a wheel profile is to be stored, keep on pressing the key after the rcl readings have come up and continue rotating the wheel. Now STO (store) comes up in the left-hand display, and#1through 4 can be set in the right-hand display by rotating the wheel. The current profile is stored once the key is released.
10 RV-S/D
RV (key pressed on top):
Changes the fine resolution to increments for RV/Light truck.
- Switches resolution to 2 instead of 1/4 ounce.
- Switches suppression minor unbalance readings to a selectable value (using service code).
Readouts stay in RV mode until deselected by pressing the key again. S/D (key pressed on bottom):
- Function key to select display of dynamic or static unbalance (S/D key).
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Controls and displays
Fig. 16b Function keys on the right
FINE (pressed on top):
- Show amount reading with higher resolution: 1 gramme instead of 5 grammes or 0.05 oz instead of
0.25 oz (only for as long as the key is pressed)
- Display residual wheel unbalance below the threshold for suppression of minor unbalance readings: As long as the key is pressed the suppression of minor unbalance readings is switched off and the actual unbal­ance in the wheel is read out.
- Display unbalance for standard balancing mode: if balancing mode Alu 1 to Alu 5 is selected, press and hold the FINE key and then press the function key for balancing mode (ALU, ALU+). The unbalance readings switch over to those for standard balancing mode and the relative rim symbol appears.
- In the OP and Un programs the FINE key serves as change-over key.
INT (pressed on bottom):
Switches to the patch balance mode. All wheel data must have been entered. In addition the height-to-width ratio specified on the tire has to be en­tered by pressing the diameter key and rotating the wheel. Readout display changes to single-plane. Both location displays are active and work in parallel. Distance and di­ameter dimensions have no effect and are preset to nominal values. All special functions are inactive and cannot be selected.
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Controls and displays
Fig.17 Display panel - left section
1 Direction indicator of left correction plane
12 34
inch mm
2 Indicates when correction position in the left correction
plane has been reached.
3 Inch/mm
The unit of measurement (inch or mm) is chosen by using therimwidthkey.
4 Rim width Symbol
Lights whenever width key is pressed.
5 Digital Display for left correction plane to show:
- amount of unbalance of left correction plane
- amount of static unbalance
- error codes
- C codes
- balancing mode in plain language (upon operation of ALU key)
- STO, RCL of wheel profiles
Note: Error codes are read out in both digital displays.
Fig. 18 Status LEDs
1ALU: Any ALU balance mode is selected
4 5
2FINE: FINE key is pressed (cancels supression of small
imbalances). Display changes to normal resolution as soon as key is released.
3INT:Patch Balance is selected. All special functions (in-
cluding FINE) are inactive and cannot be selected.
4 PRO MATCH is selected.
=0Compensation run has been carried out
6 RV/LIGHT TRUCK resolution is selected.
7 CALIBRATE: Operator calibration mode is entered or pro-
grammable interval is reached. The LED is automatically activated after 5000 measuring runs and alerts the operator that operator calibration is rec­ommended. The LED remains on until the operator com­pletes the operator calibration.
8 SPOKE: Hidden spoke placement (HSP) mode is se-
9 Number of spokes
Number of spokes for hidden spoke placement. Holding the SPOKE key pressed rotate the wheel to set the number of spokes between 3 and 12.
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Controls and displays
Fig.19 Display panel - central section
1 Measuring run indicators
flash alternately in top and bottom panel
- during measurement after pressing the START key
- during PRO MATCH
2 Possible weight fitting positions
LEDs change with successive pushs of the ALU key.
3 Valve stems
- Top valve stem flashes during PRO MATCH when valve must be positioned perpendicular to the main shaft.
- After the valve has been placed perpendicular to the main shaft and the PRO MATCH key is pressed, the LED is turned off.
4 SAPE symbol
- As the distance lever is moved the first bar and gradually the remaining bar segments light up. On reaching the correction position, the segment furthest to the right
lights up and the speaker beeps.
- The symbol lights up when the weight fitting position is first entered and later relocated.
When the wheel is rotated manually, the SAPE symbol will not light up.
lights whenever ALU+ is chosen.
lights whenever in two-plane mode both imbalance read­outs are 0.00.
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Controls and displays
inch mm
23 4 5
Fig.20 Display panel - section on the right
1 Loudspeaker
2 inch/mm
The unit of measurement (inch or mm) is chosen by using the rim diameter key.
3 Rim diameter
lights whenever diameter key is pressed.
4 Digital display of right correction plane to show:
- rim diameter
- distance rim/machine (always in mm)
- amount of unbalance of right correction plane
- state of modes of operation or preset limit values
5 Direction indicator of right correction plane
6 Indicates when correction position in the right correc-
tion plane has been reached.
7 Distance machine/left correction plane
lights whenever distance key is pressed or distance gauge arm is moved.
flashes when the START key is to be pressed during pro match and operator calibration.
Fig. 21 Pedal for main shaft lock
This lock is designed only to facilitate orientation of the wheel and must not be used for braking the main shaft.
The main shaft is locked when the pedal is depressed. This fa­cilitates tightening or untightening of the clamping nut and re­tains the wheel in the correction position for correct fitting of the balance weights.
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Turning on the machine
5. Turning on the machine
When switched on by the mains switch (Fig. 22, item 1) the electronic unit performs a number of self-tests. On successful completion of these tests a melodious three-tone signal is given. OK is read out on the displays, and the code number of the program version is briefly viewed on the display; then both displays show wheel dimensions which were entered before
and are still stored in the electronic memory.
As long as the machine is carrying out the self-tests, no inputs and no other operations whatsoever must be made. During this starting phase the machine must not be subjected to even the slightest vibration.
The electronic unit is factory-adjusted to the following modes of operation, which are available after turning on:
- car wheel with nominal dimensions in inches, width 6.5 and diameter 15.0
- entry of rim data in inches
- display of amount of unbalance in 1/4 ounce increments
- suppression of minor unbalance readings (limit set to 1/4 ounce)
- compensation of adapter unbalance switched off
- start of measuring run by START key
Error codes at power on
If an error code occurs it must be acknowledged by pressing the STOP key. No audible signal is given.
The following malfunction codes may occur at power-on:
E900 - Fig. 23
Unknown machine model.
E901 - Fig. 24
The machine is not calibrated.
E89 - Fig. 25
A key is jammed at power-on.
D Find and release the jammed key, call service if necess-
H82 - Fig. 26
The self-test was disturbed (e.g. by rotating the wheel). The message is displayed for 3 seconds, after which the measurement is repeated (max. 10 times), or aborted by press­ing the STOP key.
E3 - Fig. 27
Distance gauge arm is not in home position.
D Move gauge arm to its home position. Press the STOP
key to continue.
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Turning on the machine
E92 - Fig. 28
During the second attempt the distance gauge arm was still not in the home position. The gauge arm is rendered inoperative.
D Wait 3 seconds, or press the STOP key to continue.
E145 - Fig. 29
The contents of both permanent memories are different (but both contain valid data).
Fatal error codes
The self-test program has detected an error and displays an al­phanumeric code consisting of six digits and/or letters.
The displayed error codes refer only to the internal line voltage of the machine.
C10 800 - Fig. 30
Line voltage too low. Balancing is feasible if the motor can drive the main shaft to the measuring speed. Wheel data may be lost.
D Connect the machine to 110-125 V AC.
C10 801 - Fig. 31
Line voltage too high. Damage to the electronic unit of the ma­chine is likely!
D Turn off machine immediately.
Damage is not covered under warranty.
C10 804 - Fig. 32
Line voltage too high. Damage to the electronic unit of the ma­chine is likely!
D Turn off machine immediately.
Damage is not covered under warranty.
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Clamping the wheel
6. Clamping the wheel
6.1 Fitting the wheel adapter on the main shaft
1 2 3
Fig. 33 Fitting the wheel adapter
33.1 MZV-4 cone adapter for rims with center bore loca-
tion, or at least sufficiently accurate center bore. Vari­ous accessories are available for this wheel adapter.
33.2 Adapters for closed rims, or for stud hole located rims.
Various accessories are available for this wheel adapter.
1 Cone of the main shaft
2 Basic body of the wheel adapter 3 Fastening screw (width across flats 14 mm)
D Before fitting the wheel adapter clean the cone of the
main shaft (Fig. 33, item 1) and the inner cone of the wheel adapter.
D Slide the wheel adapter onto the cone of the main shaft
so that the head of the hexagon socket head cap screw attached to the end of the cone engages with one of the recesses in the basic body of the adapter (Fig. 33, item 2).
D Tighten the wheel adapter using the fastening screw
(Fig. 33, item 3).
6.2 Performing a compensation run
All clamping and centring means are balanced in our works to within a certain tolerance.
To compensate for any residual unbalance that might be left in the clamping means, it is recommended that an electrical com­pensation run be performed (also see § 10. Changing modes of operation). This mode cannot be transferred into the perma­nent memory.
This mode of operation is retained until deleted via code C4, by starting an Pro-Match run or readjustment, or by switching off the machine.
D Press and hold the CODE key (Fig. 15, item 6) and rotate
the main shaft to set C4 in the display.
D Press the START key.
The compensation run takes longer than a regular measuring run. Once the compensation run is completed, C4 is read out in the left display, 1 is read out in the right display, and the symbol for compensation (Fig. 18, item 5) lights up.
When another clamping means is used:
D Repeat the compensation run
D Cancel compensation by pressing and holding the FINE
key (Fig. 16b, item 11) and rotating the wheel, or by switching the machine of for a few seconds.
In the right display, 0 is read out.
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Clamping the wheel
6.3 Clamping car and light-truck wheels
Fig. 34 Cone adapter to clamp center bore located wheels
1 Cone 2 Rim 3 Clamping head with clamping nut
12 3
Fig. 35 Universal clamping adapter for clamping stud hole lo-
cated wheels or wheels with closed rim.
1 Rim with center bore (center bore location) 2 Closed rim
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Entry of balancing mode and wheel size
7. Entry of balancing mode and wheel
For determination of unbalance the following inputs have to be made:
- balancing mode (weight fitting position on rim)
- wheel size (wheel width and diameter)
- distance between machine and left correction plane
The wheel dimensions to be entered are usually given on the rim. Rim diameter is also given on the tire.
Rim width and diameter are always entered by pressing and holding the relativefunction key (Fig. 36, item2 or 3) and rotat­ing the wheel until the desired value is read out. On releasing the function key the input is retained until anotherinput is made.
The distance between left correction plane and machine is usually entered using the integrated gauge arm, but may also be entered by pressing and holding the function key for dis­tance (Fig. 36, item 1) and rotating the wheel until the desired value is read out. On releasing the function key the input is re­tained until another input is made.
Operation manual geodyna 2350 - 9413 126
Entry of balancing mode and wheel size
12 12 2 2
1 2
7.1 Balancing modes
The use of different types on a standard (alloy) wheel and the resulting different fitting positions of the weights on the rim pro­duce differences between the rim data which have been en­tered and the actual correction dimensions.
Fig. 37 Possible positions of the balance weights
- nominal rim data/actual correction data
1 Nominal rim dimensions to be entered 2 Actual correction data (center of gravity of weights) which
are used for determination of unbalance
The mode chosen is read out on the display, showing the rela­tive rim symbol (Fig. 38), or on the digital displays when the ALU key is pressed (reading e. g. Alu 1).
D Press and hold the ALU key (Fig. 38, item 1) and rotate
the wheel to set the desired balancing mode (weight fit­ting positions - Fig. 38).
D Release the ALU key as soon as the desired mode is
read out.
Fig. 38 Rim symbols showing weight fitting positions
nor. Standard balancing mode where hammer-on weights
are attached to the rim flanges - always set when the machine is turned on.
Alu 1
Alu 2, Alu 2P
Alu 3, Alu 3P
Alu 1 Fitting of adhesive weights to the bead seats
Alu 2 Adhesive weights - hidden adhesive weight attached (Alu 2P) in the rim so as not to impair the decorative appear-
ance of alloy wheels or to balance PAX wheels
Alu 3 Hammer-on weight on left rim flange, adhesive weight (Alu 3P) attached in hidden position in the rim disc
Alu 4 Hammer-on weight on left rim flange, adhesive weight
attached to right bead seat
Alu 5 Hammer-on weight on right rim flange, adhesive
weight attached to left bead seat
Alu 4
Alu 5
Operation manual geodyna 2350 - 9413 126
Entry of balancing mode and wheel size
7.2 Input of wheel dimensions for the standard
balancing mode
If several wheels with identical wheel size are balanced in suc­cession, it is only necessary to enter the data for the first wheel. It will remain stored until new entries are made.
7.2.1 Determination and input of rim width
Use the rim width callipers (Fig. 40) .
Fig. 39 Input of rim width
D To enter the rim width, press and hold the relative func-
tion key (Fig. 39, item 1).
D Rotate the wheel while the key is pressed in order to set
the value for the rim width on the display, and then re­lease the key.
7.2.2 Determination and input of wheel diameter
D Note the wheel diameter on the rim or tire.
D To enter the wheel diameter, press and hold the function
key (Fig. 41, item 1).
D Rotate the wheel while the key is pressed in order to
enter the diameter. Having made the input release the function key.
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+ 44 hidden pages