Hoffman Products HEAT SHRINK TUBING Catalog Page

HeAt sHrInk tubInG
stAndArd PolyolefIn tubInG — 2:1 SHRINK RATIO
Our Standard polyolefin tubing is designed to protect inline components, splices and disconnects. Used
for jacketing, wire bundles, light duty harnesses and identifying or color coding wire, cables and terminal
components. Standard colors available are black, red, blue, yellow, white, green and clear. Call for more
colors. Operating Temperature: -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to 257°F); Minimum Shrink Temperature: 70°C
(158°F); Certifications: UL224 125°C VW1: RoHS Compliant; Voltage: 600V
HSTB1/16 0.059 in 0.026 in 0.014 in 500' 25
HSTB3/32 0.094 in 0.039 in 0.020 in 500' 25
HSTB1/8 0.118 i n 0.059 in 0.016 in 500' 25
HSTB3/16 0.177 in 0.091 in 0.020 in 250' 25
HSTB1/4 0.230 in 0.118 in 0.022 in 250' 25
HSTB3/8 0.354 in 0.177 in 0.024 in 200' 25
HSTB1/2 0.472 in 0.236 in 0.024 in 200' 5
HSTB3/4 0.709 in 0.354 in 0.031 in 100' 5
HSTB1 0.984 in 0.492 in 0.035 in 100' 5
mIn exPAnded
As suPPlIed
InsIde dIAmeter
mAx recoVered
nomInAl recoVered
WAll tHIckness
Custom cut pieces available.
reel Qty
4 ft Qty
HSTB1.5 1.575 in 0.787 in 0.039 in 100' 5
Custom cut pieces and large reels available, contact sales@hoffmanproducts.com.
duAl WAll AdHesIVe lIned tubInG — 3:1 SHRINK RATIO
Designed to environmentally seal and protect electrical and power distribution applications and connector-to-cable transitions.
Standard colors available are black, red, blue, yellow, white, green and clear. Call for additional colors. Operating Temperature:
-55°C to +125°C (-67°F to 257°F); Certifications: UL224 125°C VW1; Voltage: 600V.
HSTBD1/8 0.12 6 i n 0.039 in 0.037 in 0.014 in 500' 25
HSTBD1/4 0.252 in 0.087 in 0.047 in 0.018 in 250' 25
HSTBD3/8 0.374 in 0.126 in 0.057 in 0.020 in 200' 25
HSTBD1/2 0.500 in 0.165 in 0.067 in 0.020 in 100' 5
HSTBD3/4 0.752 in 0.248 in 0.079 in 0.022 in - 5
HSTBD1 1.000 in 0.335 in 0.083 in 0.022 in - 5
mIn exPAnded
As suPPlIed
InsIde dIAmeter nom. recoVered WAll tHIckness
mAx recoVered
0.18 9 in 0.063 in 0.043 in 0.016 in 250' 25
totAl WAll After HeAt
AdHesIVe WAll
Custom cut pieces available.
After HeAt
4 ft Qty
HSTBD1.5 1.535 in 0.531 in 0.094 in 0.024 in - 5
Specifications subject to change. For complete specifications and availability, ask your Hoffman Products Sales Representative or call 800-645-2014.
1.250 in
0.4167 in 0.086 in 0.029 in - 5