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Dual Gel Caster function and description .................1
Unpacking ........................................................ 1
Prepare the gel caster ........................................2
Construct the gel sandwich stack and
place it into the caster .......................................2
Pour the gel ...................................................... 5
Stacking gel preparation .................................... 6
After polymerization ...........................................7
Troubleshooting .....................................................8
Care and maintenance ...........................................8
Ordering information ..............................................9

Dual Gel Caster function
and description
The SE245 Dual Gel Caster holds one or two
glass or glass/alumina plate gel sandwiches for
casting acrylamide gels. A cam seals the bottom
of the sandwich against a rubber gasket. Once
the gel is formed, sandwiches are transferred to
a Hoefer mini-vertical unit for electrophoresis.
Unwrap all packages carefully and compare
contents with the packing list, making sure all
items arrived. If any part is missing, contact
your local sales office. Inspect all components
for damage that may have occurred while the
unit was in transit. If any part appears damaged,
contact the carrier immediately. Be sure to keep
all packing material for damage claims or to use
should it become necessary to return the unit.
Fig 1. Dual Gel Caster.
The gel sandwich is held
together by the casting
clamp assembly.
Casting clamp
assembly (2)
Silicone rubber gaskets
(2 on each side; 1 white
under-gasket and 1 black
Cams (4)
Pull cams out to
disassemble the

Prepare the gel caster
Disassemble the caster: Pull out both pairs of black
cams at the side of the casting cradle and lift out
both casting clamp assemblies. Remove the black
silicone rubber gasket from the bottom of the cradle
and also the white foam gasket underneath it.
Wash all gel caster components, glass and alumina
plates and spacers with a mild detergent. Rinse
thoroughly with deionized water.
Construct the gel sandwich stack and
place it into the caster
Loosen all 6 screws on the casting clamp assembly
and lay it upright on a flat surface. Slide both plastic
pressure bars away from the back block.
Fig 2. Location of T-shaped spacers
on notched plate.
Fig 3. Align bottom edges of plates
and spacers carefully.
Construct each gel sandwich: For each sandwich,
choose one notched alumina or glass plate, one
rectangular glass plate and two spacers. Use only
unchipped plates.
Lay the notched plate on a flat surface, place one
spacer along each edge so that it aligns with the
notch. Fit a glass plate onto the spacers as shown.
The long flat side of the T-shaped spacers fits
between both plates. The top of the T rests along the
sides of the plates (Fig 2).
Alternatively, assemble the sandwich while it is in a
standing position: align the plate bottoms on a flat
surface and align the spacers with the sides of the
plates (Fig 3).