Hoefer SE215 User Manual

user manual
Hoefer Multiple Gel Casters
SE215, SE235, and SE275
um   SE215-IM/Rev.L0/08-12
1. Multiple Gel Caster function ...............................1
2. Unpacking ........................................................ 2
3. Assembly ..........................................................2
Prepare the gel caster ........................................2
Construct the gel sandwich stack and
load into caster .................................................3
Prepare the monomer solution ............................6
Stacking gel preparation .................................... 8
Linear gradient gels ...........................................9
After Gel Polymerization ...................................12
4. Care and maintenance .....................................13
5. Troubleshooting ...............................................14
6. Ordering information ........................................ 16

1. Multiple Gel Caster function

Multiple gel casters prepare gels that are for use in a Hoefer® miniVE, SE250 or SE260 gel electrophoresis unit. The caster model selected depends on the electrophoresis unit used and the number of gels to be prepared:
Table 1: Multiple Gel Caster/electrophoresis unit compatibility guide
for use with    Hoefer gel    gel plate  electrophoresis  Gel caster  no. of gels  size (cm)  unit:
SE215 4–10 10 × 8 SE250
SE235 2–4 10 × 10.5 SE260, miniVE
SE275 2–4 10 × 8 SE250
Fig 1. Multiple Gel Caster. The faceplate seals against the cylindrical silicone rubber gasket.
Included but not shown:
• Acrylic block
• Black vinyl cap for inlet port
• Polycarbonate filler sheets
• Glass and alumina plates
Accessories that may be   ordered separately:
• Combs
• Spacers
• Additional plates
Acrylic casting chamber
Silicone rubber gasket
Filler plugs (1 large, 2 small)
Spring clamps (2 or 4, depending on model)
Inlet port
Note:  Wear gloves to keep the caster and plates free of finger marks.

2. Unpacking

Unwrap all packages carefully and compare contents with the packing list, making sure all items arrived. If any part is missing, contact Hoefer, Inc. Inspect all components for damage that may have occurred while the unit was in transit. If any part appears damaged, contact the carrier immediately. Be sure to keep all pack­ing material for damage claims or for repacking should it become necessary to return the unit.

3. Assembly

All casters are assembled and used in the manner described below. Both single concentration gel and gradient gel instructions are included.

Prepare the gel caster

Prepare gel caster, plates and spacers by washing with a mild detergent and rinsing thoroughly with deionized water.
Periodically remove the U-shaped silicone rubber gasket and inspect for nicks. If the gasket appears to be intact, apply a light film of Gel seal lubricant to it and replace: avoid stretching the gasket by laying it onto the groove and pressing it into place. (Gel seal is supplied with the SE250 and SE260 units.)
Fig 2. Location of T-shaped spacers on notched plate.
Single-concentration gels — Plug the red inlet port near the bottom of the faceplate with the black vinyl cap included with the unit. Check that the two small semi-circular and one large triangular rubber filler plugs, which reduce the amount of solution needed to fill the chamber, are properly seated in the bottom. The crosswise groove in the plug distributes the mono­mer solution to all gel sandwiches so that they fill to the same level simultaneously.
Gradient gels — Remove the large triangular plug. Check that the two smaller rubber filler plugs are properly seated in the bottom of the chamber. Refer to page 9 for gradient casting instructions.

Construct the gel sandwich stack and load into caster

Construct each gel sandwich: For each sandwich, choose one notched alumina plate, one rectangular glass plate and two spacers. Use the same size spac­ers for each sandwich.
Lay the notched plate on a flat surface, place one spacer along each edge so that it aligns with the notch. Fit a glass plate onto the spacers as shown. The stem of the T-shaped spacers fits between both plates. The top of the T forms the edge of the gel sandwich, (Fig 2).
(Alternatively, assemble the sandwich while it is in a standing position.)
Fig 3. Align bottom edges of plates and spacers carefully.
Pick up each sandwich and align both sides with the spacers and also the bottom on a flat surface, (Fig 3).
Face plate
Polycarbonate sheet
Fig 4. Stack components
(Load from bottom up; Fillers are added after sandwiches are in place to adjust stack height)
• Polycarbonate sheet. (Acts as lever for adding fillers below the stack. Aids in inserting filler blocks and disassembling the stack.)
• Sheet of wax paper (not visible on drawing). Repeat as needed to fill the caster.
• Gel sandwich
• Face plate
Gel sandwich
Build the stack  in the caster. 
(All components fit flush against the bottom and one side.) Place a polycarbonate sheet in the caster so that 2/3 of the sheet lays within the caster and the rest extends out of the top. (This will act as a lever when inserting filler sheets once all sandwiches are in place.)
Place a sheet of wax paper onto the polycarbonate sheet. (The wax paper makes it easier to disassemble the stack.) Slide the first sandwich into the caster along one side, notched plate side down and notched side pointing toward the open end of the caster (top when filled). Repeat with all sandwiches, building the stack by layering sheets of wax paper and gel sandwiches, all oriented the same way. Over the final sandwich, lay a sheet of polycarbonate instead of wax paper so that you can observe the liquid level when pouring the gel solution, (Fig 4).
 Inspect glass for nicks. Use only unchipped plates.
• Work on a flat surface for best results.
• Clean off the acrylamide film from both sides of each polycarbonate sheet.
gel  number caster  of clamps
SE215, SE275 2
SE235 4
If pouring fewer gels than the capacity of the caster, lift up the polycarbonate sheet at the bottom of the stack and slide in fillers such as the acrylic block, polycarbonate sheets, or extra glass plates until the stack is approximately 1 mm higher than the chamber sides. (Once fillers are in place, slide the polycarbon­ate sheet in so that it is level with all other stack components.)
(The stack must be slightly thicker than the space so that the stack compresses slightly when the faceplate is clamped in place. If the stack is too tall, a glass plate may break or the caster won’t seal properly, but if the stack is too short, the spacers may fall out of alignment or the stack will not stay vertical.)
Lay the faceplate on the casting chamber, aligning it so that is flush with all sides. Pick up the assembled unit and check that the gasket compresses slightly.
Secure the stack with either 2 or 4 clamps (see adjacent table). Open the jaws of the spring clamp, then position the longer side jaws on the faceplate. When the clamp is released, the short jaw seats in the groove on the casting chamber side and the long jaw seats in the groove on the faceplate.
2 clamps — position each clamp in the middle of the faceplate. 4 clamps — Slide the top clamp upward to fit against the end of the groove on the front panel.
Stand the assembled caster upright and inspect. Check that the gasket forms a tight seal and is not unduly deformed. Check that the stack fits snugly and that the plates and spacers are still aligned; adjust if necessary.
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