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Introduction ..........................................................1
Procedure for standard use of
the Hoefer PR648 ................................................3
Setting up the Hoefer PR648 ............................3
Applying your samples .......................................5
Removing your blot ............................................5
Care and maintenance ...........................................6
Troubleshooting ..................................................... 7
Ordering information ..............................................8

Slot-and dot-blotting techniques have been used
extensively in molecular biology to immobilize
nucleic acids and proteins on membranes for
determining nucleic acid homologies, quantifying mRNA, studying hormone receptor binding,
detecting protein-nucleic acid interactions, and
screening for specific proteins by activity or
antibody. The slot-shaped blots produced by
the Hoefer® PR648 slot blot filtration manifold
are more reliably and accurately quantitated
by scanning densitometry than dot blots. For a
series of dots, the scan path must pass directly
through the center of all the dots. Slots are not
so demand ing in alignment and allow much
wider representative scan paths.
The Hoefer PR648 slot blot filtration manifold
is designed and manufactured to provide an
efficient seal around each slot insuring a consistent shape and size. As little as 50 µl of sample
applied to a membrane through the slot will
yield a clearly defined band with evenly distributed sample.
Each Hoefer PR648 slot blot is comprised of
three separate blocks. The upper block has
48 labeled slots for samples, arranged in a
4 × 12 array. The blotting membrane is placed
in a recess on the top of the middle (membrane
support) block. The bottom block has a connector for the vacuum source.
To assemble the Hoefer PR648 slot blot, simply
place the membrane in the membrane support
block recess, stack the blocks together, and
insert and tighten the screws. Attach the connector on the bottom block to a vacuum source and
apply your samples in the slots.

Fig 1. The Hoefer PR648 slot blot
set up for standard use.
Number of slots: 48
Slot dimensions: 6 mm × 0.80 mm
Slot spacing: 9.0 mm × 18 mm
Slot membrane surface area: 4.8 mm
Maximum well volume: 1 ml
Recess dimension: 82 mm × 115 mm
Unit dimensions: 12 cm × 15.5 cm × 8 cm
(from center to center)
top block
membrane recess
support block
quick disconnect
bottom block