Hochiki SLR-E3NM User Manual

Products Covered: SLR-E3M, SLR-E3NM, DCD-AE3M, DCD-CE3M, c/w YBN-R/6M Base
The Conv entional M ar ine Detector s l isted above all use the c ommon mounting base YB N- R/6M which is elec tronics-free and features a t hird terminal for Remote Indi c ator output. The Marine Bac k B ox (MBB- 1) shoul d be used i n c er tain locati ons and conditions (see MBB- 1 Instructi ons for f ur ther details).
Follow the guidelines bel ow before instal lation and maint enanc e. Hochiki cannot guarantee a detector's performanc e if these guidelines are not followed.
Hochiki CDX Mar ine Detectors cannot be used to prev ent fire itsel f; t hey ar e only intended to detect a cer tain characteristic of fire. The DCD marine range of detectors is used to detect changes i n temperat ur e and c annot detect smoke and other phenomena. When installing the detector, check that the location of each one has been planned according t o appr opr iate fire regul ations or recommendations. Certai n ac tions can cause permanent damage to the detector, and if subjec ted to any of the f ollowing, it should not be used:
Situations in which condensation exists Smoke detectors only Situations in which corr osi ve gases exist All det ectors Impact or shock All det ectors Situations in which obstacles exist, whic h c ould impede airflow to the detec tor All det ectors
Situations in which dust or steam exist Smoke detectors only Disassembly and re-assembly
(except chamber replacement of photoelectri c smoke detector s) Touching the thermistor locat ed in centre of detect or Heat detector s onl y
All det ectors
If in any doubt, always refer to relevant certification r egarding appropri ate detector use. If damage is suspected after a fire has occurred, the detector shoul d be replaced. After install ation, all detect ors on the
fir e alarm system should be tested t o c onfirm correct operation. Only sui tably tr ained engineers should carr y out installation and maintenance. The detect or must be subject to periodi c maint enanc e dur ing regular servi c e vi sits. Thi s period should be outlined in the appropriat e standards or recommendations. I f there ar e no such standar ds existing, Hochiki recommend that the minimum period of mai ntenance should be one year and that the f ollowing should be t ak en into account:
A regular operation test should be per formed. A visual check for staining and mechanical
damage should be made.
A dust cov er is incl uded wi th the detector to prevent contaminat ion during installation. The du st cover must be
removed for the detector to operate.
Operation should only be checked by equipment that i s
capable of exceeding the required det ec tion threshol d.
Detector operation should not be tested with a naked
flame or open fire.
Head Locking Mechanism
Remove tab carefully using a pair of pliers
The CDX range of Mar ine Detectors can be locked onto the base by removing a pl astic lug on t he under side of the Detector. The Detector c an then only be remov ed by usi ng a special Removal Tool ( TSC-A100/ALG), which i s available from Hochiki Europe.
The wiring diagram for the conventional marine detector base should be made as shown.
A: Zone (+), B: Zone (-), C: Cable Screen
A list of com patible Control Panels is available on r equest .
Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd Grosvenor Road, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SA, England Telephone : +44(0)1634 260133 Facsimile: +44(0)1634 260132 Email: sales@hochikieurope.com Web: www.hochikieurope.com
Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd. reserves the right to alter the specification of its products from time to time without notice. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this document it is not warranted or represented by Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd. to be a complete and up-to-date description. Please check our web site for the latest version of this document.