Hochiki SDP-2 User Manual

Hochiki's Duct Probe housing allows a standard photoelectric smoke detection device, either a conventional detector or an analogue sensor, to be mounted on the outside of an ai r duct f or t he purpo se of monitoring t he air within the duct. Air wit hin the duct is drawn via a pipe into the duct probe's housing. This allows constant sampling with a standard, LPCB approved smoke detector and makes smoke detection within the duct simple, effective and easy to maintain. Compatibl e Hochiki devices that can be used within t he SDP-2 are:
ESP ACA-E (inc all variants)
ALG-E (inc all variants)
ALG-EN (inc all v ari ants CDX SLR-E3 (inc all variants) SLR-E3N (inc all variants)
Compatibl e Hochiki Bases that can be used within the SDP-2 are:
and YBO-R/6RS.
Hydraulic Diamet ers
Circular Duct Rectangular Duct
Location Examples
(GX represents duct probe)
Fan Damper
Silencer Battery
Mounting Position
The SDP-2 should be installed with the arrow on the cover corresponding to the direction of airflow in the duct. The SDP-2 can be placed horizontally or vertically, on the top, side or bottom of the duct. Hochiki recommends that the SDP-2 is mounted away from heating, cooli ng or humidity devices f ollowing the same guidelines f or fl ow m onitors.
Exampl e of location after
change of duct direction
A distance of three times the duct diameter should be left before a dam per, filter or change of duct direction, and five times the diameter after these devices.
NOTE: The word “diamet er ” has been used througho ut. In the case of square-section ducts this should be read to mean width.
Exampl e of location
after air inlet
Change of duc t dir ec t i on Duct branching
Duct narr ow i ng or expansi on Air “contr ol“ eq ui p ment
Installation Procedure
STEP 1 - Selecting Pipe Length
The supplied 600mm sampling pipe can only be used with ducts up to a maxim um diamet er of 600mm, but the pipe can be shortened if r equired (see Step 2).
For ducts with a diameter greater than 600mm use the 1200mm sampling pipe c ut t o si z e but penet r ating the whole width of the duct (see “Large Diameter Ducts” on Page 2).
For ducts with a diameter greater than 1200mm contact Hochiki Europe Customer Support for advice (psupport@hochikieurope.com).
Air Flow Paramete rs
The SDP-2 Duct Probe will oper ate within the following air velocit y range and should be installed to meet thi s requirement: 1.0ms
to 10.0ms-1
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Large Diameter Ducts
When using a sampli ng pipe within a duct greater than 600mm diamet er the pipe shoul d penetrate the whole duct:
Shorten the pipe to corr ec t length if
Insert the end pl ug Fit the end plastic gasket Fit the rubber gasket
STEP 3 - Fit Sampling Pipe to SDP-2
Before fitting the pipe to the unit, remove the cover and the air-flow block. With the sampling pipe cut to lengt h, fit it to the underside of the SDP-2 unit:
Mount the gasket (A )  on to the pi pe the cor r ect way
round (see below)
Push the pipe into t he hole in the undersi de of the
unit (the pi pe is specially shaped to only fit the correct way round).
Tighten the locki ng screw to secure t he pipe to the
STEP 2 - Adjusting Pipe Length
After measuring t he diameter of the duct and
deducing the lengt h of pipe required, shorten the pipe if necessary. T he pipe shoul d penetrate a minimum of 90% of the widt h of the duct .
Do not cut the end of the pipe with warni ng label. Only cut between sampling holes. Once cut to length, insert the end plug.
STEP 4 - Drill Hole in Duct
Before mounting the SDP-2, drill a hole in the duct for the sampling pipe:
Without brac k et - hol e diam eter = 35mm With bracket - hol e diam eter = 48mm (see “Using
the Optional Mounting Bracket” on page 4).
STEP 5 - Mounting the SDP-2 on the Duct
Carefully mount the SDP-2, inserting the sampling
pipe into the hole in the duct wall.
Secure the SDP- 2 with t he suppli ed three 25mm
Self-tappi ng scr ews (positions shown).
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