This manual details the installation of:
FIRElink-100 Ai r S am pling Detector
If you have any queri es regarding this product or its functionality please cont ac t:
Hochiki Europe (UK ) Limited
Grosvenor Road
Gillingham Business Park
Kent ME8 0SA
Hochiki Europe ( UK ) Limit ed r eserves the right to alter the specifications of its products from time to time
without notice. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this document it is not warranted or represented by Hochik i E ur ope ( U K ) Limit ed to be a complete and
up-to-date description.
Document Detail s:
Title: FIRElink-100 Ai r S am pling Detector - Installation Manual
Issue 4.0
Issue Date October 2010
Part No. 9-5-0-345
FIRElink-100 is a highly sophisticated ‘nex t generation‘ of High Sensitiv ity Aspirating Smoke Detection
product that has been designed t o ensure t hat installation and com m issioning is as simpl e as possible,
while optimising performance.
FIRElink-100 incorporates a patent ed ‘ar tif ic ial intelligence‘
known as ClassiFire ®, which allows the detector t o configur e
itself to optimum sensitivity, alarm thr eshol ds and minimum
nuisance alarms for any environment. ClassiFire intelligence
Hochiki Europe (UK ) Limited
Grosvenor Road
Gillingham Business Park
Kent ME8 0SA, UK
EN54-20: 2006
Aspirati ng smoke detectors
for fire det ection and fire alarm
systems for buildings
CLASS A, B and C
also monitor s the detector chamber and dust separator for
contamination, continually adjusting the appropri ate operating
parameter s to counter ac t the negative effects of such
The FIRElink range of detectors is unique in being able to
provide a consistent level of protection in a v er y wide range
of environments by continuously making minor adjustments
to sensitivity. The FIRElink range of detector s has proven its
worth many tim es by detecti ng ‘difficult-to-detect‘ slow growth
electric al ov erl oad incipient fires in ‘dif ficult‘ environments.
This handbook gives information likely to be needed f or most
installations, but for more detailed information on subjects
such as Fresh Air Ref er enci ng, please refer to the complet e
Technical M anual or System Desi gn Guide.
This equipment is Class 111 as defined in EN60950 (i.e., this
equipment is designed to oper ate from Safety Extra Low
Voltages and does not generate any haz ar dous voltages).
Technical data: see INF48027 held
by the manufacturer
NOTE: If this equi pm ent is part of a fire detection system, i t should be suppl ied from an approved power
supply conf orming to EN54-4.
This symbol appears on the m ain boar d of the unit and indicates that the board
contains static sensitive component s. S uitable anti-static pr ec autions must be
taken when handling t he boar d.
This label is loc ated on the laser chamber and signifi es that the unit is a Class 1
Laser product as specif ied in IEC 60825-1. The unit incorporat es a Cl ass 3B
embedded laser t hat must not be removed from the detector as ret inal damage
may result if the laser beam enters the eye.
This symbol appears on the m ain boar d of the unit and indicates that the board
contains static sensitive component s. S uitable anti-static pr ec autions must be
taken when handling t he boar d.
Hochiki Europe has tak en ev er y c ar e to ensure that FIRElink-100 i s as simpl e to install as possible but in
case of diffi c ulty, please contact our Product Support Department to ensure trouble f r ee inst allation and
operation. Hochiki Europe takes no responsibility for damage or injury occ asi oned as a resul t of failing to
install or oper ate the equipment in accordance with these instructions.
1.1 Indicators
OK. Illuminates to show
normal operati on when
there are no fault s. The
OK lamp will flash during
the 15 minute
Fastlearn™ peri od when
the detector is first
learning about its
The FIRElink - 100 m ay be programmed from a PC when connected to the detector via a standard 9-pin
serial lead connected to the serial port of the computer and the 9 way socket at the base of the detector
(see section 4. 4 “ Connec ting to a PC” page 31). In order to do this, it is necessary to install the remote
control software onto the computer. A copy of the remote control software is contained on a floppy disk
supplied with each detector. Install the sof tware in accordance with the on-screen i nstr uc tions. To open
the software , select St art > Programs > Hochiki > Remote 3.0
Access the drop-down list to the right hand side of the toolbar. This defaults to “Detect or 001”. Scr oll
down this list t o select the det ec tor number corresponding to the connected detector’s address number if
the address is other t hen the factory default setti ng of 1 (see section “Setting the Det ec tor Address” on
page 28).
The programmable functions are all accessed though the Options > Detectorsettings submenu or by
clicking on t he detector button on remote software toolbar as i ndicated below:
The following screen is displayed:
This window contains all the programmabl e functions for the FIRElink-100. To amend one of t he
programmable functions, go to the relevant tab, make the change and then click OK. This will save the
change to the detec tor’s internal firmware.
A list and explanation of the various functions is given below, with the functi ons grouped by the tab under
which they appear.
1.5 Time and Date Tab
It is important that the time and date be set up correctly on the controller’s internal cal endar /clock
because it uses this inf ormation to store events in the event log. See section 5 “Event Log” on page 32
for more details. Unless speci ally ordered, units are supplied with the correct setting for UK time. This is
backed up with a rechargeable battery. Later adjustm ents to the clock setti ng shoul d not exceed ± 70
minutes unless a FastLearn is initiated.
1.6 Alarm Levels and Delays Tab
1.6.1 Alarm Levels - (Level subgroup)
The value set in the Fir e, Pr e- Al arm and A ux functions in the Level subgroup is the rel atively scaled
bargraph level at which the appropriate alarm is initiated on the detector. The Fire 2 level assigns an
absolutely scaled alarm level in % obs/m.
The Aux level is set by factory default at level 10 which means that this alarm will occur after the Fi r e
alarm. The def ault level settings for Pre-Alarm and Fire 1 are 6 and 8 respectively. The def aul t sett ing for
Fire 2 is 20% obs/m.
1.6.2 Alarm Delays - (Delay subgroup)
The alarm delay i s the number of seconds that an alarm level has to be continuously sensed before the
alarm is initi ated. Each alarm level has a programmable delay of between 0 and 90 seconds. The default
delay for each al arm level is 5 seconds.
1.6.3 ClassiFire® Override
This functi on has no curr ent use on the FIRElink-100 but is reserved for future expansion purposes.
1.6.4 Alarm Factor
The detector sensitivity is set with this entr y , which will also affect the probability of nuisance alarms. 0 =
high sensitiv ity, higher probabili ty , 8 = low sensitivity, lower probability. The default alarm factor is 4.
Note: The highest sensitivity setting is suit able for clean, environm entally controlled envir onm ents, for
example semic onduc tor manufacturing clean r oom s where airborne pollut ants are kept to an
absolute minim um and the least contamination is cause for alarm.
Use of this setti ng in a busy mac hine shop would lead to relatively frequent nuisance alarm s due
to the normal vari ation of atmospheric contamination and a lower sensitivity setting is
recommended. I t is theref ore important that the alarm fact or chosen is suitable for the area to be protected. When the appropriate alarm factor for the protected ar ea has been set, nuisance
alarms will be reduc ed to an absolute minimum.
The following table gives suggested settings of ClassiFire alarm setting for different locations:
0 Extremely High Once per year Semiconductor manufacturing clean room
1 Once per 5 years Computer room
Probability of
Nuisance Alarm
Suggested Protected Area
2 Once per 10 years Non- smoking office
3 Once per 50 years Clean factory
4 Medium Once per 1000 years Warehouse
5 Medium Once per 5000 years Warehouse with diesel trucks operati ng
6 Medium Once per 10000 years Warehouse with diesel trucks operati ng
7 Low Once per 20000 years Warehouse with diesel trucks operati ng
8 Low Once per 100000 years Warehouse with diesel trucks operati ng
When this function is ticked, Laser Dust Discrimination (LDD™) increases the respon se time of the
detector slightly, whilst greatly r educi ng the likelihood of nuisance alarms due to dust ingress. LDD may
be disabled in v ery clean r oom s for a slightly faster response to sm ok e by setting this function to unti c ki ng
the box. This function is enabl ed by default.
NOTE: Disabli ng LDD is not r ec ommended f or ar eas other t han m anufacturing clean rooms, due to the
increased probability of nuisance al arms in most other operating envi r onm ents.
1.6.6 FastLearn Enable
If the detect or i s in FastLearn mode, unticking this box will stop the FastLearn process. Using the
function in this way is neither recommended nor supported by Hochiki Europe (UK) Limited).
Ticking the box will star t a FastLearn at any time. The green “OK ” LED on t he front of the det ec tor will
flash for the fift een mi nutes that it takes for the FastLear n pr ocess, and will then change to constant
illumination to indicate that the FastLearn is complete.
Note: It will tak e a further 24 hours after the FastLearn for full sensit ivity to be reached, unless
Demonstration Mode has been initiated (see secti on 1.6. 9 “ Dem o M ode” on page 11) . It is
essential for proper functioning that the detector not be left in Demonstrat ion mode, and that it be
allowed to complete the 24-hour learning period. To cancel demo mode, tick this box or power
down and restart the det ec tor to initiate FastLearn mode.
1.6.7 Auto FastLearn Enable
When enabled, this function ensures that if the detector is powered off for any reason (for maintenance or
to be moved to a new area for example), a FastLearn is commenced aut om atically on power-up.
There may be occasions when it is desir able to power down the detect or for short periods of time, and it
is highly likely that ambient contaminant levels will be the same on power-up. Under t hese circumstances
it may not be desirabl e that the det ec tor should to go through the whole lear ning process again. To this
end, this function can be unticked before power-down, where upon it will retur n to the original settings on
power-up. This function is enabled by default.
1.6.8 ClassiFire 3D
If this function is ticked, then the detect or will ignor e any pr e- set time delays in the event of an
unacceptably r apid increase in smoke densit y, thereby mi nimi sing response time to 'rapid growth' fires.
This functi on would normally only be used where there were long t ime delays programmed on t he alarm
levels. This function is disabled by default.
1.6.9 Demo Mode
Demonstration mode is an operating mode whereby the normal 24-hour learni ng period is bypassed, so
that the detect or can reach high sensitivity aft er only the 15 minute FastLearn period. This can be used so
that initial smoke testing and other commissioning can be carried out.
However, it must be understood that, since the alarm levels will be based solely upon the
sparse data gathered during the FastLearn period, there is a risk of nuisance alarms due
to normal variations in ambient smoke levels. For this reason, the detector should not be
left in Demo mode for normal use when connected to a fire panel.
These values are t he times to the nearest hour at which the day/ night switching is desired to take place
on the detector . Entries are made in 24-hour format, f or example 19 for 7pm. Day and night switching is
intended so that t he detec tor may automatically sel ect a diff er ent sensitivity when the protected area is
unoccupied and fewer cont am inants are being produc ed. ClassiFire automatically detects the change in
smoke level after the protected area is left, and if the time at which this happens is withi n + 70 mi nutes of
the programmed switchover time it selects the night-time histogram. This means that changes in time
setting, for example changing to summer tim e, may be ignored as the detector will take this into account.
The default times for day and night start are 08:00 and 19:00 respectively.
NOTE: That if the envir onm ent actually becomes more contami nated during the night period f or any
reason then ClassiF ire will adapt to that too, reducing the night-time sensitivity.
1.7.2 Disable Day / Night Switching
If day/night switching is not desirable, the Disable day/night switching box may be ticked to leave the
detector perm anently in day mode.
1.8 Alarm Actions Tab
1.8.1 Remote Functions (Remote Input subgroup)
These functi ons have no current use on the FIRElink-100 but are r eserved for future expansion purpose s.
1.8.2 Programmed Isolate
When this function is ticked the controller will not generate alarms and will not indicate a fault conditi on on
any fire panel whic h is connected, for use during detec tor m aintenance for example. The “Fault” light will
be illuminated on the detector front panel. The isolated condition will be disabled automatic ally aft er 7
days if not manually disabl ed. This function is disabl ed by default.
1.8.3 Latching Alarms
When this function box is tic k ed it requires a reset from the controlling computer to clear an al arm
condition. If untic k ed, the alarm signal is extinguished as soon as the alarm condition ends. This is the
factory default setting.
1.8.4 Latching Faults
When this function box is tic k ed it requires a reset from the controlling computer to clear a fault condition.
If untick ed, t he fault si gnal is extinguished as soon as the faul t condition ends. This is the factory default
1.8.5 Cascading Alarms
Ticking this function box means that only when the detector ’s cont r oller has gone into Pr e-Alarm does the
controller star t counting down the main Fire delay , in other words t he time delays on Pre-Alarm and Fire 1
are cumulative. The Aux alarm is not included in the cumulativ e delay since it may be set to a higher
level than eit her the Pr e- Al arm or Fir e 1 lev els. This function is enabled by def ault.